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accepting ugly people

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Quote by varca

bout bloody time you got yer fine arse back on here kiss
You missed me 0069?? biggrin I have been well errm busy, long story... tell you next time you fancy staying up all night :grin:
Good to see you too ya sexy thing :kiss:
MSN still works you know rolleyes
(and i live near the M6 too :rascalsmile
Mine bloody doesn't!!! sad I let Lep near my puter and it has never been the same since :lol2: I need a man who can shag me to death and fix my puter to come by sometime soon... know anyone? ;)
i do 69position
Quote by brucie
point of order.
teh original post was directed at extreme forms of unaesthetics.

There was a point to your order?! dunno
Quote by brucie
point of order.
teh original post was directed at extreme forms of unaesthetics.

Why should it be a point of order.....
"Ugly people" can relate to personalities as much as it can looks....
if fact I would even dare to suggest that for some people that personality is a much a factor in who they play with as looks is..... ooooh... I think you may be learning something.......
looks.... them tend to fade, personality... stays with you
Quote by brucie
point of original post was directed at extreme forms of unaesthetics.

I think these belong to you?
there are no UN-aesthetics, only aesthetics.
there are personal values attached.
what is acceptable or not, on a personal level, says a lot more about the person judging, than the person judged.
When I first read the OP I thought it was irony. Then I realised it probably wasnt.
I think the best solution is for someone to open a swinging club that only accepts those who believe themselves to be beautiful and are unwilling to suffer the sight of anyone less beautiful. The rest of us can avoid it and leave the beautiful/fussy to their own devices.
beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we all have our own opinions on what beauty is! i regard a personality as part of beauty although ive met some cracking personalities who i couldnt possibly shag because theyre just not doing it for me sexually. ive also come across some gorgeous people who i wouldnt touch with a bargepole because thyve come across as shallow ugly inside people.
What ever happened to 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'.............sorry brucie but personally i think your way-off. I expect peeps to take me for who i am not what you want me too be or think i should be............swinging is for everybody............end of !
Quote by Ben_welshminx
When I first read the OP I thought it was irony. Then I realised it probably wasnt.
I think the best solution is for someone to open a swinging club that only accepts those who believe themselves to be beautiful and are unwilling to suffer the sight of anyone less beautiful. The rest of us can avoid it and leave the beautiful/fussy to their own devices.

Thats been done - they were called Frenzy parties - just for the young and beautiful. Guess what.... they're becoming very rare. Probably because they all find out in the end that they're hanging about with a group of arrogant shits and use looks instead of skill to indulge their swinging endevours.
I know I maybe fat and I maybe ugly but I also know that I am good, very good biggrin
Quote by Lost
When I first read the OP I thought it was irony. Then I realised it probably wasnt.
I think the best solution is for someone to open a swinging club that only accepts those who believe themselves to be beautiful and are unwilling to suffer the sight of anyone less beautiful. The rest of us can avoid it and leave the beautiful/fussy to their own devices.

Thats been done - they were called Frenzy parties - just for the young and beautiful. Guess what.... they're becoming very rare. Probably because they all find out in the end that they're hanging about with a group of arrogant shits and use looks instead of skill to indulge their swinging endevours.
I know I maybe fat and I maybe ugly but I also know that I am good, very good biggrin
In edit - no, I will not feed this troll.
What I do find interesting is that each and every time anyone remotely attractive, with a decent body and sound mind on here has the balls to try and broach this kinda subject they either get called arrogant, taken the piss out of or accused of using fake pictures confused
It's almost like there's some dreadful, unwritten, peverse, stupid rule that Swingers have to be some kind of social or physical misfit in order to 'fit in' and anybody good looking and physically fit gets pissed all over!
Brucie, I think you're a really handsome man, do you fancy a shag with me and PoshKate? (she suggested it on another thread). She's bringing her fit, smart fella and he's bringing his solicitor (he's fat). Oh... and we're paying her just for good measure. I'm bringing an ugly mate, if you could bring an old mate and then we could all go Dogging and then come back here and moan about single guys.. I think that will cover all the bases here :rascal:
Quote by BIoke
What I do find interesting is that each and every time anyone remotely attractive, with a decent body and sound mind on here has the balls to try and broach this kinda subject they either get called arrogant, taken the piss out of or accused of using fake pictures confused
It's almost like there's some dreadful, unwritten, peverse, stupid rule that Swingers have to be some kind of social or physical misfit in order to 'fit in' and anybody good looking and physically fit gets pissed all over!
Brucie, I think you're a really handsome man, do you fancy a shag with me and PoshKate? (she suggested it on another thread). She's bringing her fit, smart fella and he's bringing his solicitor (he's fat). Oh... and we're paying her just for good measure. I'm bringing an ugly mate, if you could bring an old mate and then we could all go Dogging and then come back here and moan about single guys.. I think that will cover all the bases here :rascal:

can I come too ? I am bi (sort of) and a lesbian (properly). I will bring worlass.... and she is slim and beautiful and I am kinda interesting looking. (I have a big bum)
I can be ugly too.. especially when I am tired.
I ride a motorbike and she is beautiful and slim and very photogenic.
Quote by splendid_
What I do find interesting is that each and every time anyone remotely attractive, with a decent body and sound mind on here has the balls to try and broach this kinda subject they either get called arrogant, taken the piss out of or accused of using fake pictures confused
It's almost like there's some dreadful, unwritten, peverse, stupid rule that Swingers have to be some kind of social or physical misfit in order to 'fit in' and anybody good looking and physically fit gets pissed all over!
Brucie, I think you're a really handsome man, do you fancy a shag with me and PoshKate? (she suggested it on another thread). She's bringing her fit, smart fella and he's bringing his solicitor (he's fat). Oh... and we're paying her just for good measure. I'm bringing an ugly mate, if you could bring an old mate and then we could all go Dogging and then come back here and moan about single guys.. I think that will cover all the bases here :rascal:

can I come too ? I am bi (sort of) and a lesbian (properly). I will bring worlass.... and she is slim and beautiful and I am kinda interesting looking. (I have a big bum)
I can be ugly too.. especially when I am tired.
I ride a motorbike and she is beautiful and slim and very photogenic.
Oi... I resemble that remark!
S'okay splendid, I'm (amply!) covering the ugly base!
Quote by splendid_
can I come too ? I am bi (sort of) and a lesbian (properly). I will bring worlass.... and she is slim and beautiful and I am kinda interesting looking. (I have a big bum)
I can be ugly too.. especially when I am tired.
I ride a motorbike and she is beautiful and slim and very photogenic.

Yes - I'm 'bi sort of' too so that's fine as I like surprises and your lass sounds lovely - is she black though, that would be better? (I know splendid and I'm not racist) before anyone throws the race card at me here.. rolleyes
Quote by noladreams
Oi... I resemble that remark!
S'okay splendid, I'm (amply!) covering the ugly base!

Rubbish! Do you think I'd ever bed handsome bi hunks with you if you were anything but beautiful! :shock: lol
Quote by BIoke
What I do find interesting is that each and every time anyone remotely attractive, with a decent body and sound mind on here has the balls to try and broach this kinda subject they either get called arrogant, taken the piss out of or accused of using fake pictures confused
It's almost like there's some dreadful, unwritten, peverse, stupid rule that Swingers have to be some kind of social or physical misfit in order to 'fit in' and anybody good looking and physically fit gets pissed all over!

I disagree Bloke. Only when a poster has the rudeness to say things such as your ugly or your fat in a rude and arrogant way, do they get a balling out.
No one says anything about people wanting what they want and having their choice its just when they're loudly abusing those that aren't.
What if a post topic were to say somethging like
Accepting poofs or accepting blacks that would soon piss you iff wouldn't it? And you'd be right to be pissed off too. Or what about diabled swingers eh? NA topic called accepting cripples maybe?
What you can do though is have a private point of view or a point of view thats discussed in a more sensitive way.
Quote by brucie
how many here hand on their heart would choose an obese person (not cuvy, obese) over a "normal" weight person?
whenever i see very obese women in a club/spa surrounded by men, i look at the men and think "so hats what you feel you can achieve".

I can I "chose" BB because I love her not for her size or her looks I love the PERSON that she is her appearance is irrelevant and I hope my appearance means nothing to really are Cleethorpes aren't is that Morecambe bay.
Quote by Lost
What you can do though is have a private point of view or a point of view thats discussed in a more sensitive way.

Fair point, well made :thumbup:
I'm not that sensitive and/or always the most subtle of people I guess to don't see these things in the same way as some others confused
I't funny, the black or disabled thing would piss me off more than the 'puffs' thing. I got called homphobic the other day :?
Quote by BIoke
What I do find interesting is that each and every time anyone remotely attractive, with a decent body and sound mind on here has the balls to try and broach this kinda subject they either get called arrogant, taken the piss out of or accused of using fake pictures confused
It's almost like there's some dreadful, unwritten, peverse, stupid rule that Swingers have to be some kind of social or physical misfit in order to 'fit in' and anybody good looking and physically fit gets pissed all over!
Brucie, I think you're a really handsome man, do you fancy a shag with me and PoshKate? (she suggested it on another thread). She's bringing her fit, smart fella and he's bringing his solicitor (he's fat). Oh... and we're paying her just for good measure. I'm bringing an ugly mate, if you could bring an old mate and then we could all go Dogging and then come back here and moan about single guys.. I think that will cover all the bases here :rascal:

I know a solicitor who's quite parcial to cross dressing, I'll bring him too. :thumbup:
All we need to work out now is who's paying for the hotel :lol2:
The single bloke of course - he should be grateful he's having sex with us beautiful people.. with anyone in fact! :rascal:
Quote by brucie
i think all people would agree that obese is not a good look.
how many here hand on their heart would choose an obese person (not cuvy, obese) over a "normal" weight person?
whenever i see very obese women in a club/spa surrounded by men, i look at the men and think "so hats what you feel you can achieve".

Joking aside, I think of all of brucie's comments thus far, this is the one which made me kinda sigh and feel a bit sorry for him.
I'm obese. My friends (and sales people in shops! lol) would perhaps call me 'curvy' if they were being nice and hey, I know I ain't got a face like a slapped arse, so this isn't some sort of sympathy post. wink
What I think is a bit off, is that brucie would think that any guy who would choose to fuck me at a club as opposed to some lithe lovely is settling or only going for me because he thinks I'm all he can 'achieve' :shock:
Tell you what, I'm probably one of the pickiest bitches out there when it comes to who I play with :twisted: So if anyone does any settling, it ain't the guys I play with...
*does some feisty clicky 'girlfriend, you are fierce' handgesture... and gets off her reinforced high-horse*
Quote by BIoke
What I do find interesting is that each and every time anyone remotely attractive, with a decent body and sound mind on here has the balls to try and broach this kinda subject they either get called arrogant, taken the piss out of or accused of using fake pictures confused
It's almost like there's some dreadful, unwritten, peverse, stupid rule that Swingers have to be some kind of social or physical misfit in order to 'fit in' and anybody good looking and physically fit gets pissed all over!

I'd just like to add at this point that I have no issues with someone having the balls to post what they think, bring it on. Whether they are attractive or not really has no relevance to me at all, whether they have manners and the foresight to be even remotely smart in their ability to create discussion and put their point over matters a great deal!
I like all sorts of people, some are incredibly handsome, some are beautiful, some are quirky, some are ordinary, some aren't. But above all, they have manners. When they don't, they become someone I don't have a lot of time for. Each to their own though, it's all about personal preference and everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, that opinion will carry a whole load more weight with me if they have the wisdom to put it across in such a way that doesn't offend everyone who happens to fall into the bracket they wish to discuss.
That's smart! wink
Quote by Dirtygirly
What I do find interesting is that each and every time anyone remotely attractive, with a decent body and sound mind on here has the balls to try and broach this kinda subject they either get called arrogant, taken the piss out of or accused of using fake pictures confused
It's almost like there's some dreadful, unwritten, peverse, stupid rule that Swingers have to be some kind of social or physical misfit in order to 'fit in' and anybody good looking and physically fit gets pissed all over!

I'd just like to add at this point that I have no issues with someone having the balls to post what they think, bring it on. Whether they are attractive or not really has no relevance to me at all, whether they have manners and the foresight to be even remotely smart in their ability to create discussion and put their point over matters a great deal!
I like all sorts of people, some are incredibly handsome, some are beautiful, some are quirky, some are ordinary, some aren't. But above all, they have manners. When they don't, they become someone I don't have a lot of time for. Each to their own though, it's all about personal preference and everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, that opinion will carry a whole load more weight with me if they have the wisdom to put it across in such a way that doesn't offend everyone who happens to fall into the bracket they wish to discuss.
That's smart! wink
I think I love you. worship Do you shag fat ugly birds? cool
Quote by Sassy-Seren
What I do find interesting is that each and every time anyone remotely attractive, with a decent body and sound mind on here has the balls to try and broach this kinda subject they either get called arrogant, taken the piss out of or accused of using fake pictures confused
It's almost like there's some dreadful, unwritten, peverse, stupid rule that Swingers have to be some kind of social or physical misfit in order to 'fit in' and anybody good looking and physically fit gets pissed all over!

I'd just like to add at this point that I have no issues with someone having the balls to post what they think, bring it on. Whether they are attractive or not really has no relevance to me at all, whether they have manners and the foresight to be even remotely smart in their ability to create discussion and put their point over matters a great deal!
I like all sorts of people, some are incredibly handsome, some are beautiful, some are quirky, some are ordinary, some aren't. But above all, they have manners. When they don't, they become someone I don't have a lot of time for. Each to their own though, it's all about personal preference and everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, that opinion will carry a whole load more weight with me if they have the wisdom to put it across in such a way that doesn't offend everyone who happens to fall into the bracket they wish to discuss.
That's smart! wink
I think I love you. worship Do you shag fat ugly birds? cool
Yeah... but only when no-one I know is looking... wouldn't want the stigma attached to that sort of thing you know... I have a reputation to uphold... I mean it's not like I'm fat or anything! :rascal:
*eats chocolate buttons*
Quote by Dirtygirly
What I do find interesting is that each and every time anyone remotely attractive, with a decent body and sound mind on here has the balls to try and broach this kinda subject they either get called arrogant, taken the piss out of or accused of using fake pictures confused
It's almost like there's some dreadful, unwritten, peverse, stupid rule that Swingers have to be some kind of social or physical misfit in order to 'fit in' and anybody good looking and physically fit gets pissed all over!

I'd just like to add at this point that I have no issues with someone having the balls to post what they think, bring it on. Whether they are attractive or not really has no relevance to me at all, whether they have manners and the foresight to be even remotely smart in their ability to create discussion and put their point over matters a great deal!
I like all sorts of people, some are incredibly handsome, some are beautiful, some are quirky, some are ordinary, some aren't. But above all, they have manners. When they don't, they become someone I don't have a lot of time for. Each to their own though, it's all about personal preference and everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, that opinion will carry a whole load more weight with me if they have the wisdom to put it across in such a way that doesn't offend everyone who happens to fall into the bracket they wish to discuss.
That's smart! wink
I think I love you. worship Do you shag fat ugly birds? cool
Yeah... but only when no-one I know is looking... wouldn't want the stigma attached to that sort of thing you know... I have a reputation to uphold... I mean it's not like I'm fat or anything! :rascal:
*eats chocolate buttons*
Excellent! I'll bring a spare bag in case the first one breaks :wink:
Quote by BIoke
I got called homphobic the other day confused

Thats some of my bottle of beer all over the monitor now
Quote by Sassy-Seren

*eats chocolate buttons*

Excellent! I'll bring a spare bag in case the first one breaks wink
Is that the paper bag brucie might like one to wear in public or more chocolate buttons?
*borrows nola's reinforced high horse and rides obesely away from the thread*
Quote by TheLovelyOne

*eats chocolate buttons*

Excellent! I'll bring a spare bag in case the first one breaks wink
Is that the paper bag brucie might like one to wear in public or more chocolate buttons?
*borrows nola's reinforced high horse and rides obesely away from the thread*
Oi!!! Did you steal my chocolate buttons?!! :shock:
*tips up empty bag*
*burps* redface
Quote by TheLovelyOne
*borrows nola's reinforced high horse and rides obesely away from the thread*

Hey.......can I have a go on that horse (not like that you bunch of dirty minded sods :lol2: ) I have been told by my doctor I am clinically obese :-]
Quote by brucie
I got called homphobic the other day confused

Thats some of my bottle of beer all over the monitor now
is beer allowed on the atkins???
Wouldn't have a clue dunno