as we should all care and share - how about getting someone else to hold your cheeks apart...
that's what friends are for..
I xx
got my sprouts on for Christmas 3 days ago.. going nicely now...
I xx
well known fact that if sprouts are to be done properly they should be boiled for ages and ages.
Always put mine on at the start of December to ensure they are well done..
Also ensures that it isn't always necessary to hold ones cheeks apart wnn releasing the entrapped air as a result of OD'ing on sprouts
I xx
tis obvious that the subject of sprout boiling is not taken seriously enough in your household......
this is probably why the country is in the state it is just now ...
not enough boiled sprouts and a distinct lack of lumpy custard !!
Glad you managedto get a laugh ..
Keep smiling
Bulger (aka the sprout tickler !!)
Save your fart in a wine bottle and plug the bottle with a candle.
Light the the candle to amuse your dinner guest when the candle burns to the end.
Make sure you take the house front door key with you, BEFORE you close the self locking door behind you!
tell the kids not to eat yellow snow :giggle:
Too much farting about going on here :shock: :shock: :shock: