Your not expecting a visit by your monthly friend anytime soon are you?
no unexplained lumps I would presume
I dont know if you have been doing more exercise than normal of late, but the boobs do like ontop of the pectoral muscles, so if you have worked those harder in some way and not allowed them a chance to relax down again, then yes it is possible that your boobs would feel more tender, plus the extra growth of the pecs would accounts for the apparent growth in your boobs
Did you ever overhear your folks whispering about and evil twin ?
Sounds like it might be mastitis to me... but I'm not at all qualified so check with your GP.
calista.. i remember you geting the mirena fitted... one of the side effects of this can be breast tenderness...... have you mentioned it to your family planning clinic???
Try some cold cabbage leaves in your bra - sounds odd but could help if it is mastitis, certainly used to work for me when I was breasfeeding the kids
That sounds worse than my carpet burns - bless you.
No idea what would cause it, or how to fix it hun but have a :therethere:
Give the cabbage leaves a try I undedrstand savoys are thebest choice the theory is that they contain something that effects the hormone balance in the breast as recommended by some midwifes.
Failing that are you due for a review for HRT or the Pill
Hope you are sorted soon.