Tuesday was quite an eventful day. The A1 northbound was blocked (3 lorries) as was the usual escape route of the A168 (only 2) and even the long way round,via the M62. North Yorkshire was heading impressively for 'The Largest Car Park in the Solar System' awards.
Switching in desparation from the Wogan comfort zone to a local radio station only confirmed the worst, and if that station happened to be 'Stray FM', then things were not going to plan in their studio either.
Early in his morning broadcast the presenter/DJ chap had apparently, and rightly, vented his spleen on the news that the local St. Michaels hospice shop in Harrogate had been robbed of their takings in broad daylight, by the lowest of life, on the previous Friday.
The subsequent deluge of emails, texts and phone calls quickly put paid to any plans he had for his early morning show.
Within the hour locals had coughed up couple of grand and, although I don't know any final figure, their generosity must have far outweighed the loss from the robbery.
However,the messages and the spirit in which the donations were given were even more impressive and very moving. I doubt that anyone listening managed to keep a dry eye.
The broacast more than restored my faith in human nature. I am most pleased to inform you that, contrary to popular belief, the good guys still far outnumber the bad, and that care and compassion is rife among us.
A better Christmas present than that, you will surely not receive.
Thanks for sharing that with us. Heartwarming indeed.
It takes only one to take but many to give. I guess that ratio in itself gives one some faith in society.
By the way....
- stick around! :thumbup:
Oooh, those little readers ! They get everywhere! Unless I am much mistaken, I believe that I owe a much belated 'thank you' for the encouragement given to me in the forum by your good self and others. Humble apologies and associated grovelling.
May I start the new year by offering immediate thanks for displaying your aviator's pair of exquisite Yorkshire Ear Warmers - absolutely essential if contemplating a journey in the biplane at this time of year !
But let us not dwell on the current climate, for Spring is just around the corner, then we can all get the freckles out of hibernation and start attracting the fillies for another season.
Take care, stay warm, and keep the Balmosa handy ( already dealt with in a previous topic ) though a bit of a Snowfire man, myself.
I don't understand a word... but I think I like it
Awfully sorry 22, but I didn't hear you enter the bathroom... and I thought the door was locked... Oh, it was... er, well done. Well, yes, on the basis of a pleasure shared and all that.. just help yourself dear !
Now, these are the traditional raspberry jam, next to them are blueberry, those over there with sugar dusting are, from the left, vanilla cream, toffee - which is my own personal favourite - and the darker ones on the far side are chocolate. The ones with absolutely nothing whatsoever in them are... erm... Aah, yes, the ring doughnuts... The dunker's choice, allegedly ! ...No, no 22 not in Smirnoff, my dear.. Oh well, suit yourself.
Now, what was that 'or else' you mentioned...... Oh !.....Oooh... Really ! Well I made the right choice there ! Mind that Smirnoff with your elbow, dear! !
Well, I think we might just be able to squeeze another reader into the bath, if you're passing... a pleasure trebled as they say ! You'll have to bring your own googles, mind.
Stop 22 !!..that's not a doughnut !!... Aah.. you were just sucking that vodka spillage out of the sponge, fair enough. Hmm, such a remarkable technique !
Now which were the toffee ones ?.....
... but *a Winter's Tale* was David Essex.... am
I right?
Your kindly and generous comments are most gratefully received chaps and chapesse, for I am neither phantom, nor even demi-reincarnate, but a mere mortal, of the janitorial persuasion. Unfortunately, in a modern world, obsessed with Excellence in Bureaucratic Proliferation, rather than simple cleanliness, it has become ever more difficult obtain gainful employ. Especaily when you are abducted by aliens as often as I am.
But less of these woes ! We can all have them, so let us resolve to boot them out of the decade completely and instead, enjoy our mutual companionship and confection!
Loiter at the Master Bathroom door not a second longer ! Accept the warmest of welcomes dear Essence, Nolad, North and Plaything. Such notoriously sticky and dribbly sustenance you bring ! - Rum Baba indeed, Chocolate eclairs, Vanilla Slice, please Plaything, feel no need to apologise for pink icing, we're all cosmopolitan here you know, and a full half dozen of the infamous Mango ! Nolad, you spoil us! Your spontaneous generosities are most impressive and, dear moderator, keep us smack on topic !
Judging by that unmistakable whiff, I take it you won the Victory-V contract, young Essence. Remarkable good fortune to start the year !
I sense that things may get a tad messy, so pull out the Bespoke India Rubber Sheet from under the sink there... Really.. well, I assumed most folk had one.. what about when.. er .. never mind.
Pray find yourselves a perch somewhere, we have rather more in here than the designer originally intended. Two of you can fit on the window sill above the sink there and Nolad had better join us in the Master Bath, for I have a reputation to foster.
You are most welcome to sit on top of the cistern, North, but it may be somewhat cramped. Those low level ones don't give quite the flush, you know. Give him a bunk up Plaything, that's a good chap!... Oh, I say North, reposing a la chaise longue, ideal for such confines.
Now listen here, young Essence, don't let those folk who have not the mind to interpret the triple entendre and other such creative baloney, put you orf the old self expression. The road to infamy is paved with insult !
Oh, you do 'Carry On' quotations too, Nolad. Much more wholesome than that Python stuff... I was once a week man, you know.. Haha! and you have Hattie's wink off to a 'T' there ! I'd pay good money to see you do that in full matronic regalia. You certainly have the measure of me ! Oh, and the Sid James chortle too... how, er, interesting.
No, 22, I don't believe " I thought an Itchifanni was an Italian motorcycle .... Until I discovered Smirnoff " is a Carry On quote and if you think I'm licking that mango juice off of there, you're stark raving correct ! Delicious !
Did you see that! The accuracy of that blueberry spurt was most uncanny, North. Straight to the S bend, hardly a splash, didn't even touch the porcelain ! From that height too! I know ladies, a most rare skill amongst us gentlefellows.
Look you two, stop swivelling round on those taps, you're wasting precious water ! I don't care which spot you've found, the damage to the prostate may be irrepairable ! The centrifugal force has that Vanilla Cream flying everywhere. Look at the mess on that ceiling! Oh dear Nolad, you're right.. it isn't. Most unsavoury.
Really, 22, take that loofah from your mouth, this is getting ridiculous !
Now who the heck can that be, knocking on the bathroom door at this ungodly hour...
Oh, no.. four, nay, five more.. and aaargh!!! Not the CyberSpaceHopper !!!!
Me too Mikey. Can't see any way out. You've got to get orf the cistern first.
God only knows how to dislodge Plaything from the tap... he's still obsessed with the icing thing and is unaware of his continued attachment. Keeps singing 'Silver Machine' - that's Hawkwind, not Essex. There may be a tenuous celluloid link.
It could be curtains for us... No, no not my curtains, use a towel.
ps. apologies for the edit, but Plaything got in before me. Again.
thebrummies spot the bathroom door...
Mrs B: "oohhh... new bathroom, shall we investigate?"
Mr B: "Do I really have a choice? You're going to look whatever I say!"
Mrs B doesn't answer... she is, as predicted, already opening the bathroom door and peering in...
Mrs B: "Its like the TARDIS in here! Only looks small from the outside, but its got half a dozen people in here, a HUGE bath, ooohhh looks like the bath has jacuzzi jets too... "
theres a pause whilst Mr B attempts to get around Mrs B and take a look for himself...
Mrs B: "Doughnuts! Chocolate eclairs... oooh... lots of cakes... someone spilt some vodka too... hey they're serving the drinks through sponges, hmmmm... "
Mrs B suddenly backs out...
Mr B: "Whats wrong??"
Mrs B: "I can't go in there... I'd never come out!!!"
it's the contents of the cupboard beneath the kitchen sink has me intrigued