I have got up this morning, out to the boulangerie for the daily croissants, only to be confronted with black plastic rods and a wing mirror infront of my house in the middle of the road.............
All of sudden, after a brief period of bewilderment, a flash goes off in my head (rare occurence at that time in the morning) and I gasp for air as I spin my head further up the road, to where I had parked my car the night before
Not only where my fears and agnst confirmed but outdone, not 20m up the road, was my pride and joy, not 9 months old, less one wing mirror, and a whole left side!!!..........
my front wheel arch, which was a pristine curve of masculine beauty, now resembles paper machee, fabricated by over feed 4 year olds on a morning with too much sleep the night before!!.
My door, is well,,,,,,,kaput,,,,there is a scratch as big as my thigh running accross the rear end , that I know is going to hurt, and to top it all off, they even ripped off my pride and joys VTS badge :shock:
I am now sitting here, drinking my coffee after the police have been here, and insurance people and AA equivalent to check, take statements and take the car away......just been informed, my insurance will cover it if they can't find the bugger, but that my premiums will go throught the roof, ................big problem, as I have allready had to start from the beginning as here they didn't accpet my 8 years no claims in uk, so i had to start again.......so to these sharks, I'm now a driver of less than a year, with 1 claim!!.
not a fecking happy bunny :fuckinghell:
but, at least the car can be fixed, and I will get it back, and won't have to pay for the damage,,,,,,i suppose......
Sorry, just needed to rant :x .........................I'm now going to go and smoke a packet of tax free cigs, and drink lots, and cry........................but will be back once i have killed random teenagers with scratches on their cars :twisted: