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Warming the Bed
Its quite funny how often when you meet a person for the first time there are things /signals that you look for to decide whether you are likely to get on with them or not! ie judging a book by its cover!! I have a thing about watches, different people wear differnt makes of watch or if they have a collection the one they pick to wear often reflects their mood or even if they don't wear a watch it says a lot Just interested in what things SH members look for as visual clues which are not the obvious ones... I must say there are certain watch brands which are associated with certain types of individuals but whilst it would put me on notice it wouldn't mean that it would be the decisive thing that makes me like then or not as the case may be...
Warming the Bed
It's corny but.. don't get a second chance at a first impression. If i'm not happy in the first few minutes then it ain't goin' to happen
Would love to know what it means not to wear one, as I haven't worn a watch in over 6 years.
Sex God
ive got a tommy hilfiger watch
so what does that say then ?
Sex God
Quote by steve_j
Would love to know what it means not to wear one, as I haven't worn a watch in over 6 years.

your sometimes late dunno
Sex God
lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
I too have an obsession with watches and have a large collection redface
My personal favourite being my Pooh bear Timex. sadly only the hour hand is still working as the Honey pot fell off some decades ago :cry:
I find that whenever i meet someone I judge them on watch, shoes, belt and if female handbag as well.
One of my pet hates is people wearing brown belts with black shoes and vice versa.
Sex God
Quote by warwick
lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
I too have an obsession with watches and have a large collection redface
My personal favourite being my Pooh bear Timex. sadly only the hour hand is still working as the Honey pot fell off some decades ago :cry:

lets get this've still got that big old hand that bashes away every day for you, but no honey pot.....are we still talking watches here?
Sex God
lol I was but now you mention it :shock:
You still got your power rangers watch dave confused:
Sex God
Quote by warwick
lol I was but now you mention it :shock:
You still got your power rangers watch dave confused:

Unfortunately not warwick, it was stolen by a modern day motorcyclist who wanted to complete his outfit.
....davej who understands the importance of leathers but aint worked out why grown men wanna dress like a power ranger.....
Sex God
Quote by davej
....davej who understands the importance of leathers but aint worked out why grown men wanna dress like a power ranger.....

Says the man who's just bought a wetsuit and resembles Stretch Armstrong!! :shock: :hunk:
Sex God
....davej who understands the importance of leathers but aint worked out why grown men wanna dress like a power ranger.....

Says the man who's just bought a wetsuit and resembles Stretch Armstrong!! :shock: :hunk:
in my defence missy it was purchased on a whim and a vision of running down a wet sanded beach with my body board tucked under my arm, with my zippy up tassle flowing behind me, all in a slow motion type of image.....the likelyhood is that it will only ever get worn to clean out the fishpond in the privacy of my back garden or to satisfy the odd fantasy of mrs davej, should she ever want shagging by a Jacques Cousteau lookalike. I have no intention of sticking it on, throwing me leg over a motor bike and roaring up the road, whilst seated in a posture that reminds me of the position I once took whilst being subjected to an intimate body search :shock:
I apologise for getting off track but they made me do it.....
I have three watches which I change dependant on the shirt thats going to be worn. On a more general basis I do note the accesories that others wear and yes I do make an initial judgement based on that because it's part of the overal look.
Quote by davej
I do note the accesories that others wear and yes I do make an initial judgement based on that because it's part of the overal look.

i understand what your saying three Dave
i met a man not so long ago that wore ear rings and neckless made out of strews!........... not only that!!............he decided go into a crab perstion and crab around the floor
Sex God
Quote by Debbiewebs
I do note the accesories that others wear and yes I do make an initial judgement based on that because it's part of the overal look.

i understand what your saying three Dave
i met a man not so long ago that wore ear rings and neckless made out of strews!........... not only that!!............he decided go into a crab perstion and crab around the floor

I know Debbs, but I did it all whilst wearing a very nice watch. I mighta looked a prick, but at least it was a classy prick.
Quote by davej
Would love to know what it means not to wear one, as I haven't worn a watch in over 6 years.

your sometimes late dunno
nope, never.
But with clocks on Phones, computers, My PDA, My GPS, in my car, the radio...surrounded by them. Also working on construction sites I have bashed so many faces on scaffolding etc that I just chucked the last one away.
I never notice things like watches. I have mates who have £300 watches and it just doesnt impress me. Does it tell the time accurately? Is is easy to read? Job done!
Mind you, I did notice that Mickey Mouse has a Postie watch.
Quote by davej
I do note the accesories that others wear and yes I do make an initial judgement based on that because it's part of the overal look.

i understand what your saying three Dave
i met a man not so long ago that wore ear rings and neckless made out of strews!........... not only that!!............he decided go into a crab perstion and crab around the floor

I know Debbs, but I did it all whilst wearing a very nice watch. I mighta looked a prick, but at least it was a classy prick.
Dave i do remamber your watch and a very nice toooo.........right down my cleavage :rotflmao:
Quote by Happy Cats
I never notice things like watches. .

Well next time we are at a munch ..........just look over my way and you will see my watch :grin:
judge people on their watchs .................yikes
i just have a gold one ..................passed down from my mum
i have to admit first impressions count with me either love ya or hate ya
but its more a personality thing......... not what your wearing wink
Sex God
I tend not to accessorise.
I do not own a watch. My mobile has a clock on it so I do not need one. If I do not have my phone on me and I want to know the time I ask someone who does have a watch. I do not notice the type of watch they have cos all I want to do is know the time.
I do not wear jewelry either, it annoys me. The only time I wear accessories is if I am donning a daft outfit for the village or a munch.... in that case I might wear one of my silly hats, or some pink plastic bangles, or a flag. Otherwise, I can't be bothered.
What does that say about me?
Warming the Bed
What I've found is that people who don't wear watches tend to be quite out going individuals who have confidence enough to know that normally if you simply look around there is always a clock somewhere. Plus the are confident enough to no be put off by asking a total stranger the time! Time is not an issue with them.
As for watches with cartoon characters....again reflects a playful element ..not afraid of being the centre of attention....
Sex God
Quote by bluexxx
I tend not to accessorise.
I do not own a watch. My mobile has a clock on it so I do not need one. If I do not have my phone on me and I want to know the time I ask someone who does have a watch. I do not notice the type of watch they have cos all I want to do is know the time.
I do not wear jewelry either, it annoys me. The only time I wear accessories is if I am donning a daft outfit for the village or a munch.... in that case I might wear one of my silly hats, or some pink plastic bangles, or a flag. Otherwise, I can't be bothered.
What does that say about me?

Well, I am 'sort of' with Bluexxx on this, as I tend not to accessorise unless I am 'playing a part' wink
The only accessory I wear is a £20 watch from Argos that gets replaced when it has done it's time rolleyes :roll:
All my 'good' stuff lives in my jewellery box :roll: Including my wedding ring lol :lol:
I don't wear one when I'm out of school, but the one I have in school is a Mickey Mouse time-teaching one. Not for me lol
Sex God
The watch I wear a cast off from my son, with BIG numerals so I don't have to put any glasses on to read off the time. redface
Quote by RAcingGreen
different people wear differnt makes of watch or if they have a collection the one they pick to wear often reflects their mood or even if they don't wear a watch it says a lot Just interested in what things SH members look for as visual clues which are not the obvious ones... I must say there are certain watch brands which are associated with certain types of individuals

I would definitely like to hear the explanation behind this as I own several watches, I always wear a watch! biggrin
Quote by The Shadow
I find that whenever i meet someone I judge them on watch, shoes, belt and if female handbag as well.

and your views on the handbag as I have a LARGE collection, is there a hidden meaning to handbags or is just a case of whether you like them or not, or how full they are? :shock:
Sex God
Quote by Serendipity
I find that whenever i meet someone I judge them on watch, shoes, belt and if female handbag as well.

and your views on the handbag as I have a LARGE collection, is there a hidden meaning to handbags or is just a case of whether you like them or not, or how full they
are? :shock:
I do not do small bags of any shape or form - that is what pockets were invented for. I have a rucksack, and a plastic carrier bag if I am taking a tooth brush. Job done cool
and your views on the handbag as I have a LARGE collection, is there a hidden meaning to handbags or is just a case of whether you like them or not, or how full they are? :shock:
Really just a case of whether or not i like them, or they go with the outfit etc.
I have a four inch nail hammered into my wrist ..... I just hold it up to the sun and I know the time ....... if it's cloudy I stay in bed coz I think it's night-time. simple really.
Quote by bluexxx

I find that whenever i meet someone I judge them on watch, shoes, belt and if female handbag as well.

and your views on the handbag as I have a LARGE collection, is there a hidden meaning to handbags or is just a case of whether you like them or not, or how full they
are? :shock:
I do not do small bags of any shape or form - that is what pockets were invented for. I have a rucksack, and a plastic carrier bag if I am taking a tooth brush. Job done cool
I'm not hugely surprised by that Blue, I couldn't imagine you with a little sequined bag.....a rucksack filled with strap ons of increasingly scary proportions seems much more likely wink