I've been on the site for about 3 years now and I 'expire' in Dec 2006. How much is the annual membership fee, when I need to renew ?
Admin will make that clearer nearer the time, so I believe
other wise pm them and ask
I've just pm'ed admin for the same reason as i want to have the extras package (Free period just expired) and want to try and keep payments close together let u know the reply.
weve been on here for bout 8 months and never paid anything??!?!?!?.....will we suddenly have to pay???? and if you send a message and include your email,.does it get delivered????
weve been on here for bout 8 months and never paid anything??!?!?!?.....will we suddenly have to pay???? and if you send a message and include your email,.does it get delivered????
If you look in your account ir should say when you lapse. For most of the original members it seems to be Dec 2006
Just thought i'd have a say on the membership fees we've been a member of this site for over 3 year and obviously joined when it was free. We think that people who were members before the charge came in shouldn't have to pay anything as another popular swinging site done. Basically if you joined when it was free it should stay free.
Where do I see when my account expires? I've had a poke around but can't find it... :P
Now I'm confused - I just clicked on the profile button beow my own post and it said I was a member since May 2006???????
Methinks the 'Member since' in the profile maybe a little glitchette
Everyone's is saying May 2006