Hi I have been on this site for a while now so I thought I would tell you a littel about me
I live in Sheffield South Yorkshire and as my nane implyes I am half Italian I hope I can pre- empt some of your questions
1) the best half
2)north of Rome
3) No but i would like to
4) no my father never spoke Italian at home
5) yes my grandmothers cousin in America
I have italian in me!
Make of that what you will!!!
Mrs RSAB2 xxx
Do they ever talk about "The Family!!!
Does your family sell olive oil???
Do any of you look like a young James Caan?
Do you have cotton wool plugs shoved down the side of your mouths?
Hi Santino have fun.
Italy has to be my second favorite EU country, love evrything italian the cars, the women, the wine the attitude towards life its all good.
Do you sleep with the fishes??
I am of course only playing on the Godfather!!! one of my fave films!!!
In fact I've seen you on here some time ago so come back more often!
italian..........ooooooo trying to look calm
welcome ......... :twisted: