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age gaps

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An I.Q of 120, coupled with an inability to write proper sentences. Perhaps he's more of a creative type!

you mean something like the after school art club
Quote by andy2120
go get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i c why u avoid my question, ur partner is 19 years u senior - old to be ur dad! :twisted:
and more of a man than u r ever likely to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote by andy2120
whats the largest sex age gap, u have have had or having presently.
Mines 5 years my senior, i was 25 she 30, nothing special , it was a fuck & go

Bloody hell why didn't someone ring me last night to tell me it was idiot night rolleyes if only i'd have known I would have stopped in. I'm afraid i'm with karl74 on this one. You can under stand why us single guys get such a hard time when there is dipsticks (clean version of how I class you) like you who think with their balls instead of there brains. Now I sugest in stead of posting dumb ass questions to feed your fantasy, that prehaps you go out and obtain a life of your own. oh and that goes for the other pointless thread of yours aswell. evil
Quote by MikeNorth

I'd just like to point out that andy2120 has nothing to do with me.
We are not related.
We are not the same person.
We don't even know each other.

You back again? Quick, where's Darkfire!!! lol :lol:
oh i'm here. i miss nothing ! :lol:
only this time "Tramper" can kiss my ass :lol: redface :lol:
Quote by 4wheeldrive
And some people wonder why more and more women prefer the older more maturer guy

Woo Hoo where are they, tell me quick lol :lol:
Quote by 4wheeldrive
And some people wonder why more and more women prefer the older more maturer guy

No No No don't rule out us young guys just because of one tosser. It does get hard to defend young guys when stupid comments are made like this (and they do tend to always come from young boys, I won't say men), but some of us are good guys with a lot to offer.
I dont know, we're often one of (it not the) youngest couples at clubs/parties, but I couldn't care less about age. If I like somebody I like somebody, I don't whip my calculator out and check it's alright first.
Quote by andy2120
whats the largest sex age gap, u have have had or having presently.
Mines 5 years my senior, i was 25 she 30, nothing special , it was a fuck & go

It doesn't matter what the age gap is between consenting couples ( legal age permitting of course ) but it does matter that you have some respect for the person you are doing the deed with, which you obviously don't have. Hopefully she felt the same for you! rolleyes
The original question didnt bother me in the slightest although some of the follow up commment he made were out of order.
As the original question didnt bother me here is my answer. Mrs Tweeky is 7 years my junior, thats the biggest gap I have experienced.
Mr Tweeky
12 years younger than me biggrin
Made no difference whatsoever, was about the person not the age rolleyes
Quote by Dawn_Mids
12 years younger than me biggrin
Made no difference whatsoever, was about the person not the age rolleyes

Oooh there's hope fer me yet!! :giggle:
Quote by westerross
12 years younger than me biggrin
Made no difference whatsoever, was about the person not the age rolleyes

Oooh there's hope fer me yet!! :giggle:
*flutters her eyelashes
There is indeed Mr TE :rascal:
I know someone who's 16 years younger than me who wants to get into my pants but if I thought he had any lack of respect for me as a person, I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot barge pole ! A quick shag is one thing but to demean someone like Andy did is not on !
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
It gets better!!!!
Mr high I.Q has posted another topic, in which he states that " A regular male fantasy is to fuck A TWINS"
Come on, this is a wind up surely?
I don't usually go for the throat, and everyone makes the odd fluck up........but people who try to defend their intellect with barely coherent sentences wind me up!
Still, "a twins" :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by winchwench
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
It gets better!!!!
Mr high I.Q has posted another topic, in which he states that " A regular male fantasy is to fuck A TWINS"
Come on, this is a wind up surely?
I don't usually go for the throat, and everyone makes the odd fluck up........but people who try to defend their intellect with barely coherent sentences wind me up!
Still, "a twins" :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

:giggle: He's fast becoming everyone's favourite muppet :wanker:
I quite like him but he's got no staying power has he?
Quote by westerross
I quite like him but he's got no staying power has he?

He's like that Shane Geezer, he tried too.
I was 17 - he was 32 - my mum was only a few years older than him :shock: Suffice to say the parents had a real issue with it and tried to keep me locked up after that :shock: lol
Quote by 4wheeldrive
And some people wonder why more and more women prefer the older more maturer guy

I regularly see guys (for more than just a one-off) who are 10-15 years younger than me. I have no problem with younger guys - I have a problem with TWATS!
I have been to the club with a 21 year old before now and we had a great time. Plenty of women (and couples) were happy for him to join in as he had the right attitude. He was respectful and treated every offer to join in as a privilege. As a result he became the only 21 year old in his neighbourhood to have enjoyed MFF, MFMFMF, MMFFF, topped off by MFFFF in a jacuzzi - I know what he would say given the choice between that and a "fuck 'n' go".
Quote by PoloLady
....MFF, MFMFMF, MMFFF, topped off by MFFFF in a jacuzzi .....

Bit like the soundtrack innit? lol
Sassy_Seren ................. my favourite muppet is ANIMAL ! :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by winchwench
Mr high I.Q has posted another topic, in which he states that " A regular male fantasy is to fuck A TWINS"

Take two women to bed ???
Not him .......................
It's just fuck and go
I hope there was no significance in the fact that
Quote by PoloLady

Quote by westerross
....MFF, MFMFMF, MMFFF, topped off by MFFFF in a jacuzzi .....

Bit like the soundtrack innit? lol
(Waits fer slap from Aunty!) smile
Quote by blonde
Sassy_Seren ................. my favourite muppet is ANIMAL ! :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Then apologies to Animal. No offense meant :giggle:
Quote by dambuster
Take two women to bed ???
Not him .......................
It's just fuck and go

Not that we're sticking up for him, but haven't some of you been a bit harsh on Andy? Even over reacted a little? Just a thought...
Anyway to answer the question.. age gaps.. It was a couple - I was 29, she was 41. Large enough i guess but not massive. Then again, my partner was 22 and her partner was 43..
Quote by yumyums
Not that we're sticking up for him, but haven't some of you been a bit harsh on Andy? Even over reacted a little?

Quote by yumyums
Not that we're sticking up for him, but haven't some of you been a bit harsh on Andy? Even over reacted a little? Just a thought...

To be honest, seeing some of his follow up posts (it isn't school holidays again is it?), I reckon they have been most restrained!
Quote by yumyums
Not that we're sticking up for him, but haven't some of you been a bit harsh on Andy? Even over reacted a little? Just a thought...

Childish!! confused
Quote by andy2120
ive got iQ of 120,

Misogynistic attidude to women...:fuckinghell:
Quote by andy2120
Mines 5 years my senior, i was 25 she 30, nothing special , it was a fuck & go
Note this comment has been edited from his original post! :shock:
He's funny though... :giggle:
Quote by andy2120
ive got iQ of 120,
... please read his next topic! :shock:
"A regular male fantasy is to fuck a twins"
Quote by andy2120
like ur website, it the dogs bollucks
... Wish I had an IQ of 120... then I would have the dogs bollucks to post that! worship
Over reacted?
Hell no... were always like this!.... :welcome: to SH yumyums