:welcome: hi everybody if u check my profile u will notice i am new too and wot i want its just try too meet everybody here and see wot u r looking for here and how u feel in the website ....my personal opinion i feel little bit loss still cant get in in the chat room!!, i read the ads to see wot could i get there but the true its i want make friends a lot friends so why dont start from here in the end we have two things in common we r new and we r looking for new experiences
wot i am looking for?? just check my profile always been so curious about this swinger experience and i think i found the right place to start so will see how that goes
its ok i am on oldie and still type in text message form.
i also type in a cockney accent wich needs translating me thinks....
mike, there is a difference between text message form and
tlkin lk ths wit al the lttrs lk yr in a rsh.
well spotted. lmao
i knew that would happen it always does.
bisto kid u damn right, anyway lancy sorry dude but english its not my firts language but i will do my best .. :jagsatwork:
ahhhh thats fair enough.
now youve stumbled on something interesting......tell us a little more....
what is your first language? do you live here? work here?
i need sleep lmao.
sorry daniel from columbia.........im operating from another planet today.
ty bisto for keeping me on the straight and narrow.
:cheers: lancy its cool no problem .....yeah i live and work here in london check also i live before in ,italy,venezuela and ecuador but the true its i love england .....
thanks naughtynymphos1......
i got a question for everybody .....
wot womens prefer in a night out after been dancing all night and drinking little bit....
a stolen kiss or been grabbing by the arse when u r dancing???
and for the guys wot its the perfect subject or argument to try to chat with a girl in a bar u never meet before??
yeah sure that help a lot .....yeah of course when i said a stolen kiss its cos u r seeing all night a conecction with the girl; the last thing i want to do in a bar its assault a girl hell no :silly: thats not the way i am, so no worrys :giveup: