is there a spell checker on here ? as , reading through the posts and many of the ads, there appear to be some very obscure spellings of various words, and i know we can all have typos and slips of the finger (now there's a thought!). it would appear that more of us should have paid a little more attention to the teacher when we were young!.
not having a pop at anybody , merely an observation.
and what incidentally does the "sic" thing mean ? and what was wrong with IS there a spell checker?
And for those travelling across the pond, or for those who spent too much time infront of the television, this might be of some value:
All of my dictionaries say "recognize", with "recognise" as an accepted variation. I can never remember which words use -ize and which use -ise, so I tend to use -ise everywhere. It's very lazy of me, I know, but it does make me identifiable as Not American.
I was going to ask if anyone had a list of correct -ise words that I could (eventually) learn. Then I realized that it's the perfect job for a rhyming dictionary.
Franchise, surmise, despise, comprise, excise, incise, chastise... perhaps I should just give up and never use any -ise or -ize words in writing.
Quantize. I will remember that one. I use it all the time at work, and I've been getting it wrong.
Back to the "Does sise matter?" thread.
Back when I was a young lad, I was working on an IBM mini computer (system /34 for all you ancient IT bods)....
I spent 2 whole days banging my head against a wall trying to debug some scripts I'd written.
My error: spelling the word Organise with an S and not a Z
Appraise and apprise have different meanings... what kind of debate do you want????
Appraise = value
Apprise = inform
Yes but apprize=appraise. It's like an eternal triangle in the z/s cosmos :!: :!: