Is it just J and myself imagining this, I'm sure it can't be, or does the TV volume increase dramatically when there's an advert break? Does my head in.
Nope.... I believe it too. But it also seems to be most prevalent when you're watching US-produced programmes. It almost like they're made especially quiet. :-?
I don't care WHY ads are louder - but they ARE. Annoyingly loud.
They are also annoying and force cuts in story-lines that are distracting and infuriating. That's one of the reasons I will often throw the same DVD in when a film I like is about to start on TV. Adverts can be fun and quite artistic - they are hardly ever informative or useful.
Take car ads - when did you last see one with proper information like fuel consumption, NCAP test results, range of engine sizes and door/seat configurations available, can it be repaired with generic components instead of stupidly expensive branded ones? And as for claims they 'sense the road ahead' - purlease!!! I can see it's shiny - I can safely assume a gorgeous bloke/woman would adorn it very nicely, ooooo electric windows (gasp) - I could look up Greek myth origin of it's name - such things are utterly irrelavent.