ok here goes
I have screwed up big time here on the forums, I have allowed my personal feelings to wildly affect ,y behaviour to the end that I am almost hounding people who post threads that look as though they are playing away from home. I have upset a few people by this action, to those especially I offer this apology.
I never intended to cause anybody any insult, yes I did target those people who appeared to be playing awayy from home, and yes it was wrong and something that if I am allowed to remain a member of this site, I will do my dammdest not to repeat.
I know that being a newbie here probably I should have kept my mouth shut, but I always believe the way to let people get to know you was to talk and take part in talks, or in this case in threads. I would like to think that the vast majority of my post were in no way offensive to anybody, but I accept that those cheat posts should not have been made.
Thats why I am here now, to make this apolgy ,
Thank you for taking the time to read this
Kristoff, it was good of you to apologise, but as Sarge said, you certainly haven`t been the only one. No doubt you won`t be the last. However in such a social environment I at least recognise how difficult it is NOT to bounce off of the same people again and again, especially when you are new and trying to find your niche, if these people have adopted a bandwagon posting style, then it`s all too easily adopted. There are longer term members here who should know much better. I myself have said my piece on many of the topics Neil raised on that thread, most probably more than once. I just hope to god I haven`t made a hobby of it. This time I don`t feel the need to apologise, because my intentions and approaches were always offered with an independant and balanced sentiment (I hope). I have also tried to inject enough humour and irony to put a point across in a manner which wouldn`t provoke a road accident. A sentiment not appreciated here it seems. People just love rubber-necking.
Although I`m certainly not accusing Sarge of this, because I know him well enough that NOONE is immune for his point of view, somebody somewhere would have probably used you as an example....ironically because you are a newbie, and therefore fair game above all others.
I just think it`s a damn shame it is you who is doing the apologising here.
There's nothing wrong with giving your twopennyworth when someone here is obviously out after doing something you disapprove of - I have often chipped in with similar comments, but it is usually best to keep it somewhat low-key. Also it is sometimes possible to read between the lines and tell whether someone welcomes comments or not, some actually invite comments, maybe in a subtle way, others definitely don't.
I take my hat off to you for coming forward in such an honest and sensible way Kristof.
iam new on here and i dont think you have upset me. as others have said every one has a voice and an opinion.
Dunno WTF you're on about Kris.
Now shut up and get em off.
I feel at this point I will add my own points to this thread. I have aired my own opinion on a few of the cheating threads.
Although Im not sorry for my own personal opinion (this site has a wonderful variety of opinions, so from time to time people will clash), I am sorry for railroading new members to this site with my own views. Its not fair and not a very good impression. As I said Im not sorry for my opinions, but from now on I will not post on these threads and keep my opinions to myself. It is not my place to openly judge these people, as mentioned numerous times we have no idea of their lives, personalities or personal situations.
Everyone here is fantastic and its this colourful mix of people that makes SH what it is.
To anyone I have offended, please accept this as a personal apology
Neil! You are a big girl`s blouse.
Happy now. :mrgreen:
Sorry to everyone! (but not you Neil)
I have seen a few examples where you and some others had appeared to carry out a well rehearsed exercise in framing and pinning down some peeps, expecially the newbies. It looked a bit nasty and vindictive. And also very easy to do, judging by the slick execution of the work.
However I think you have shown excellent good judgement in arriving at your new enlightenment. Well done, and thanks for showing us other sides of your character.