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all newbies here!!!!!

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:welcome: hi everybody if u check my profile u will notice i am new too and wot i want its just try too meet everybody here and see wot u r looking for here and how u feel in the website personal opinion i feel little bit loss still cant get in in the chat room!!, i read the ads to see wot could i get there but the true its i want make friends a lot friends so why dont start from here in the end we have two things in common we r new and we r looking for new experiences
wot i am looking for?? just check my profile always been so curious about this swinger experience and i think i found the right place to start so will see how that goes
learning to spell (watch me make a mistake now) and typing like your not sending a text message is probably the best way to start.
also, you seem to be unable to use punctuation which makes your post hard to read.
welcome to sh. smile
its ok i am on oldie and still type in text message form.
i also type in a cockney accent wich needs translating me thinks....
mike, there is a difference between text message form and
tlkin lk ths wit al the lttrs lk yr in a rsh.
well spotted. lmao
i knew that would happen it always does.
I thought this was a swingers forum confused
Not a forum on how to improve your gramma ! lol
Quote by Sexysteph
Once more welcome to sh and ignore Lancy wink ( ermmm Lancy sweetie when can I prove it :wink: methinks you have not had a massage yet - you fancy one?)

first thing.....sarcy mood over....apologies for my post above....i blame lack of sleep.
steph darling i tought you would never know where the pm button is ;)
:bounce: steph really thanks for ur advice and support; i will check it out later to see wot can i find about the chat , belive me i will try till i get in ...i hope see u around ....
bisto kid u damn right, anyway lancy sorry dude but english its not my firts language but i will do my best .. :jagsatwork:
ahhhh thats fair enough.
now youve stumbled on something interesting......tell us a little more....
what is your first language? do you live here? work here?
lancy i think you should read his signature mate, your defo having an off day i think smile
i need sleep lmao.
sorry daniel from operating from another planet today.
ty bisto for keeping me on the straight and narrow.
:cheers: lancy its cool no problem .....yeah i live and work here in london check also i live before in ,italy,venezuela and ecuador but the true its i love england .....
:welcome: to swinging heaven
hope you find what you are looking for wink
my firts language its spanish :jagsatwork: but like i said i am not spanish i am latin traveling around the globe but my residence is here i live here since 1999
anybody been before in latin america???
thanks naughtynymphos1......
i got a question for everybody .....
wot womens prefer in a night out after been dancing all night and drinking little bit....
a stolen kiss or been grabbing by the arse when u r dancing???
and for the guys wot its the perfect subject or argument to try to chat with a girl in a bar u never meet before??
yeah sure that help a lot .....yeah of course when i said a stolen kiss its cos u r seeing all night a conecction with the girl; the last thing i want to do in a bar its assault a girl hell no :silly: thats not the way i am, so no worrys :giveup: