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Adopt a Newbie???

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7 watchers
Quote by Scandal
Ok I'm worried now :shock:
What if venus mentors a couple of newbies a week and they all go on a posting spree :eeek: :eeek: :eeek:

Yeah that worried me too, more like a cloning exercise than mentoring.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
The world would be a much happier place if everyone aspired to be me! :smug:
Quote by Scandal
Ok I'm worried now :shock:
What if venus mentors a couple of newbies a week and they all go on a posting spree :eeek: :eeek: :eeek:

Yeah that worried me too, more like a cloning exercise than mentoring.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
oh... well..... we try not to post totally pointless drivvle, but we shall try and control oursleves! wink
Quote by Mav&Sini
I think perhaps a thread for volunteer Mentors would be better!! confused :? :? :?

I`m not sure I could cope with the rejection Sarge. I`m still scarred from the adoption thread lol
Risking rejection, anyone feel they could adopt us? wink
We promise not to send you freeky letters or sit outside your house in a car watching your every move (we would have to get a car first).....
Just osmeone we could pm occasionally asking some advice..... biggrin
Yep. I`ll have you :mrgreen:
We are wanted :D....
We've got to think of some questions to ask you now... :lol:
/runs off to find her green jelly post :twisted:
Quote by VenusnMars
/runs off to find her green jelly post :twisted:

what?!?! :shock:
ok... what have we let our selves in for??? biggrin
Quote by Mav&Sini
oh... well..... we try not to post totally pointless drivvle, but we shall try and control oursleves! wink

pssst..........over here, you could do far worse. I can do this mentalling lark :eeek: :
Woo, I could do with some stalkers. :P I've not had any since a rather uh, odd. incident in a club with an elderly gentleman who was convinced I was a girl and wanted him, and followed me home :O
Actually. maybe the stalking request is a bad, bad thing. I'll be in the corner, continously dialling 911. smile
Painted myself into a corner there, didn't I? :shock:
As you can see from the posts, if it is not set up properly it will be fraught with problems and would reflect badly on the Site and those involved with the mentoring.
We are not looking to turn them into clones of ourselves and we would not guarantee them a shag either! I know some people already do this (Mentoring, not the guaranteed shag!!) and thanks very much to them for it. We have loads and loads of folk joining the Site and either leaving because they don't fit in, are booted for being an arse (amongst other things!) and those who maybe are a little shy, but if they had stayed and overcome this, could have become really good Site members. Are we losing the ones who can really add to the Site? Who knows, because they have gone! Perhaps it might stop some of the 'I want a shag NOW!' posts and the one-liner PM's. We can have rules all over the Site for all eventualities, but who would read them all? If we can gently point them in the right direction before their posts cause problems, all the better.
I wouldn't want this to become too regimented, it needs to be something that many can do and loads will want to take advantage of it. However, we do all need to be singing from the same hymnsheet in regards to what is expected of both the newbie and the Mentor. At this point we don't need names of either potential volunteers or newbies needing nurturing. Once we have gone through these posts and thrown some of the ideas around, then we will ask and get something going.
Thanks for all the comments lol
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
nobody wants me. :cry: :cry: :cry: what is wrong with me. :cry: :cry: am i freek.
Quote by bikerdave
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
nobody wants me. :cry: :cry: :cry: what is wrong with me. :cry: :cry: am i freek.

Im sure thats not true, but I think the only person who was willing to adopt, adopted us instead.. sorry redface ..... I think people probably need encouraging to adopt us newbies....
We would adopt you... but that would pretty much defeat the object of us being able to answer questions etc... lol
I'm ready for adoption too if anyone wants me lol
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
Yep, I'll go with that!!!
So if any of you want me just say. I'm happy to adopt current members too :twisted:

Lil_miz, I have so many questions & I'm very new here (1250 + posts isn't that many), so I'd be very grateful if you could take under your wing................ nah, just take me hump wink
Bagsy....i get to adopt cum1cumllimbegginya !!! wink
Quote by HungryP
Yep, I'll go with that!!!
So if any of you want me just say. I'm happy to adopt current members too :twisted:

Lil_miz, I have so many questions & I'm very new here (1250 + posts isn't that many), so I'd be very grateful if you could take under your wing................ nah, just take me hump wink
:twisted: :P :twisted: Now now, play fair.
Quote by doctorg
I'm ready for adoption too if anyone wants me lol

I might just fancy adopting you if you promise to never cover your sexy arse :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
(apart from when you fart that is!!)
Aww your not up for adoption are you Clare??? :twisted:
You're as good as new smile
Quote by mal609
Painted myself into a corner there, didn't I? :shock:
As you can see from the posts, if it is not set up properly it will be fraught with problems and would reflect badly on the Site and those involved with the mentoring.
We are not looking to turn them into clones of ourselves and we would not guarantee them a shag either! I know some people already do this (Mentoring, not the guaranteed shag!!) and thanks very much to them for it. We have loads and loads of folk joining the Site and either leaving because they don't fit in, are booted for being an arse (amongst other things!) and those who maybe are a little shy, but if they had stayed and overcome this, could have become really good Site members. Are we losing the ones who can really add to the Site? Who knows, because they have gone! Perhaps it might stop some of the 'I want a shag NOW!' posts and the one-liner PM's. We can have rules all over the Site for all eventualities, but who would read them all? If we can gently point them in the right direction before their posts cause problems, all the better.
I wouldn't want this to become too regimented, it needs to be something that many can do and loads will want to take advantage of it. However, we do all need to be singing from the same hymnsheet in regards to what is expected of both the newbie and the Mentor. At this point we don't need names of either potential volunteers or newbies needing nurturing. Once we have gone through these posts and thrown some of the ideas around, then we will ask and get something going.
Thanks for all the comments lol

Good points Mal, sorry if I jumped the gun, but as you say, some of us already do this, so in putting my name forward it didn`t seem too much of a big deal deal at the time, but of course, as it has been `officially` (for want of a better word) suggested by a mod, then of course guidelines etc would be a good idea, incase it comes back and bites the site on the arse.
I`m stlll perfectly happy to help out independantly, simply answering community related questions, if it goes beyond that, and a newbie was to become an issue, I`d simply deal with it the same as I would any other pain in the arse, let them know they are over-stepping the mark, or report it if they didn`t back off. I don`t think it is something which would likely become out of hand to be honest. In the year I have been here, I`ve never had to report another member.
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
Aww your not up for adoption are you Clare??? :twisted:
You're as good as new smile

Um well i could be persuaded on a short term lease or summat lol
Me, me, me (says jumping up and down!)
Anyone care to adopt me? I won't bite (unless you ask)
we must say that it is really reassuring to see that people are willingf to support us newbies - as we have a plethora of really stupid questions... and we know they sound stupid, so its nice to see that we can at least say them to someone else without having to start a whole thread and look like a moronic n00b...
]"bikerdave"]:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
nobody wants me. :cry: :cry: :cry: what is wrong with me. :cry: :cry: am i freek.

I'd have you Dave, but as I am a newbie, that would defeat the purpose...wouldn't it?
Maybe I could adopt the bike confused:
Lydia xx
Quote by dragonlly
I'd have you Dave, but as I am a newbie, that would defeat the purpose...wouldn't it?
Maybe I could adopt the bike confused:
Lydia xx

Ohhh what if we newbies adopt each other! ... er no maybe not redface
I rather suspect that mentoring , on in informal basis has been happening for ages!!! I cant comment on munches as i dont indulge in them , but i have had more than my fair sahre of mewbies who have contacted me for advice or just for an informal chat, often it goes no further than that. I always tell them the truth as i see it and sometimes that is enough to make them realise that swinging isnt for them.
I dont know if a formalised mentoring scheem would help or even hinder, though it would be nice to see something introduced to encourage newbies to post here (sensibly)
Anyway if there are any man out there with long hair, aged about 30 ish and in the orth and you feel your in need of a mentor, im here!!
Quote by foxylady 123
Anyway if there are any man out there with long hair, aged about 30 ish and in the orth and you feel your in need of a mentor, im here!!

Lol. I'm too young! <sulks in the corner>
Quote by kenmoo

Anyway if there are any man out there with long hair, aged about 30 ish and in the orth and you feel your in need of a mentor, im here!!

Lol. I'm too young! <sulks in the corner>
You see thats why i put 30 ish , i can t cope with sulks!!!!!
we tried to get steveg-nw to adopt us on saturday lol but he only new one or two people wink :doh: we looked up to him as our leader dunno so we had to fend for ourselves :grin: :rascal: so i think mal609 should take up the challenge :giggle:
I'll have ya, Kenmoo.
I'm quite happy to answer anybodies questions, whether I knew them or not. I'm more then certain that a lot of others feel the same way.
Instead of an adoption process why not some guidence counsellors? These people could have a mark above their name (like the mods and Mark himself) who state they are willing to accept any univited pms. Might need patience of a saint though eh?
Quote by Vix
I'll have ya, Kenmoo.

Wayhey! Tankoo.
Now I only have to think up some scheme to require mentoring on :P~
I'm quite surprised that SH doesn't have either a Newbies forum, alongside the Cafe, LMU and dogging ones, or a very promient FAQ.
This would clear up all the 'what's a munch?', 'vanishing pms', etc threads, and put them where new people could see them, stickied in their own forum. Anyone wanting to 'mentor' could dip into the newies forum and post to their heart's content.