Hey there. I have added an advert but how do you get a picture to display on the left of the advert above the IM tab so people can see it when viewing ads ? It's doing my head in.
Thanks in advance.
I don't post ads, well once ! To be honest I was under the impression that your ' avatar ' pic would display?
I'm sure one of the site Op's or Mod's or even fellow members will post the solution.
Hi Hugh, you need to alter your 'profile' settings.
click on the Photos button on the left of the page and this will take you to a page where you can view all your photos. You will need to decide which one you want as your profile picture and then click on the little down arrow below that picture and set it to your profile picture.
This will then show on any adverts you place (as well as the ones you decide to put on your advert).
Not that I have been perving, but the body pic, with the tie and open shirt would be a good profile photo :twisted:
Doh !! Easy when you know how. Thanks.