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A thank you...

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This is really a message to everyone on SH I suppose...
I've been the other half of a couple's profile on here for quite some time now and have come to like this place a lot and there always seems to be so many yummy people about, both in the forums and in the adverts.
However, unfortunately things have changed with my girlfriend of 4 years as she dumped me a few weeks ago for some other guy she met on Lycos (of all places) I am now back in the "single-male" category and therefore my chances of actually meeting or catching anyone's eye on the site have now descended to just about zero (due to the fact that I am not exactly a "looker") - so I am thinking about giving up altogether.
So that's why I would like to say a thank you to everyone (including the management!) - you all make it a really nice place to be.
Good luck for the future everyone.
Sorry to hear you have split, never is a nice thing sad
Just a thought...
Do you not think it might be a good idea to remove your ex's pictures and change your profile to single male now just so people browsing adverts don't get the wrong idea?
Good luck with the future, you will soon find someone else
Tony wink
Passionflower if you have enjoyed the site & chat so much then why give it up?
This site isnt just about sex its about meeting like minded people, socialising & having a dam good can still do all these things & who knowns if you get known & attend few socials your luck might be in & if not just enjoy the banter.
Looks arn't everything personality counts for something Mmmmmmmmm or have i been fooling myself & no one has been brave enough to tell me i look like the back end of a possom rolleyes
Sorry for your bad news but
Update your profile get it changed to single male and get posting/chatting
Good ponts there saffy,
There is lots of single guys on here that have plenty of funboth socially and physically, its just a matter fo getting yourself known , posting on the forums, going to munchies as saffy said and generally enjoying yourself biggrin
Your sure to meet some nice people :D
Thank you Everyone. You made me smile smile
Well this is just about the first time that I've really ventured back here, so I will do that asap. Although judging by the fact that there was only one mail in the inbox in 3 weeks, nobody would look at it anyway lol
I know that looks aren't everything - It's a shame but I don't have a personality to go with it either.
Quote by PassionflowerUK
Thank you Everyone. You made me smile smile
Well this is just about the first time that I've really ventured back here, so I will do that asap. Although judging by the fact that there was only one mail in the inbox in 3 weeks, nobody would look at it anyway lol
I know that looks aren't everything - It's a shame but I don't have a personality to go with it either.

well I have nearly slit my wrists by now knowing you are crap looking with no personality :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Okay okay I havent and neither have you :)
Thing is when we split up and trust me I know this one, we can all feel our self image is pretty poor and you sound like you are still hurting so stop worring if you are good looking or with personality Take time to heal and start loving your self again. This site saved me quite literally 2 years ago and there was no sex invloved just caring people who talked bollox and made me laugh. Give yourself time :) take care :)
Hiya hun wave
I have changed your profile so it shows you as a single male, I had a quick peek at your pics as well while I was there wink There's nowt wrong with you at all... You are a good looking bloke so we will have no more of that thank you!! smackbottom
Stick around and have a laugh, we have lots of people that are just here for the social aspect you know smile
kiss Passionflower. Keep on swinging hunni :swingingchair:
Dont throw the towel in just yet..
I have managed a met as a single guy so there is no reason you cant..
Keep chatting...:-)
Hi Flower
I rarely post on the forum, but your words touched me and I wanted to tell you that, on looking at your profile, I think you look very nice - certainly a lot better than a lot of the blokes on here who claim to be God's gift.... rolleyes Also, if you had a girlfriend for 4 years you must have done something right....
Stick around and enjoy the fun, even if it only serves to boost your confidence to find someone in the Real World. Single guys need to work very hard to meet girls/couples on SH, but flirting is free and all part of the fun - I don't think you will have too much of a problem finding a new girlie - if that's what you want.
Best of luck chicken. Chin up and all that. wink xx
Congratulations on your single status biggrin :D
Seriously its great or it was for me smile Look at the plus points, you can eat takeaways 7 days a week, come in steaming drunk and not have to worry about upsetting anyone by being so. The toilet seat is always up, you can have as many nights out with the lads as you want and not feel guilty. lol
As for this place I was single when I came here and had no problems so I can't see a reason why you should;..............take ya time to get used to the situation and all will be fine :D
Good luck and have fun :thumbup:
The important facts to remember are the good points not be mr "glass is half empty" here.
It's so easy to slip into a semi conscious coma and focus on the wrong things. Unfortunately your story is not unique and I know this first hand. If you do want to float down memory lane every now and again then fine, it's a big part of your life you can't and shouldn't forget but don't obsess about it. Just remember the good times and what you did as a couple - without the prejeduce of how or why you're not together now.
One things you do need is to remember it happened to you once, it will happen again, only a matter of time. And the biggest point is that you have friends. And where is a better place to be than SH for that.
Quote by blueeyes6969
The important facts to remember are the good points not be mr "glass is half empty" here.
It's so easy to slip into a semi conscious coma and focus on the wrong things. Unfortunately your story is not unique and I know this first hand. If you do want to float down memory lane every now and again then fine, it's a big part of your life you can't and shouldn't forget but don't obsess about it. Just remember the good times and what you did as a couple - without the prejeduce of how or why you're not together now.
One things you do need is to remember it happened to you once, it will happen again, only a matter of time. And the biggest point is that you have friends. And where is a better place to be than SH for that.

Don't give up on this site mate wink
There's still plenty of great cpls and females out here on this site :cheers:
passion don't give up just because your in a large group (single guys) so you think your chances are low of a meet,my advice is try get well known as a guy who turns up 4 meets , socials or munchies if you get known as a single guy who turns up your chances will be greatly improved (IMO).
well I think you look pretty sexy from your pictures! :twisted: :rascal:
Don't worry about breaking up with your other half and coming back here passionflower, it can happen to anyone. Just be yourself, dive in and have some fun with us here on Sh.
Gem, x
Awww! You folks are so sweet! biggrin I am sat here with a big smile on my face wondering how I should reply...!
Thank you allfor taking the time to write such lovely words of encouragement, support and even flattery - and now you've made me blush! redface
I'm sorry for sounding silly (I am dying for a hug). As you probably can tell I've not exactly got a high opinion of myself and I don't have much confidence when it comes to talking to and meeting others (especially the fairer sex). I am trying my best to improve things, but still need some help it seems confused
Thank you to all the kind souls here I will go to sleep (well try at least no thanks to the heat in my room tonight!) with happy thoughts :D