Aww Kaz im very sorry to hear about what happened to you
xxxxxx better
I do hope all you feel afterwards is anger towards the idiot and it does not upset you in the future
Unfortunatly not all people are nice and accept a polite no thanks
It was good to hear you was rescued from the situation and great to see you are coping well with it
naming and shaming mmm tricky 1 that
i think i would sooner know who it was because all he will do is go to another site and start again and most will not know about his past
As some of you are probably aware I was 'sexually abused' last night. (I have posted separately from the thanks thread as not to put a dampener on it)
Kaz, It might be rare but it should never happen under any circumstances..... it's totally unacceptable and whilst your restraint is commendable I only hope he has been dealt with appropriately. I feel other women have the right to know so they can be wary and keep away - I would name and shame.
You appear strong and be coping with it well on one level but it reminds us all of a sense of vulnerability and the need to look out for each other. Take care and accept comfort from freinds - it's still a shock, Ben
wow thats really scary Kaz, you are so lucky that you had people around you that you could trust and were looking out for you, its so important, and I hope this guy gets what he deserves!
I don't know you at all Kaz but I do want to add to all the above that I do feel for you and I am just really angry that this thing has like that deserve some serious punishment.
Our sincere sympathies to Kazswallows!
I'm totally with Amalthea on this one - Although naming/shaming might be ineffective in some senses ( i.e. the guy can change his ID, register with other sites and unless, he's actually spotted by someone who knows him, try it on again), it would certainly allow anyone here who's in the process of arranging to meet him on, say, a 1-2-1 basis to review that decision. If he was 'bold' enough to try it on in a group situation what might he do in anotherset of circumstances??
I'm sure there are understandable reasons for the no public naming/shaming policy but wouldn't it be possible for individuals to find out who is discreetly? After all, some people here already know who he is and haven't published his name - no doubt they'll be privately passing on that name though to their SH buddies but that still leaves everyone else in the dark. I'd hate to think he tries this or (God forbid) worse on with another victim when that could have been avoided if that person had been warned.
In time, regulars here who don't know who he is may notice that someone isn't here any more and come to a certain conclusion. That may or may not be accurate of course and could lead to an innocent person being assumed to be guilty or vice versa.
As relative newcommers here, though, this is something that certainly worries us and will affect our future behaviour but in the absence of the detail how can we protect ourselves?
Kaz, you may have seen this I posted last week but your situation just brought this back to mind:
I agree with NN but I also can see the site owners predicament (ooer vicar).
in my opiinion, which usually counts for bugger all in our house, they should do some evidence gathering from the other attendees and, once happy they can make a reasonable decision, do so.
I don't think they can let this end at this point as, although Kaz might be satisfied with the outcome so far, other girlies need more protection from this twit (misprint)
so sorry to hear of this kaz, must have spoiled a great night for you
i cant belive that someone would do this
why should you be asking yourself questions if you encouraged him or not, you told him no twice and that is once too many. i didnt see what happened , or maybe it was late on after i left, but if i would have id probably have knocked the guy all round the cricket pitch
seems your dealing with it well and you have some wonderfull freinds on here. i didnt talk to you on saturday but like the others i hope your ok
take care
and for what its worth and i know its not a debate but the low life should be named in my oppinion
Huggs and kisses to you Kaz and a pm in the post.
sierra x x