An I.Q of 120, coupled with an inability to write proper sentences. Perhaps he's more of a creative type!
you mean something like the after school art club
Quote by andy2120
whats the largest sex age gap, u have have had or having presently.
Mines 5 years my senior, i was 25 she 30, nothing special , it was a fuck & go
Quote by MikeNorth
I'd just like to point out that andy2120 has nothing to do with me.
We are not related.
We are not the same person.
We don't even know each other.
Quote by 4wheeldrive
And some people wonder why more and more women prefer the older more maturer guy
Quote by andy2120
whats the largest sex age gap, u have have had or having presently.
Mines 5 years my senior, i was 25 she 30, nothing special , it was a fuck & go
Quote by winchwench:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
It gets better!!!!
Mr high I.Q has posted another topic, in which he states that " A regular male fantasy is to fuck A TWINS"
Come on, this is a wind up surely?
I don't usually go for the throat, and everyone makes the odd fluck up........but people who try to defend their intellect with barely coherent sentences wind me up!
Still, "a twins" :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by 4wheeldrive
And some people wonder why more and more women prefer the older more maturer guy
Quote by yumyums
Not that we're sticking up for him, but haven't some of you been a bit harsh on Andy? Even over reacted a little? Just a thought...
Quote by andy2120
ive got iQ of 120,
Quote by andy2120Note this comment has been edited from his original post! :shock:
Mines 5 years my senior, i was 25 she 30, nothing special , it was a fuck & go
Quote by andy2120... please read his next topic! :shock:
ive got iQ of 120,
Quote by andy2120... Wish I had an IQ of 120... then I would have the dogs bollucks to post that!
like ur website, it the dogs bollucks