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Advice Needed

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Hi..... I'm new to the swinging scene and as a single male i'm finding it hard to get my foot into the door so to speak! Can anybody help point me in the right direction? Would be eternally grateful wink me
Read that it might help
Good luck
Quote by Sarah me
Read that it might help
Good luck

Has nothing useful to say... just admiring Sarah atavar pic! :twisted:
As a single bloke, you will find your completing with 1000s of others.
Take a look at the other single blokes ad to get some ideas and join in on the forums or in the chatroom.
and if you've got a good sense of humour, click on the link in my signature and have a read of the "Idiots guide to swinging".
As well as being highly amusing it's actually quite useful
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
As a single bloke, you will find your completing with 1000s of others.

Is that a bit like bukkake, HLB ???? wink
Quote by Alexandra
As a single bloke, you will find your completing with 1000s of others.

Is that a bit like bukkake, HLB ???? wink
pmsl redface
No it's more of a wank club lol
Quote by bigit
Hi..... I'm new to the swinging scene and as a single male i'm finding it hard to get my foot into the door so to speak! Can anybody help point me in the right direction? Would be eternally grateful wink

Hi bigit
First things first mate :welcome: to :swingingchair: heaven, yes as you can see from some of the post all ready there is a lot of compertion around mate but if you get your self know on here it will happen mate trust me.
I have been dogging and swinging for a number of years now but like you i am also farely new to this site only been a member for just under a year and half mate.
I must admit i have been very lucky in meeting some very nice couples since i have been on this site, i think the reoson for my sucsess is that i am honest and genuine as some of the people on here will vouch for me, i like to take a intrest in the couples i meet as i am not after a one nightstand i like to meet them on a regular basis i.e socals and a like and also like to pop in for a cuppa from time to time .
The best advice i can give you is spend some time on your add as this is the key to your sucsess mate as you can imagine there are a lot of guys on here looking for the same thing, i would also start posting in the forums as that way people will start to get to know you and what your about mate.
It will happen mate but if your after a quick shag i dont think this is the site for you as the people on here are looking for genuine people as you can imagine it is a very special think.
I hope this is of some help mate and would like to wish you the very best and good luck. biggrin
sarah's alreadyu posted marcuso's sage words of wisdom! :thumbup:
here's some more threads . . . one's spot on, one's a piss take! no it is honest! apparently some people had trouble working out which was which at one point in the dim and distant past! ;) i thought these were worth digging out anyways? smile
whatever happened to roger btw? dunno
neil x x x ;)
Quote by neilinleeds
whatever happened to roger btw? dunno
neil x x x ;)

I'm keeping him tucked up in my msn wink lol
Quote by bigit
Hi..... I'm new to the swinging scene and as a single male i'm finding it hard to get my foot into the door so to speak! Can anybody help point me in the right direction? Would be eternally grateful wink

Apart from to great advice already offered may I add that if you keep sticking your head in the forum from time to time to let people know your personality and prehaps learn a bit about your views and have lots of patience. I can be sure in saying all will come good in the end biggrin If I can feel right at home here, any genuine single male can. :D :D
Good luck and :welcome:
Thank you to everybody that has replied. Now at least i have some sort of direction to be heading in. Many thanks once again peeps...... it seems my foot is half in the door now!! look forward to posting on here again soon
Quote by sheddy
Hi..... I'm new to the swinging scene and as a single male i'm finding it hard to get my foot into the door so to speak! Can anybody help point me in the right direction? Would be eternally grateful wink

Apart from to great advice already offered may I add that if you keep sticking your head in the forum from time to time to let people know your personality and prehaps learn a bit about your views and have lots of patience. I can be sure in saying all will come good in the end biggrin If I can feel right at home here, any genuine single male can. :D :D
Good luck and :welcome:
You know Sheddy - I am beginning to see why you have a growing fan club in here! smile
Actually I realised a while back - just thought I'd own up to it now
Quote by freckledbird

whatever happened to roger btw? dunno
neil x x x ;)

I'm keeping him tucked up in my msn wink lol
Quote by Sarah

whatever happened to roger btw? dunno
neil x x x ;)

I'm keeping him tucked up in my msn wink lol
He's on mine too but I never seem to be online at the same time as him these days!
FB - send him a kiss from me please!
Hi bigit wave welcome to the madhouse. Leave your sanity with the doorman and make yourself at home. kiss