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amusing stories from 'the scene'

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surely everyone must have a moment that makes them giggle when they remember it. Hopefully they will add them.
one of my most memorable was on a cold wintry evening in the east midlands....sitting alone at a fairly popular dogging resort...two cars came in within a few mins of each other and parked nearby....driving past i saw both had couples in..."yehaaa" i parked nearer...waited a out of my car and stood by the side of my car looking over thanking god.
the first car drove off...but the second had a woman leaning out the window beckoning me i approached she said "fancy some fun?..fancy following us up to ****** car park? which i replied in half a second flat "ok"
she looked at me as i walked nearer and she said "my name is ****, this is my boyfriend ********" as i nodded politely, and then she said "...and in the back is katie"
heart pounding not believeing my luck, pre-empting all the forthcoming sexual scenarios i leaned in the window to say hell to katie....and found myself saying hello to a labrador.
Quote by mattius
........found myself saying hello to a labrador.

I take it this was very sophisticated word-play - on the term "dogging" lol :lol:
Quote by MikeNorth
........found myself saying hello to a labrador.

I take it this was very sophisticated word-play - on the term "dogging" lol :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Katie would be the perfect companion for the springer spaniel that frequents Bolton quite regularly. The poor dog never gets a proper walk, just ten yard backwards and forwards past cars with couples in, then back to the car til the next time the owner wants to pretend he's a dog walker. Sad git confused
Quote by bluexxx
........found myself saying hello to a labrador.

I take it this was very sophisticated word-play - on the term "dogging" lol :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Katie would be the perfect companion for the springer spaniel that frequents Bolton quite regularly. The poor dog never gets a proper walk, just ten yard backwards and forwards past cars with couples in, then back to the car til the next time the owner wants to pretend he's a dog walker. Sad git confused
Time to get a new dog. I'm too well known rolleyes
Um.... if anybody remembers SurreySingle (or SexySurrey for those who frequent the chatroom) and Babe47's party in August......... Some of you may have found that whole evening a bit of a lugh... luckily i can see the funny side now, especially as SS and Babe47 are now 2 people we consider close mates, lol!!!
oh yes...and there was the time when asking a couple what they are in to...and the guy whispers to you saying that he has always wanted to see her being shagged by a guy in a trent bus drivers uniform and pink is it possible to keep your face straight !!!!!
Many years ago, when my ex husband and I tried the swinging scene, we met up with a single guy and well, events of that evening had to be written down. I think I've posted it here before, but hey.....for a laugh!
I wrote the story and for a laugh, submitted it last year to FHM. They printed it, and back in October, the story (shortened and edited made it into their hall of fame. It recently resurfaced into a book they published, so I'm quite chuffed bout it. Here ya go.......
Silky xxxxxxxxx

This happened about three years ago. I can remember every minute of the evening, and up to about a year ago, the whole thing still made me cringe. Don't worry about me though. My frown has long been replaced by a smile, to the point of wanting to share the experience with you.
We were very active within the realms of swinging. We enjoyed every aspect of it, each situation producing our own special memories.
Our first experiences in our newly 'open' relationship were mostly with single men. I thrived on being the centre of attention. Being the object of desire. Basically, hot sweaty shagging, all night long!
It was quite easy for us as well. I had just obtained my AOL account, and was inundated by single men. I created a good on-line camaraderie with some, and with permission from my partner, picked a few that we both felt comfortable with. I quickly add, that my partner at the time was very straight!
It was easier I found, to create an on-line friendship with these men and then, approach them about a threesome. I could almost see the stunned looks in their faces when I asked if they fancied joining my partner to give me 'a right good seeing to.' Sometimes, they left a trail of fire up to my front door.
For weeks on end, our weekends were fully booked. Steamy sex sessions in the middle of the lounge, up the stairs and into the bed room. It was on my kitchen chair, tied and gagged where I found my passion for bondage, and my couch saw in my first double penetration. Threesomes were fantastic, and I was sold!
Well, much to my dismay I was let down one weekend. A close male friend of mine had to work and couldn't make it on the Saturday. I was gutted! What was a girl to do? Jump straight into a chat room, and grab the first decent guy that came along, of course!
To my surprise, a very attractive 23-year guy sent me an instant message. I'll call him Mike. With in minutes we were exchanging pictures and well, to say the least I was impressed! He was incredibly good looking. He had a tiny goatee beard, long hair, a wash board chest and a 'fuck me' smile.
My fingers took on a life of their own and before I knew it my address and the words 'tomorrow night!' appeared in the IM.
Now at this point I have to stress that in the past, every guy we had met up with had possessed some threesomes' etiquette. The do's and don'ts. I guess we were quite lucky. We had had some great experiences in the past, and even a laugh or two.
It's Saturday night, and my door bell rings promptly at 10pm. My partner opens the door, as I pose myself on the settee. I was getting excited at this point, a perfect mixture of nerves and anticipation! I hear the two men exchanging words, and then my partner joined me on the couch.
We both wait...
And wait.....
Finally, I get off the couch and introduce myself to Mike. I took him by the hand and led him into the livingroom, flashing a little smile in the settee's general direction. He looked exactly like the picture he had sent me, and needless to say I was impressed!
We tried to make Mike as comfortable as possible, because it was apparent that he shy. Ok, this was going to take a bit of work!
I offered him some nibbles I had spread out on the coffee table. Not me, mind you, yet I was already envisioning the three of us in positions my mother would have an aneurysm over.
Mike was kind enough to bring a bottle of Bacardi. My favourite drink to get me 'in the mood'. Bless him. I quickly grabbed some glasses and it was ice and healthy portions all around.
As we proceeded to tuck into the rum, I started sharing some of my past experiences with Mike, just to make him feel relaxed. I add that at any time if he felt uncomfortable, to just say so, and we would stop. He shook his head and said no, he was really looking forward to the evening. We chatted some more, letting the conversation get saucier. Things were moving along swimmingly and I sat closer to him on the couch.
My partner had put on some REM, for future reference. Then we could look back and say, how many times did that CD repeat itself? As I heard the soft vocals of Michael Stipes purring 'Low', I stood up in front of both men. Letting the soothing sounds of the stereo control my body, I started to dance for them. I could feel the softness of the loose skirt I was wearing flow across my hips as they swayed to and fro. My fingers entwined themselves through my long blonde hair, piling it on the top of my head. I let my hands drop to caress my breasts, and lifted my blouse slowly, to tease. I made eye contact with both men, and saw the lust in their eyes.....
Ok, so basically I stripped for them. I put everything I had in to the dancing and within 3 tracks from the stereo I was down to the bare essentials, and loving every minute of it. My partner had a look of pride in his eyes. Mike? Well, ever drive down a country lane at night, and catch a deer in your headlights? You know that look I mean. A combination of fear and 'Oh shit, I'm in well over my head!'
Now at this point I should have recognised these warning signs, but I was thrown. Mike perked up quickly and asked if he could have a souvenir of the evening. You see I had previously intended to give him a Polaroid or two, and in my book, a promise is a promise!
I knelt before him, casually unbuttoning his trousers and released his throbbing hard-on. A lovely surprise if I do say so myself. I couldn't resist myself, and my lips were soon tracing his cock with supple kisses. My partner leaned over Mike's shoulder; Polaroid aimed as I posed. My tongue couldn't resist snaking underneath his head, and Mike threw his head back and moaned. The flash lit up the room.
With in minutes of the picture developing we were naked. It was a rather clumsy exhibition, with Mike forgetting to take his shoes off before slipping out of his Levi's. While a diminutive 'Tut, tut' raced through my brain, I spoke aloud to him. 'Mike, slow down, let me help you out of those.'
'Oh yeah, good idea!' he, grinning ear to ear. Oh God!
So to work I went, sliding his jeans down his hardy thighs, dragging his black boxer shorts with them. Our clothes lay in a crumpled pile on the floor. I stood before him and let him stare at me.
His face was void of expression. Is the boy enjoying this or what, I thought to myself! I mean the physical signs were there. Let's face it, if the guy was in bed, boy scouts could have camped under his duvet, yet his face resembled that of the village idiot!
'Oh well, in for a penny' I thought to myself as I had to actually put his hands on my hips. Our lips met and tongues danced.
Suddenly, life came into the young lad and he pulled me closer, our bodies crushing together. Mike had left Gooseberry Village speeding directly into Octopus Central. Apparently it was an Express train because the whole trip took me by surprise! It took all my strength to break the 'Eight Armed' Wonder's grasp. I brought my hands down on his shoulders, in a keen survival plan, I thought. My partner watched in amusement from the settee, stifling a giggle or two.
Mike had crouched down on the floor and I lay in front of him, his ready-to-explode cock poised for flawless oral entry. I brought my lips together in a tight little bow. Mike fingers weaved through my hair for leverage as he started forcing his cock in my mouth. I heard whimpers of pleasure from above as my lips dragged up and down his shaft.
I really didn't give much notice to what ever it was that fell across my cheek. I felt a light tickle so quickly brushed it away. Then, it happened again! Just as I was ready to look up, I felt something fall into my hair.
My fingers worked their way through my locks, and I pulled at what ever it was that had fallen.
Now most men, who are reading this would know that, being a woman, I imagined the worst. Visioning an elite force of man-eating spiders falling upon us crept through my mind. Ok, I'm being a bit dramatic here, but as I said, I'm a woman!
Nothing and I mean nothing could have prepared me for what I found in my hands.
I sat up and glanced into my palm...
I did a double take to ensure myself, that yes indeed I was looking at a hand full of crisps!
Immediately I looked at Mike. There he sat, chomping away quite merrily, licking tiny pieces of crisps off one hand. Pringles falling out from the corners of his gob. Oh bless him! The bugger must have felt a bit peckish!
Yes, as I was putting my heart into a blowjob that anyone would have been proud of, Mike was attending to the crisps on the coffee table!
I glanced from Mike to my partner and then Mike again. The other half was in a fit of laughter, tears streaming down his face.
Now I'm not sure exactly what the expression on my face was, but it must have been somewhere between pure contempt and utter disbelief. Mike stared at me, and instantly stopped chewing. Perhaps he had to break wind as well, and put the cherry on the pie.
'Oh, don't let me stop you. Carry on!' I said, through gritted teeth. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife.
We stared at each other for what seemed to be an eternity and then the funny side of the situation hit me. I was consumed with laughter and was trying in vain to hide it. Mike uttered something, and through holding my sides I asked 'Excuse me?'
'I'm nervous now' he whispered.
I assured him everything was ok and suggested he get dressed. I think this was the only manoeuvre of the evening he was totally sure of. There was no mistaking that the boy wanted his clothes back on.
I got dressed as well, still chuckling to myself. I made a few light-hearted comments, but they fell on deaf ears. Before I was completely dressed, Mike had shouted Good-bye and flew out the door.
Well, the evening wasn't a total loss. My partner and I brought in the early hours of the morning, enjoying the bottle Mike had left behind, testing out the carpet and munching on the few Pringles that were left.
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Just imagine the mess he'd have made with pringles dips :shock: :shock: :shock:
Note to self. wink Eat snack treats before disrobing for 3some fun!! biggrin
Brilliant people in the office are wondering what i'm chortling about :twisted:
Quote by bluexxx
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Just imagine the mess he'd have made with pringles dips :shock: :shock: :shock:

Ah he took his dips home with him. Tight c**t
Can I ask what you are researching Mattius
i wasnt researching...just sharing my funniest moment and wondering what had happened to smiling....i doubt i would ever put my name to a book containing these stories...then again....could be a best seller