Well I`m sure that won`t include me. I`m not anti-men, I`m anti human, and I can do that alllllllllllllllll month long :twisted:
Damn !!!!
I thought this was going to be a thread about Lusty Amazonian Lesbians.
:small-print: GIVE ME VOTES, :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
I am your worst nightmare. I am a woman who does not bleed. Therefore I do not do the PMT thing. So if I say you are wrong, then you are wrong. I am not being hormonal. I am being a harraden. I am good at it and you will respect me. And Venus. She is my Goddess.
No, go fuck yourself, you scrawny little fuck-wit and let me watch 'Stenders in peace.
Still looking for that fight vix?
all the women on here are lovely
You won't be laughing when your WORM really gets bitten! :shock:
Well I thought I was funny... :uhoh:
/gets coat