Hi there
My partner and I are going to Amsterdam soon, and have been trying to find info on clubs that have darkrooms (for straight couples). I've not had much joy so far, in my search. Can anyone suggest any clubs with darkrooms? Also, any other advice on the best clubs/shows to go to would be much appreciated!
Scottish Chick
Sex AND chocolate?!... Good idea! Anyhoo, thanks very much for getting back to me. I checked out the link you gave me, and feel reassured that there are a few possibilities. (Mind you, I had to resort to high school German to try and understand one of the websites so I would probably get a shock if I went to that club!).
Paradise Club does look quite cool, but as you say, it might be better to dabble over here first (we have never been to anything like this before). The closest we came (pardon the pun) was a sex cinema in Amsterdam last time we were over, and thats as risque as it got...
Thanks again for your advice - I appreciate it!
Scottish Chick
No problem
let us know how you get on :thumbup:
Must-do is Fun4two at Gouda (half hour by train from amstedam centraal)
Jolly place if a bit over-organised.
Nice mix of Dutch, Belgian and German couples. No singles ever as I recall.
You could also try a websearch for 'parenclub'.
Thanks very much for this advice too. Gouda sounds a bit cheesy though (groan...). If it's only half an hour by train it might be do-able! At least we have a couple of choices to think about. I might try to check out a 'parenclub' search (hope there's an English option though because my Dutch is negligible!!).
I'm grateful for your help!!
Scottish Chick
Hmmm. Right enough. There might be a lot of static from all of the man made fibres. I would go straight to getting my kit off, only my bits don't hang in quite the same way as the lovely laydees in the photos!...
Scottish Chick