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Advice on Dyslexia ...

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11 replies
3 watchers
I've never posted on here before but been watching for a while. Actually, its the first time I've ever posted on any forum and I'm probably in totally the wrong place, but can anyone please give me any advice?
My daughter is very dyslexic - a problem that I don't have myself. I've been told about all sorts of help and computer program. Can anyone please give me any advice on stuff they've used?
There's a thing on eBay that looks interesting called Lexing that is supposed to help kids and people with dyslexia - has anyone heard of it and tried it please? Is it as good as they make out?
Any other programs or advice that you can offer please?
Thank you.
John D.
This is sort of a specialist area of mine, dyslexia is a blanket term that covers so many learning problems its impossible to recommend anyone porgramme or course of action.
If you want to pm me im happy to talk more
Never heard of the programme, but welcome anyway :silly: wave :welcome: kiss
Charlotte xx
Thank you, Charlotte - THAT was a quick reply!
Thank you, Foxylady - I've emailed you asking for your comments.
Quote by JohnnyDD
Thank you, Foxylady - I've emailed you asking for your comments.

if you have emailed me , rather than pmd we havnt got a chance because my email address is currently incorrect!!
I have got Lexing and it seems to be very good for certain types of dyslexic problems
You've found a good place to park J.
Welcome. I'm sure you'll find the advice you're seeking here.
ok im not going to get your email because my address is currently set wrongly, if you want to pm ill help all i can failing that try emailing me tomorrow evening by which time i hope to have the right address on here
Meantime, its a bit of cliche, but dont think of your daughter just having a poblem with her dyslexia , she has also got a gift and something that will help her in the dyslexic and I am so thankful for it.
Quote by foxylady 123
Thank you, Foxylady - I've emailed you asking for your comments.

if you have emailed me , rather than pmd we havnt got a chance because my email address is currently incorrect!!
I have got Lexing and it seems to be very good for certain types of dyslexic problems
Thanks very much for the recommendation - seems I should try it - it's quite cheap, so if it doesn't help, it won't be too much of a loss!
Your email hasn't bounced yet, by the way!
the thing i have found with my dyslexia is that im very creative in outher ways i just have problems righting but with prctice im geting better
Many children shows signs of dyslexia as they sort out the problems with reading and writing. These dissapear once they are confident with their abilities. You may need to have more analysis done to find out if she has other related things like dyspraxia or motor skills, hand/eye coordination etc.
I'm dyslexic Too . . .
I was never able to revise I had to learn it there and then in the lesson . . . It took the 'establishment' until the third year of my degree to suss it out . . . Amazing (and sad) when you think about it. I really struggled at Uni, even though it was a creative/tech subject. The psychologist I went to see, said my reading and writing skills were about 30-40 of the national average but my congnative reasoning was in the top 2%. I walked away with only a 2/3.
Today in porfessional life I think its a blessing. I do a job where I have to be on top of it all the time. It transpires that once I've learnt something, I've learn it inside out. I don't generally need to refer back to books. I'm not sure there is anyway to teach this.
Degrees are really killing off the caeer possibilties of many people who could be very good at alot of many different jobs. They mean employers sift through sosciety and only pick up the people with the ability to express themselve through written word when maybe someone who didn't learn the same skills or jobs through education will have a much more intricate understanding of a problem within the language or contructs that they use to explain things to themselves. (feww . . . long sentance)
I'm waffling now but all this 'do something and then justify it' which you have to do in degrees is bollocks . . . if its works don't question it . . . if you need to question it ask verbally, and I'm sure you'll get a more comprehesive answer from someone with the so called 'disability' of dyslexia.
P.s. its good to play on it as a disability because you daughter will always be offered money for computers and a dictaphone (an iPod can be used for this wink ) all the way through their educatiional career . . .
Sorry if I went on . . . they were my thoughts . . .