:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
nobody wants me. :cry: :cry: :cry: what is wrong with me. :cry: :cry: am i freek.
Me, me, me (says jumping up and down!)
Anyone care to adopt me? I won't bite (unless you ask)
we must say that it is really reassuring to see that people are willingf to support us newbies - as we have a plethora of really stupid questions... and we know they sound stupid, so its nice to see that we can at least say them to someone else without having to start a whole thread and look like a moronic n00b...
I rather suspect that mentoring , on in informal basis has been happening for ages!!! I cant comment on munches as i dont indulge in them , but i have had more than my fair sahre of mewbies who have contacted me for advice or just for an informal chat, often it goes no further than that. I always tell them the truth as i see it and sometimes that is enough to make them realise that swinging isnt for them.
I dont know if a formalised mentoring scheem would help or even hinder, though it would be nice to see something introduced to encourage newbies to post here (sensibly)
Anyway if there are any man out there with long hair, aged about 30 ish and in the orth and you feel your in need of a mentor, im here!!
I'm quite happy to answer anybodies questions, whether I knew them or not. I'm more then certain that a lot of others feel the same way.
Instead of an adoption process why not some guidence counsellors? These people could have a mark above their name (like the mods and Mark himself) who state they are willing to accept any univited pms. Might need patience of a saint though eh?
I'm quite surprised that SH doesn't have either a Newbies forum, alongside the Cafe, LMU and dogging ones, or a very promient FAQ.
This would clear up all the 'what's a munch?', 'vanishing pms', etc threads, and put them where new people could see them, stickied in their own forum. Anyone wanting to 'mentor' could dip into the newies forum and post to their heart's content.