Christmas is an emotive time where the family idealogy is rammed down our throats at every opportunity from early November onwards, where we are bombarded with advertisements from the various media.
Although I put on a happy face for my cherubs at Christmas time, I personally find it a very difficult time of year. Having to spend time with relatives that you manage to avoid the rest of the year is something that I hate doing. For me, Christmas brings up memories of occasions that I would rather forget such as relationship break-ups, childhood trauma and financial problems.
Our culture today reinforces that in order to be happy, we must spend:-
1. lots of money on the perfect presents and
2. our valuable time off playing happy families with our relatives.
With these high standards our culture enforces in order for us to achieve the "perfect christmas" and therefore attaining the family idealogy, it is no wonder that many people wake up in January feeling despondent and low.
What does anyone else think?
On Christmas day I will speak to who I want to speak to, see who i want to see and not give a f"*k what anyone other than those peole think.
Here is the link Rainbows mentioned, Alex. Quite a few of us have had our say on the topic. What you said is very true.
Peter kay it is then MQ :P
I have upset what's left of my family this year and decided to have xmas my own way.
Last year I spent it mainly on my own and a lovely neighbour let me go to her house for xmas lunch as none of my family had included me in their plans. This year though they want me to drive round to their houses (with kids, presents and toys in tow) just to please them.
My kids usually go with their dad on xmas day (from 11am) so my time is limited with them, but this year I have them till tea time (yippee) but then they are away for 3 days.
Christmas should be a time for family but I find the family stress me more than anything and since they don't bother much the rest of the year I will be having lunch with my kids at home and relaxing - the way it is meant to be.
I've put my foot down and will stick to my guns and if they think I'm being selfish then so be it. I can't please everyone all of the time.
Christmas. Jesus's birthday. Yeah, that might be upsetting for some to hear, but that is what it's all about.
We have Yule, the Solstice... our true celebration and sometimes I wish people are celebrating that, but they are doing it in the name of Christmas.
The two are placed together because the 'new' religion thought it would make the transition, from old to new, easier for the common people that it affected.
My kids are off on Friday, as usual, to their dads place. Just happens to be Christmas eve this week. So he's got factory shut-down for a week or so, they'll be coming back to me in the new year. Do I mind? Nope. They'll have their gifties from me & R on the eve, then spend the season with him and his extended family. They love that... I used to hate it, when we were together. All board games and TV and whathaveyou. My idea of hell.
AND the best bit is I do not have to have two over excited kids at home on Christmas eve, not able to go to the pub because of them, and them not sleeping, getting up at the crack of dawn on Christmas day, etc etc.
Well, Christmas is easy enough with support around you. Perhaps (and I'm not being flippant, I speak from experience) you should try something altruistic.
A few years ago I was feeling down in the dumps, alone, family away, g/f free etc so I went to Manchester on the spur of the moment and wound up in the Big Issue office, going out to soup kitchens and distributing blankets.
Met some f*cked-up people and cried more than once, I can tell you. Wouldn't change the day for a thing though. Without taking away from your (or anyone elses') personal griefs, it really put it in perspective for me.
We live in a mercenary society so be the same. Take pleasure from the free films, buy gifts for those you want to, tell Coca Cola and McDonalds to f*ck off back to America, help someone else and avoid the commerce. Try the countryside and speak to strangers, or try a massive get-together with the lovely people on this site!
Hope it's good for you, drop me an e-mail anytime if you want to chat about being down.
I love Christmas.........done with the right spirit. I`ve had too much going on on the sidelines to have been able to put much effort in this year (not enough hours in the day) but I intend to make future Christmases count, in a way which is valuable to me and mine. Presents will be restricted to home made, or purchases from charity shops, and we will get together with our immediate family, and play games, make deccys and generally eat ourselves stupid, regardless of the marketing, or religious connotations!
I`d like my kids to grow up appreciative of what they have, and not whether they can go back to school in January to tell thier mates that they recieved an Xbox for Christmas!
Yes a lot of you have said wise words on this thread regarding Xmas.
To many its a time of none stop celebration and to others it brings back
painful memories over various sadness.
So when things start getting on top of me i think of those less fortunate
than my self and to be thankful for what i have.
To think of being alone at this time of year must be the sadest of all.
For me Christmas and new year are the last two remaining hurdles left for me to overcome in my recovery.I shall be working on both days and evenings,in the company of a gentleman who has no concept of either celebration,but he needs me there and I will be happy to be with thoughts and regrets will doubtless be there but thats ok,I will survive them as I have done for months the new year will bring new adventures.
Or ones who have had their homes destroyed in war, or poverty.
I have seen it and it is the most harrowing thing a human can see. Treat the human next to you as you would expect to be treated. Not a religous spout.............just humane.
Hi everyone (sorry i haven't been on for a few weeks)
Unfortunately this is going to be bad Christmas for myself and a lot of fathers and grandparents out there who don't get too see their kids through no fault of their own. i haven't seen my daighter for 3 months now and niether have my parents.
After getting my mother to call my ex to see if her and my dad could drop presents off she responded with a no (in text format). I'm sorry there is no excuse in my book for this sort of behaviour by a parent whether they be a mum or a dad. I have never seen my daughter open a present on Christmas day she's coming up 3 soon.
I myself will be in the pub this Christmas refusing to celebrate it, No i'm not a scrooge or a humbug i think i'll find it more upsetting seeing my daughters presents laid unopened. i have said i will hang around for my miece to come around and see her open hers.
I really feel for a lot of dads out there who are in my situation, we're not asking to have our kids all day although that would be nice.
Just to see my daughter would be the best Christmas present i could ever wish for and i will keep on wishing and praying, hoping she will still recognise me, to try and cope with this i have started writing a journal as i really don't know when i will see her again, so if i never get to see her grow up or open a present i can show her this when she is older and she can see i and my family have missed her and never stop loving or thinking about her.
Merry Christmas everyone Dj