Due to JGL threatening to instigate another bum competition thread, I am seriously considering changing my avatar. I have pleaded with him, I have tried reasoning with him but all to no avail!! http://www.swingingheaven.co.uk/swingers-forum/viewforum/1.html
I cant cope with another bum competiton, though I dont mind the extra pms it generated, I cant cope with the nerve wrecking tension, so I guess ill have to change it. Maybe ill go for a cartoon or something (any suggestion , especially indecent one are welcome).
I know in the past when ive thought about changing my avatar a number of you have made it clear that you would not welcome this action but i really do feel i have no alternative!!
Now if anyone else would like to pm JGL and try to make him reconsider Id be most grateful, (again the more indecent your pms the better).
Thank you