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A woman scorned - help needed.

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Ok, forgive me this completely off swinging thread. I need your help.
I am doing a presentation (it's a long story!) and I am using the quote "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" at one point. (Before anyone points it out, I know it is a slight misquote of the original poem, but it serves a purpose!)
Can anyone think of any good examples of 'scorned women' in literature, film or tv that I could use visuals of to support the quote?
I am distinctly lacking in inspiration at the mo!
Ta muchly xxx
The Bobbit lady springs to mind :scared:
But I guess you're looking for characters?
Yeah... ideally. Just recogniseable at least. Not sure I could pick her out of a line up!
Edwards mother when he chose Mrs Simpson.......she made him give up the THATS fury!! :shock:
Hilary Clinton
Jennnifer Aniston
Vanessa Feltz....she went ahead and lost all that weight to get one over on her ex!
The Glenn Close Character on Fatal Attraction.....lock up your bunnies :shock:
and this link to a news report on the scorned wife of ex Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi
Ooooh fab ideas... will get looking for pictures! Any other inspiration, do let me know!!
Thanks xxxx
A link to an article from Time Magazine on the debut of the Film 'First Wives Club' with Goldie Hawn, Bette Midler and Diane Keaton ( I SO love that film biggrin)
which was all about 3 scorned wives getting even with their errant ex spouses
A really easily recognisable one- and very visual too....
The Voodoo priestess Tia Dalma- Calypso, from the Pirates otC movies.
Whoops, I said the P word again. Sorry. redface
Quote by noladreams30
"hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" ... (Before anyone points it out, I know it is a slight misquote of the original poem, but it serves a purpose

I've tried so hard to keep schtum but it's killing me! :giveup:
"Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd,
Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd."

Also from the same play, "Music has charms to soothe a savage breast."
Sometimes I even bore myself ;)
Monica Lewinsky dunno
Heather Mills McCartney lol :lol:
also found this little item maybe not as famous
Forum Virgin
The Bride (Uma Thurman) Kill Bill ?
Quote by theslide
The Bride (Uma Thurman) Kill Bill ?

Welcome too! wave
Miss Havisham in Great Expectations
Was it Medea - Jason the Argonaut's mrs - who killed their sons in revenge?
How about Ingrid Tarrant telling The Sun that her husband was a small-dicked, crap lover with a viagra dependency?
And who was it that cut off the arms of her husband's 35 Savile Row suits, left the contents of his fine wime cellar on neighbour's doorsteps and poured paint over his car etc etc. Lady Someone Something-Something. I'll look it up. There: Sarah Graham Moon.
Oh hang on! These aren't lit, tv or film are they? :doh:
What about Tanya in Eastenders burying her husband alive in a coffin? Now there's culture.
I do remember listening to chris moils on radio 1, one afternoon and a woman was selling her husbands 20 thousand pound Mercedes for £1 coz her husband was cheating on her.
witches of Eastwick 3 woman pissed off so they sent him back to hell.
I bet there is lots out there but cant think but will defo have a look love these type of threads lol .
Warming the Bed
Eleanore of Aquitaine, one of the most wealthy and powerful women in Europe during the 1100s. She was Duchess in her own right, married to the King of France, went on the second crusade (where she is said to have ridden out bare breasted), divorced the king, married Henry Count of ANjou who then became King Henry II of England, and with whom she had several children including the future richard the Lionheart and Bad King John. Lol

Henry had several significant mistresses, one of who was Rosamund. It is said that Eleanore had her murdered though no one knows whether this is true.
In 1578, Elizabeth I found out that her long-term favourite and friend, Robert DUdley (earl Of Leicester) had secretly married a famous court beauty, Elizabeth was so distraught she had he sent to the Tower.
Evana Trump made the famous quip about divorce settlements, "dont get even, get half"
In Oscar Wild's play, 'Salome', the title character lusts after john the baptist but can only have him when he is dead, so she arranges this
To balance the argument, in 1049, before William the conqueror came to england (but was still the duke of normandy) Matilda of flanders rejected his proposal of marriage as he was illigetimate. Filled with rage, he road to her home and beat her savegly. Oddly, this seemed to work for her because she agreed to marry him immediatly after that !
Hope this is some help, trix xx
Cheers all! Some excellent suggestions. Loads I would never even have thought of.
Thank you
Nola x