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accepting ugly people

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What's to discuss? dunno
For starters, define 'ugly'. One person's ugly is another person's beautiful and with the majority of swingers I've met, size only seems to be an issue with the individual who sees themselves as too fat, too skinny, boobs too small, ass too big, cock not the right size etc
What would be your suggestion for these clubs then? Have one of those measuring devices you see at the fairground? If you're wider than this <---> you can't ride?
<quote>and i dont accept the different strokes for different folks garbage. given the choice between a fittie and bbw every bloke will go for the hottie.<unquote>
Isn't that in itself accepting the 'different strokes' ideal? YOU may go for the hottie ( again - your opinion of that could widely differ from a lot of people ) but I think if you asked around, most on here would be drawn to the more womanly shaped woman and not the stick insect.
I personally don't like egotistic people that are self cantered and opinionated as what I have found is it doesn’t matter how perfect you are, they would always find fault some where. Also people that have expectations on others, as I don’t think we can ever live up to others expectations. Apart from that I get on with most people especially ones that like a good laugh and joke as they are the ones that are enjoyable to be around.
I don't mind ugly people. They are useful to have around. They are just SOOOO grateful for a shag. It means I get a look in.
(disclaimer - I have loads of friends who are ugly- are you reading this witchy?)
I actually overheard an attractive, but very arrogant, man say those immortal words "Fat women try harder". It didn't endear him to me at all and, although I occasionally worry about it being applied to me, it makes me try harder too. Perhaps I should be grateful to him after all rolleyes
Quote by flower411
I personally don't like egotistic people that are self cantered and opinionated as what I have found is it doesn’t matter how perfect you are, they would always find fault some where. Also people that have expectations on others, as I don’t think we can ever live up to others expectations. Apart from that I get on with most people especially ones that like a good laugh and joke as they are the ones that are enjoyable to be around.

Awwwwww minx !! :cry:
I thought ya liked me !!!
O I do like delusional people they make me laugh! :P
Quote by fluff_n_stuff
I actually overheard an attractive, but very arrogant, man say those immortal words "Fat women try harder". It didn't endear him to me at all and, although I occasionally worry about it being applied to me, it makes me try harder too. Perhaps I should be grateful to him after all rolleyes

yes, you should. Now go and thank him for enlightening you and ask to suck his cock.
Unfortunately there are so many on here that are so shallow they would be out of their depth in a puddle. I'm talking about the type of "swinger" who would come on here and complain about the aparent "ugliness" of other swingers. If you don't find another person attractive to look at they should cover themselves up, right? Yeah ok just to please you, lmffao!
Speaking as a fat ugly old man, (who would certainly never get a look in with the "hotties" while you are about), I'm just relieved you don't like the BBW's because that lets me in with a chance with them. Btw I'm honest about my apearance, hence the public photos on my profile.
To me beauty is about much more than looks and physical features, and judging by your attitude you are even more ugly than me!
So good luck to you!
Brighton Geezer.
i agree with splendid, you always find an attractive girl out and about with a not so attractive one.
i let my mates fight over the attractive one and i end up with a shag from the not so attractive one-thank you God!, job done! :lol
Quote by steve-j
i agree with splendid, you always find an attractive girl out and about with a not so attractive one.
i let my mates fight over the attractive one and i end up with a shag from the not so attractive one-thank you God!, job done! :lol

did I say that ? :shock:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or so peeps say.
We prefer to meet n chat - see if we click as it doesn't matter how good looking someone is if they have the personality of a plank - big turn off.
Stimulate our minds first, then out bodies lol
I think the only ugly thing is the attitiude that everyone should be pleasing to YOUR eye.
As a bbw i`ve never had to try hard believe me, and i never would, sexiness comes from within not just the bits you see.
Conceitedness and shallow opinions arent very endearing qualities. Not all "fit looking" people are beautiful, i think you have just demonstrated that point perfectly.
Quote by Sandybeach1
I think the only ugly thing is the attitiude that everyone should be pleasing to YOUR eye.
As a bbw i`ve never had to try hard believe me, and i never would, sexiness comes from within not just the bits you see.
Conceitedness and shallow opinions arent very endearing qualities. Not all "fit looking" people are beautiful, i think you have just demonstrated that point perfectly.

hear hear biggrin
Quote by Sandybeach1
I think the only ugly thing is the attitiude that everyone should be pleasing to YOUR eye.
As a bbw i`ve never had to try hard believe me, and i never would, sexiness comes from within not just the bits you see.
Conceitedness and shallow opinions arent very endearing qualities. Not all "fit looking" people are beautiful, i think you have just demonstrated that point perfectly.

Quote by Steve

Yep :thumbup:
Quote by Sandybeach1
I think the only ugly thing is the attitiude that everyone should be pleasing to YOUR eye.
As a bbw i`ve never had to try hard believe me, and i never would, sexiness comes from within not just the bits you see.
Conceitedness and shallow opinions arent very endearing qualities. Not all "fit looking" people are beautiful, i think you have just demonstrated that point perfectly.

Brucie. Please pm me your face pic, so I can judge if you are in a strong enough position to start this debate.
Quote by Steve
I used have a troll.
Depends on how one defines ugly. I think its more about what attracts you to a person. What others may see as ugly or beautiful - may not be to you.
Quote by Cherrytree
Brucie. Please pm me your face pic, so I can judge if you are in a strong enough position to start this debate.

Cherry... can you PM me a full frontal nude shot of yourself... just so I can judge whether you can judge Brucie ? ? ? ?
hey guys- I know it is a cheap shot, but you will be laughing on the otherside of your face if I get the nude shot.
Quote by splendid_
Cherry... can you PM me a full frontal nude shot of yourself... just so I can judge whether you can judge Brucie ? ? ? ?

Splendid, don't be so rude :shock:
I'm in the queue for the nekid Cherry pics first, you can have em once i've errrrm 'finished' :wanker: with em wink
Quote by flower411
If I promise to remain neutral ....can I have the nude pics and brucies face pic and I`ll decide lol

Only if you change your name to Switzerland :haha:
i agree 100% brucie and all i can add is
keep wearing the paper bag lol :lol: :lol:
I'm sorry brucie (not very actually) but I'm not surprised that you've used prostitutes before. I would be surprised if I heard you'd lost your virguinity any other way. And just because you've pissed me off. I reckon your full of shit
So you don't like ugly people, Brucie..........or aggressive profiles. That's me fucked then............or should I say NOT fucked! rolleyes
Cor, I'll really lose sleep over that!
Quote by Lissa
So you don't like ugly people, Brucie..........or aggressive profiles. That's me fucked then............or should I say NOT fucked! rolleyes
Cor, I'll really lose sleep over that!

You can now officially be told 'On yer bike' :haha:
I'll get my coat redface bolt
Quote by meat2pleaseu
So you don't like ugly people, Brucie..........or aggressive profiles. That's me fucked then............or should I say NOT fucked! rolleyes
Cor, I'll really lose sleep over that!

You can now officially be told 'On yer bike' :haha:

I'm sure it would be a better ride!
I prefer to think of myself as unconvetional in the looks department and non-conformist on the body shape front....but I'll settle for fat and ugly if the alternative is to be a twat
Hey brucie, i see u dont have a signature on ur posts,.....heres one for you:
"Heh, God, you were having a hell of a good day when you made me..."
Very surprised the OP as not replied back on this thread... his own topic which i thought he wanted a debate about?? dunno
I am a BBW, i LOVE been a BBW and i wouldn't change it for no one, like people have already said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the OP well iv never seen you, but i don't have to you are a very ugly person inside, and that my friend is the biggest turn off EVER! :kissmyarse:
If you don't like what you see...trot on that way >>>>>>>>>
Brucie fancy a fuck :bounce: u can even pay me if you want in mars bars and we can eat them whilst we do a 69 and watch what most people on here watch, jerry springer rotflmao
Quote by Kevnkat
Very surprised the OP as not replied back on this thread... his own topic which i thought he wanted a debate about?? dunno

Somehow I feel debate was furthest from his mind ....