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Alternative Therapies

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Do you use or have you tried any alternative therapies, reflexology, Indian head massages, aromatherapy etc. Did they work?
Yes, yes and yes! lol
Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Chinese Ear Magnets, and Essential Oils amongst other things.
i'm a homoeopath. if u want to ask me anything i'll do my best to answer!
Quote by miss h
i'm a homoeopath. if u want to ask me anything i'll do my best to answer!

No direct questions really. I was just interested in members opinions. Many people are very skeptical and rely heavily on western medicine and its scientific approach. I feel a more holistic approach is required. I practice tai chi and find it a good treatment for my depression and it keeps me fit and healthy.
So really, do members believe alternate therapies work???
As a Reiki Master my response has got to be yes. With the caveat that there are a lot of conmen/women out there. I have been practising and studying Reiki for over 20 years, since long before it became fashionable.
More recently I have been studying Psychology and am a practising Hypnotherapist. Although Hypnotherapy is now pretty much regarded as main stream
I love all of these :inlove: There's nothing more relaxing than having a good reflexology session. The only one I haven't tried is the Indian Head Massage but a friend of mine has one done everytime she visits Goa ( which is like twice a year ) and she says she falls asleep every time !
Just got back to the site after many months - where are all the names I recognise? Hi to any of them and to all the new (to me) names.
Anyway, to answer your question, it dpends on what you are trying to acheive. The reason western medicine exists is because much of that which went before was not effective. Look on 'alternative' as 'complimentary' and you won't o far wrong.
I am a qualified massuer and aromatherapist; I have freinds into Reiki, energy healing and other 'alternatives' and I would not accept anything other (now) than scientifically verified treatments for anything serious. I recently carried out a study using myself as a guinee (?) pig and found that vitamin supplements made no difference to a problem I had which required formal treatment.
A massage, especially one with oils (avoid Castrol!) is a wonderful luxury, as is Indian Head Massage, relexology, shiatsu and (for me) any of the contact treatments, but don't expect anything morethan a palliative effect. (Having said that, I do not know enough about Reiki to eneralise on that specifically)
P.S. Anyone got some Jaffa Cakes?
yes and yes..........i am a real believer in 'alternative therapy'...........
i think that the thing people forget is that the roots of these medicines and therapys are a lot older that modern medicine and were developed in the same way that modern medicines are (trial and error) but using natural substances not man made ones........
i practice yoga and its helped me overcome a number of injuries etc including helping me deal with being hypermobile with nearly had me in a wheelchair at one point.........
sheddy was a synic about it.......but after a bit of nagging i got him to do a few excersises to help his back..........i'm sure he'll come in here and tell u himself when he's home but its really helped him too......
at the end of the day i think when it comes to your health and wellbeing........anything is worth a try......... lol

A massage, especially one with oils (avoid Castrol!)
Na should be EP90 lol :lol:
Quote by sparky230

A massage, especially one with oils (avoid Castrol!)
Na should be EP90 lol :lol:

With LP grease? Perfect for those grease nipples!
Quote by poshkate
at the end of the day i think when it comes to your health and wellbeing........anything is worth a try......... lol

Red wine works for me ... redface
Quote by Mac69

A massage, especially one with oils (avoid Castrol!)
Na should be EP90 lol :lol:

With LP grease? Perfect for those grease nipples!
was more thinking Land rover swivel grease and maybe some silcon brake fluid as well
Quote by sparky230

A massage, especially one with oils (avoid Castrol!)
Na should be EP90 lol :lol:

With LP grease? Perfect for those grease nipples!
was more thinking Land rover swivel grease and maybe some silcon brake fluid as well
And some Turtle Wax, too? :shock:
Quote by poshkate
yes and yes..........i am a real believer in 'alternative therapy'...........
i think that the thing people forget is that the roots of these medicines and therapys are a lot older that modern medicine and were developed in the same way that modern medicines are (trial and error) but using natural substances not man made ones........
i practice yoga and its helped me overcome a number of injuries etc including helping me deal with being hypermobile with nearly had me in a wheelchair at one point.........
sheddy was a synic about it.......but after a bit of nagging i got him to do a few excersises to help his back..........i'm sure he'll come in here and tell u himself when he's home but its really helped him too......
at the end of the day i think when it comes to your health and wellbeing........anything is worth a try......... lol

It is true 10b minutes on the lounge floor with Kate cured my bad back :lol:
Seriously its troubled me for years even went for regualr ultra sound treatment on it at one point but it didn't work. I pulled it the other month and was at PKHQ that night and she had a feel around and said she thought she knew what would help. So we did a few basic yoga moves that were aimed at the offending area (she is a trained yoga instructor so I guess its one of those dont try this on your own things) and when I get up I could tell the differance straight away. I was twinging even reaching for my coffee off the table before hand. Now this bit will sound like an ad for some quack medecine but I went work the next day and ended up on all fours with a truck gear box I was fitting on my back whilst some one crow barred it into place , the gear box that is :lol: trust me they ain't fookin light but I never had any trouble with my back that day or since biggrin
My advise would be to approach them with caution - complimntary rather than alternative.
It is well recognised that a holistic approach has a greater success when treating a long term illness or injury. Stress hormones can increase the sensitivity of pain receptors and hinder healing. Also the body does the majority of it's healing during sleep, if stress is causing insomnia then healing will be reduced and the conventional therapies will be having a reduced effect. This is why relaxing therapies such as Reiki, acupuncture and massage etc have been shown in clinical trials to have positive effects on some patients.
I advise caution because if they are used alone, they can have a detrimental effect. You can end up treating the symptoms but not the cause. This is something I can testify to. I have been suffering from a RSI injury for over 2 years. To begin with I got fed up with the hospital not being able to get to the root of the problem, and in the meantime was also seeing a Chiropracter. Several months down the line the daily pain had diminished so I stopped the hospital appointments and continued to see the Chiropracter monthly. I was having relapses every couple of months, until the beginning of this year when the symptoms intensified.
I went back to the hospital route, because as well as the back, neck and shoulder spasms I started to get pins and needles and numbness in my arms and hards - resulting in me not being able to pick anything up. I have discovered that due to masking the symptoms with Chiropractory my shoulder is beginning to "wing" and the muscles are beginning to detach from the ribcage. There is also slippage around the ball and socket joint of my shoulder which may or may not have been caused by the Chiroprater. If I had continued to be in the short term pain, but continued with the hospital investigatons I may now be pain free. As it stands at the moment, I am unable to work for the forseeable future, I may not have a job to go back to, I may have to change my whole career, I may or may not have to have operations to solve the problems. I'm just playing the waiting game.
As for alternative medicines in drug form........approach with extreme caution. Any medicines should be declared to your GP as they can interact with perscribed drugs (this includes St Johns Wort and other drugs bought freely in Health Food Shops) and existing medical conditions. If you are admitted to hospital in an emergency situation and there is no record of these herbal medicines in your notes, it could have very serious consequences. For instance, some herbal medicines can effect clotting factors - if you have to have an emeregency operation and this fact is unknown, you may either hemorrage on the operating table or suffer post-op clots.
It has been well documented that many Chinese medicines contain heavy metal compounds. People have suffered from irreversable organ damage due to taking these potions unregulated.
Another danger with herbal remedies is the quantity of the active ingredient is often unknown (if it is made from fresh or dried plants it will vary greatly from one batch to the next). This makes it impossible for the efficacy of the drug to measured.
Les x
I have a balance problem, have had it for years. A few years ago it was quite severe and my GP, after months of investigation concluded that I just needed physiotherapy. confused
So off I popped and was a bit shocked to learn the physiotherapist suggested playing with my feet. :shock:
I did at the time feel like taking the piss out of the guy etc etc but went along with it. Five sessions later the results were truly amazing, I was, quite frankly, shocked at how successful the treatment was. God knows how it worked, but it did and that was all that mattered dunno
Quote by Scandal
confused :? :? :? :?
There's a big difference between doing some basic stretching and movement i.e. yoga and Tai Chi to cure the effects of bad posture or having someone run their hands over your head and call it Indian :? as a form of relaxation and some of the hocus pocus claptrap "alternative" treatments.
Drink nettle juice with dried crushed monkey kidneys, face west for six hours a day so the sun's mysterious energy revitalises you, stick magnets on your forehead and chant for eight hours.
How is any of that measured or benchmarked? Oh yeah, it's not is it!! It's just pseudo semi-religeous claptrap that sells tacky Sunday redtops. IMO.

Don't mince your words now Scandal.....just you tell it like you see it lol :lol:
I think you have to find the therapy ur compatible with for the best has a nice subtle energy 4 starters, kinesiology is excellent for physical health and crystal healing is a good mind and chakra blower(especially combined with Reiki).
Reccommend The Russell Brand Vodka & Class A Diet
It works for us
Quote by sparky230

A massage, especially one with oils (avoid Castrol!)
Na should be EP90 lol :lol:

With LP grease? Perfect for those grease nipples!
was more thinking Land rover swivel grease and maybe some silcon brake fluid as well
Don't forget the Swarfega chaser ;-)