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Anonymous Moderation

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After a chat with a friend the other day I was wondering what people's thoughts were on anonymous Modding of this/any forum/Chat site? One of the reasons I rate this place over other Swinging and gay sites I've used is that fact that it is so well policed (and I use that with a small 'p'!)
However, I can't think of any real reason why members need to actually know who Moderators are by username (if they need to find them online, couldn't they have a pseudonym - i.e. Mod./Chat Op. 1, 2, 3 etc)? There may be very valid reasons that I've completely missed though.
I guess it could be a question of personal Vs. positional power for some - i.e. do they like the esteem of having the title attached to their username? After all, we're all human and there are members of any community that enjoy that kind of affirmation and others that definitely don't.
There are clearly different styles of Modding here - again, we're all different so there’s bound to be AND there's a place for all of it. However, can this inconsistency be confusing to new (and old) members?
Do Mod's/Chat Ops. who currently operate on the site feel they need to be 'on their best behaviour' all of the time and does this get in the way of their Swinging? Are they worried to post an ad. in case it's perceived wrongly? Do they feel exposed to numpty questions and are they treated differently at social events by some members?
Do members avoid posting on threads that Mod's write in case they speak out of turn or do they enjoy it more?
Just brain dumping really as I've Moderated elsewhere in the past myself and we discussed it there also but I can’t remember what the ‘pros and cons’ were as it was a long time back.
What do you guys think? biggrin
Dont want to risk ruining your thread Bloke by posting in it, but yes, it definately does get in the way of swinging, especially the messages saying "Sorry, I didnt realise you were a moderator, thought you were a swinger" confused
I will leave the comments on the anonymous side of things for the others and this will certainly make interesting reading wink
I personlly belive that it's a good idea to be able to assoasiate names with mods and ops.
When a decison is made to take some sort of diciplinary action or arbitration you know that the person/persons have made that decison based not only on site AUP's but also experience, whether they be single, couple, gay or straight Mods and ops also take part in the many discussions on here this helps show that there not just "faceless".
Given that the site is so varied from "semi vanila" to "mint choch chip with flake" it's helps that when advice is given you often see that those peeps are not always that different from yourself.
P.s it's great to be able to perv some of the as well redface
Does anyone remember SwingMod..? LOL
As an ex mod here and a current mod elsewhere, I've never had a problem being a mod and a swinger. In replies I got from photo ads, where most people aren't really aware of the forums, mod status really never was an issue, unless I wanted to mention it. And I never had a problem posting for meets on the forums here when I was a mod, I did all sorts of meets, parties etc, and my mod status didn't matter confused
But to answer the OP properly, there are pros and cons of anonymous modding. I can only focus on cons though, for forum modding. As a member I like to know who the mods are, on forums where there are regular posters who know each other, it would seem quite subversive (for the want of a better word) for a big bad SwingMod to fly in and slap someone. I would feel that I was being judged not by a recognisable person but by an over-arching super power..... lololololol. Less dramically put though, on another site where anonymous SwingModding was tried, where forum mods were known as SwingMod 1, SwingMod 2 etc, it took all of , ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2 mins for regular forum posters to suss out which person was which SwingMod by posting style. And as a mod elsewhere, if I edit a post I post in red and sign my name, then if that poster has a problem they know where to come for more info. I guess I am a fan of transparency!
I do see the pros with controversial decisions, where, say one mod bans a well respected member. It is possible for that one single mod to be blamed for a decision when it was actually a team decision. That's why, I think, with bans, say someone being given a reason for a ban, it must be extremely clear that it is a team decision, not a single person one. Signing an email "Mod Team" pretty much covers that!
So yeah, I kinda see the point, but I would always vote no to anonymous forum modding, but yes to (more) anonymous modding in certain circumstances.
Regards all
ex-SwingMod 1, ooops, Blue xxx lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nope transparency is always good in politics, moderators and blouses.
This site has always had some of the best Mods on the net, and long may it reign so. If you have the courage to do the job then you should have the courage of conviction as well.
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Dont want to risk ruining your thread Bloke by posting in it...

Not at all... I was actually hoping Mods AND members would post, old and new :P x
Awww, if it were all anonymous then you'd have noone to laugh and point at!
We all have plenty of things to point at you Nola :twisted:
I don't regard the mods here as being any different from other members posting. But then I have been around here since before all the current mods were mods, apart from Mal I think, so that probably makes a difference.
Quote by MikeNorth
I don't regard the mods here as being any different from other members posting. But then I have been around here since before all the current mods were mods, apart from Mal I think, so that probably makes a difference.

Mal's been a mod since the creation of the universe..... ha ha
actually i like knowing who the ops n mods are i think them being faceless so to speak would make things odd but then i've not used a site where they are faceless so i know no different
how do you become a mod/op i've always wondered do you apply or do they approach you
not that i wish to be one just always been curious
Quote by bouncy332 do you become a mod/op i've always wondered do you apply or do they approach you
not that i wish to be one just always been curious

You remember that scene in Alien with the pods...? Well it's like that at SH HQ :rascal:
Doesn't Mal get wet or fed or something after midnight or summat and a new Mod pops out... dunno
All the chat ops and mods I've been in contact with have been very friendly, helpful - positively personable. If they were anonymous I'm sure my attitude would change to the was I think of the Civil Service and police.
I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable chatting with a faceless, nameless person watching what I typed. It would probably kill any chat room on the spot.
It is way easier to talk about a problem in chat when i can at least imagine the person behind the username.
Quote by BIoke do you become a mod/op i've always wondered do you apply or do they approach you
not that i wish to be one just always been curious

You remember that scene in Alien with the pods...? Well it's like that at SH HQ :rascal:
Doesn't Mal get wet or fed or something after midnight or summat and a new Mod pops out... dunno
:giggle: i could actually believe that it seems the most plausable explanation :giggle:
I've never really given it any thought but IMHO I wouldn't like to be hidden. confused I don't like the term "policing the site" but I suppose there is an analogy to be made in certain areas, and one of those is being held accountable for any actions I take. If I removed my badge then I could pretty much do what I wanted, and that wouldn't be fair on anyone. sad
Regarding the selection process: it's a bit like a masonic induction with lots of funny handshakes and rituals. I am soooo glad Bluexxx was no longer a mod when I joined up... I don't think I could have survived what the original mods had to endure! :shock: ;-) :lol2:
Quote by flower411

I do see the pros with controversial decisions, where, say one mod bans a well respected member. It is possible for that one single mod to be blamed for a decision when it was actually a team decision. That's why, I think, with bans, say someone being given a reason for a ban, it must be extremely clear that it is a team decision, not a single person one. Signing an email "Mod Team" pretty much covers that!
ex-SwingMod 1, ooops, Blue xxx lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

I`m interested in the comment about "team decisions".
Is that actually the case ? Are all bans put to a vote ?
I have had one or two altercations in the past and always felt that I was running close to the wind with specific mods. However, if banning is a team decision, it all becomes quite clear wink
I must admit, I have always held the impression that mods and ops can have other identities and could, therefore appear without their mod or op hats on.
I don't know how it works with this new lot (and Mal :wink: ), but yes, quite a lot used to be done via team decision, sometimes, yes, a vote. All the sites I have ever modded on follow the same sort of system. It's fairer, I guess. Sure, a lot of decisions are on the spot, made by one mod - such as banning a poster who is clearly in breach of the AUP, or locking a thread that is clearly inappropriate. But other decisions IMO would always be best made by a team (and communicated to be as such).
Sorry new mods (and Mal :wink: ) if I have over stepped the mark in saying this. I haven't beena mod here for several years ( :shock: ) so it may all be different now redface
I was a mod in the early 80's we used to get drubk fight get arrested and throw up in that order. I cant tell you how many clothes I ruined and how many fines I paid but boy it was expensive fun. Mods nowadays just dont have the style I mean look at Vespas ffs how can you bone down a piece of plastic like you have nowadays? Good italian steel thats what you want believe me.
Quote by flower411

I do see the pros with controversial decisions, where, say one mod bans a well respected member. It is possible for that one single mod to be blamed for a decision when it was actually a team decision. That's why, I think, with bans, say someone being given a reason for a ban, it must be extremely clear that it is a team decision, not a single person one. Signing an email "Mod Team" pretty much covers that!
ex-SwingMod 1, ooops, Blue xxx lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

I`m interested in the comment about "team decisions".
Is that actually the case ? Are all bans put to a vote ?
I have had one or two altercations in the past and always felt that I was running close to the wind with specific mods. However, if banning is a team decision, it all becomes quite clear wink
I must admit, I have always held the impression that mods and ops can have other identities and could, therefore appear without their mod or op hats on.
Not all bans are put to a vote! confused :?
If it is obvious that someone has broken the AUP and it is deemed serious enough for some sort of ban, then the mod that is dealing with it will decide on the ban, based on the Members previous history and the seriousness of the matter.
When it is not so obvious, the Mods will discuss it to decide the best course of action. :? :? :? :? :wink:
OK, I think Bulko's covered the ban situation pretty well, but I'd just like to add that it's incredibly difficult to get a "discussed" ban. You have to be a real pain in the proverbial and sail sooooooo close to the wind sooooooo many times before it's even mentioned. Despite what some members may think or feel we're not here to hand out bans willy-nilly. It's not our job and it's not what we as people want to be doing. I hate banning most people (there are some seriously sick exceptions though. evil ) and I always question the ban right up to giving myself time to rethink the situation before hitting the ban button.
Moving onto the other side of things :rascal: I don't know about other mods/ops, but I do get more attention in chat because of the star. redface I guess it's the old thing of some people being attracted others in a position of "authority" (in speechmarks 'cos most of the time I'm hardly in control of my own bodily functions :shock: :lol2: never mind telling others what to do.) and I suppose I could capitalise on that and turn it into meets if I was inclined to profit from my position, but that's not me. Plus there's a chance it could compromise my impartiality later down the line, so I could see it being a minefield for those mods/ops that are meeting people.
*re-reads OP*
On anonymity; some of the ops do use opping accounts, but they're still easy to identify to admin if there are queries or problems and it leaves them free to enjoy their pursuits under their "normal" usernames. Personally I wanted to keep my username. I've been here a while now and I think that a lot of people know me and know what to expect from me, dunno which might make some more comfortable approaching me. Probably a double-edged sword and puts some off though. :lol2:
I personally like having mods/ops with username's, rather than some generic ID, I think it gives them some way of expressing themselves and makes them more human to other members. smile
Last point (I know... I've rambled on here surprisedops: ) do I feel like I have to be on my best behaviour? Yes, most of the time. I can share a laugh and a cheeky joke with some (I like to think), but I'll always bare in mind that I'm here as a representative of a business so I'll monitor my own behaviour and I won't comment on some threads or topics because I may feel it's inappropriate of me to do so given that I'm an op.
Quote by easy
I'm hardly in control of my own bodily functions

Pop it back when you're finished:

Seriously though, I agree with what you and Bilko have put. I prefer people knowing I'm a real person rather than some anonymous character....and I do get a fair bit of attention related to the star (including someone who wanted to come home and lick it for me!). I hope I come across as approachable and prepared to help members to enjoy the site. Always happy for members to add me to their friend list so they know when I'm online.
Quote by Varken
I'm hardly in control of my own bodily functions

Pop it back when you're finished:

Seriously. confused You want it back after I've finished with it? I usually just flush it, but if you say so..... dunno loon
My mother warned me about men like you ...... she used to tell me to make sure I got the money first. ;) :giggle: