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All Quiet at Chameleons

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Hi Guys i've been registered on this forum for a few months but very rarely post anything so I accept the "newbie" tag although I really do hate the term.
My question to any members of Chameleons is , do you thik it's gone a bit quiet over the last couple of months .Me and my wife have been members about 2 years and we go at least once a month but the last 3 visits have been a little disapointing , the first twice I put it down to holiday season but i'd be interested to hear your views as we love the club and look forward to going so much.
Also has anybody been to both Chameleons and Xtasia , and if so how do they compare.
Someone told me that the age group is alittle younger at Xtasia.
I think saturdays at chameleons have gone really down hill but then i have never liked couples night anyway, everytime i have gone on a friday its been very busy, sundays seem to be a ok night too, have been to xtasia once and wouldn't go back not really my kind of club to be honest, it does seem to attract a younger croud tho there are a few middle aged and older people go but them that do tend to dress like they are the 18 year olds which i find very off putting, each to their own and i'm not calling them for it but a 50 year old woman dressed like a teenager at a night club just isn't for me, and i don't like the fact u have sex on sofas and noone really gets underessed, tho it has been a while since i went and have been told its had a few new bits since i went, if u like getting dressed up and having a dance then u may well like it but when it comes to playing its nowhere near as good as the rooms chameleons provide, in my opinion anyway smile
P.S what nights did u go when it was quiet?
We went to Xtasia on sat night and saw a lot of Naked boddies lol it seemd to be more action than the last twice we've been b4!
I didnt notice any 50yearolds dressed as 18 year olds tho lol every1 seemed to be having fun and we had a v good time wink
I know what u mean about age differences tho when we first went to Xtasia we didnt know exactly what to expect but we were plesantly suprised at the people we saw there lol we all have pre consieved ideas and we ars comfortable with the club and where we stay (50yards away from club)
We think we will have to go to Chamelians and see for ourselves tho lol
Mr & Mrs goodtimez
As i said its been a fair while since i went and i have been told that there are some new areas there, maybe i should go back for another look as it may well have changed a lot since then, went we went it was just a case of the guys pulling their trousers down and having a shag, maybe since the new areas have been there people get more naked i don't know dunno
Its only a 5 mion drive form me so maybe i should make the effort to see what its like now days lol
Thanks for the replies guys,
We went to Chams last sat and 3 weeks before that , we've always had a fantastic time , the place is so chilled and friendly it just seemed very quiet the last few agree with you on the keeping clothes on issue, there's no better feeling than sitting in just a towel and then as soon as you want some fun it's just a case of taking it off , we went to The Office in Bristol just once and that was like a pub with everyone around a pool table and telly at the bottom of the room. After about an hour of this 8 men and 2 women went into the group room and we had a look after about 10 mins and there were the 2 girls with skirt around thier wastes and all the guys with trousers round their ankles.
We were out of there in about 2 mins after that , it was really too much of a pub atmosphere, gonna give Xtasia a go in a cpl of weeks just to find out for ourselves.
I've never rated chams on a saturday night anyway, have you never tryed fridays? don't know why but fridays seem to attract a younger group, i'm just saying that because you was asking about xtasia getting a younger croud, many couples go fridays i'd say more than go saturdays to be honest but you do get the single guys there fridays as well, and its a party night tonight as well which is always busy and if you do not like the single guys as you know theres always the couples only room and private rooms. If you have never been i'd give it a go if i was you see what you think smile Sundays is a good night too
Hope you have a good time wink
We are thinking of going to Xtasia on either Fri and sat night or just the Sat night dont know yet lol on the weekends of 9th sept or 16th sept things are up i the air yet so have to wait a little to see when we can go again :wink:
Mr & Mrs goodtimez xxx
I was in Chameleons last friday night and it was pretty busy. I am not a regular there (I've only been twice in total) so I cannot comment on whether it was less busy than it usually is on a Friday. However, there was lots of fun going on, all over the place, and I certainly wouldn't have called it quiet. I had a great time and will be going back next time I get a free Friday night (not usually able to play out on Fridays, you see sad ). All the fellas were very polite and I really can't fault the club in any way. I have never tried Chams on any other nights than Fridays, but as I enjoy the mixed nights very much, I would be sure to make my visits to Chams more frequent on a Friday if I was able to play out more then. I would fully recommend Chams on a Friday to anyone who likes to play with both couples and single fellas :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
We always go to Chameleons on a Thursday (don't ask!!!) and Thursdays are always pretty good too!! biggrin