Well it's been a week and Bubbly Lorraine hasn't killed me yet :lol
Anyway the serious point was could people please stop asking me or lorraine if we meet. etc. We still are in the chat rooms and will still be going to Shireens social.
But please can we have some time to ourselves, before we decide what role the swinging side of our lives will take.
yes, it has been a weeek and im still in love u guys can u give us some time ,we will soon let u all know we r ready to get back into swinging
I have put it in a ad jas and tim letting everone know but not every one reads them
These are grown-ups yeah??
Got to laugh sorry!!! Sweet to the point I feel sick lol...
Bless em xxxx
don't know about bubbly killing me, nearly did meself driving home from hers, I hate driving in fog.
Many thanks guys for replys, and advice.
As far as I can tell we've no intentions of giving up swinging, we just need time to ourselves first, It just gets annoying keeping saying the same thing over and over again and then u get the odd person in chat, that won't take no for an answer.
anyway gripe over thanks for all the good luck messages and only time will tell, new experience for me, not used to kids (little angels, not).
Thanks guys just sore that so took them off for time being
Thanks michele and george