Brothers, sisters and everyone else, this question has been bugging me for a wile now and I feel this is perhaps the only place where I might be able to get a reasoned, considered and considerate answer. It's a rather delicate matter, so I would appreciate your understanding in replying. Thank you.
My question is this: is it possible to saw your lover in half with a ribbed condom?
If you coat the condom with clear outdoor paint and let it try and then keep at it for
approxemately 100 hours it should work.
By "ribbed" if u mean "razorblade ribbed" then of course!
When you say in half , do you mean exactly by weight , or just roughly in the middle ?
Is this while using it for its proper purpose or just trying to saw while stretching it?
I just needed to know in case I ever get a bit carried away in the heat of the moment. In any case it's hypothetical as I'm not getting any at the moment. :cry:
EagerSlut - yes, muy cachondo thank you for asking. Ay! Me pones muuuuuy caliente