I’m writing this post on my own behalf, about me, my thoughts, desires and wishes.
I’m quite sure she’ll be along in her own time.
We are and will always be two individual people, regardless of what else you think we are or we might become.
I wasn’t sure whether to post this here or in LMU, but decided on here because I’m just telling you, not actually asking for invites and such.
And possibly asking for suggestions on format. That’ll become more clear as I type.
Are you all sat down ?
Are you sitting comfortably ?
Good. Then I’ll begin :lol2:
I know it’s a long way off, but I’d like you to consider something for late next year.
September next year.
I’m bringing up now because it is going to be very important to me, and I'd like as many of my friends from here to share it with me.
I make no apologies for stealing the idea following Marcuso’s very successful recent birthday party, and that some of you tried to wish me Happy Birthday at the last Yorks Munch; but I went awol at the critical moment

My next birthday isn’t a “milestone†but what I’m thinking of will be something of a milestone (or mill stone, depending on your own point of view)
You’re ahead of me now – aren’t you :lol2:
Don’t order your new hats yet

This is where the “suggestion" part comes in.
So . . . . . . . .
A straight (not in any macho bullshit sort of way) birthday party/munch or a public (within SH) commitment ceremony ???????????
If the birthday munch, let’s just get pissed.
If the ceremony, I really will want some sort of “wordingâ€, someone to officiate, a best man (yeah – right :dry

And of course, a name to call it.
As those who know me well know – I’m not a tree huggy, right on, friend of the earth.
I would however, be open to suggestion of format for something a little less “Stonehenge†than the Handfasting sort of thing.
And those of you that do know me, will know there’s no intended insult or malice in that.
If this post is not absolutely crystal clear . . . . . . . . . .
You're about to meet . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mark IV
But being the romantic bastard that I am - I would like to introduce you formally and in public.
My biggest question . . . . . . .
Would enough of you give me enough of a full day/late afternoon, rather than the normal evening invloved in a standard munch.