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Another Important Announcement.

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11 watchers
Well . . . . . . to me it is.
I’m writing this post on my own behalf, about me, my thoughts, desires and wishes.
I’m quite sure she’ll be along in her own time.
We are and will always be two individual people, regardless of what else you think we are or we might become.
I wasn’t sure whether to post this here or in LMU, but decided on here because I’m just telling you, not actually asking for invites and such.
And possibly asking for suggestions on format. That’ll become more clear as I type.
Are you all sat down ?
Are you sitting comfortably ?
Good. Then I’ll begin :lol2:
I know it’s a long way off, but I’d like you to consider something for late next year.
September next year.
I’m bringing up now because it is going to be very important to me, and I'd like as many of my friends from here to share it with me.
I make no apologies for stealing the idea following Marcuso’s very successful recent birthday party, and that some of you tried to wish me Happy Birthday at the last Yorks Munch; but I went awol at the critical moment smackbottom
My next birthday isn’t a “milestone” but what I’m thinking of will be something of a milestone (or mill stone, depending on your own point of view)
You’re ahead of me now – aren’t you :lol2:
Don’t order your new hats yet wink
This is where the “suggestion" part comes in.
So . . . . . . . .
A straight (not in any macho bullshit sort of way) birthday party/munch or a public (within SH) commitment ceremony ???????????
If the birthday munch, let’s just get pissed.
If the ceremony, I really will want some sort of “wording”, someone to officiate, a best man (yeah – right :drysmile a cake (just love cakey-bun) a stag night evil - oh – and to get a wobble on afterwards.
And of course, a name to call it.
As those who know me well know – I’m not a tree huggy, right on, friend of the earth.
I would however, be open to suggestion of format for something a little less “Stonehenge” than the Handfasting sort of thing.
And those of you that do know me, will know there’s no intended insult or malice in that.
If this post is not absolutely crystal clear . . . . . . . . . .
You're about to meet . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mark IV
But being the romantic bastard that I am - I would like to introduce you formally and in public.
My biggest question . . . . . . .
Would enough of you give me enough of a full day/late afternoon, rather than the normal evening invloved in a standard munch.
Yes, as long as we don't have to wear hats biggrin
Dammie... are you pissed???? lol :lol: :lol:
I'd give you a week Dammy. How does a week long stag nightly cruise in the carribean sound? cool
If you get a 'wobble on' we could always just tie you to a palm tree on an island somewhere with a note attached to your forehead. 'If found in a consious state please feed brandy until he incoherently wobbles out of control.' wink
Big gratz to you both. biggrin
:shock: Wow :shock:
We dont know HLB but Dmmie your a lovely bloke that deserves happiness kiss
Sweetheart you're far better with words than I. For now all I can say is......
:inlove: :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:
passionkiss sillyassionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss:
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
I'll try and post something a little more prolific once I stop "geeing"
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:mrgreen: Holy Crapola !! :mrgreen:
I swear my nerves cant take any more of these 'Important announcements' !!! but fuck! what an announcement!!!!!!! :shock: biggrin :D :D :D :D :D
:happy: :happy: Bless You Both & Congratulations :happy: :happy:
May I add my congratulations to you both. biggrin
Harry Jones
Dammy if your sobe r and saying what i think you are all i can say is you lucky b***ard
i will polish me boots even wear a tie
Dammy if your pissed
iv'e seen her i will take her off your hands cos yer dead
Quote by dambuster
Well . . . . . . to me it is.
I’m writing this post on my own behalf, about me, my thoughts, desires and wishes.
I’m quite sure she’ll be along in her own time.
We are and will always be two individual people, regardless of what else you think we are or we might become.
I wasn’t sure whether to post this here or in LMU, but decided on here because I’m just telling you, not actually asking for invites and such.
And possibly asking for suggestions on format. That’ll become more clear as I type.
Are you all sat down ?
Are you sitting comfortably ?
Good. Then I’ll begin :lol2:
I know it’s a long way off, but I’d like you to consider something for late next year.
September next year.
I’m bringing up now because it is going to be very important to me, and I'd like as many of my friends from here to share it with me.
I make no apologies for stealing the idea following Marcuso’s very successful recent birthday party, and that some of you tried to wish me Happy Birthday at the last Yorks Munch; but I went awol at the critical moment smackbottom
My next birthday isn’t a “milestone” but what I’m thinking of will be something of a milestone (or mill stone, depending on your own point of view)
You’re ahead of me now – aren’t you :lol2:
Don’t order your new hats yet wink
This is where the “suggestion" part comes in.
So . . . . . . . .
A straight (not in any macho bullshit sort of way) birthday party/munch or a public (within SH) commitment ceremony ???????????
If the birthday munch, let’s just get pissed.
If the ceremony, I really will want some sort of “wording”, someone to officiate, a best man (yeah – right :drysmile a cake (just love cakey-bun) a stag night evil - oh – and to get a wobble on afterwards.
And of course, a name to call it.
As those who know me well know – I’m not a tree huggy, right on, friend of the earth.
I would however, be open to suggestion of format for something a little less “Stonehenge” than the Handfasting sort of thing.
And those of you that do know me, will know there’s no intended insult or malice in that.
If this post is not absolutely crystal clear . . . . . . . . . .
You're about to meet . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mark IV
But being the romantic bastard that I am - I would like to introduce you formally and in public.
My biggest question . . . . . . .
Would enough of you give me enough of a full day/late afternoon, rather than the normal evening invloved in a standard munch.

Wow.... lol.... congratulations......... big hugs and kisses....
Whatever ceremony suits you both.... or none at all...... lol
Glad i don't need a new hat... it would come out of the 'new horse' fund...... lol
equi-princess xxx
singing....... I'm getting married in the morning................
Congratulations Guys
I am sooooo pleased for you.
Love and hugs
Congratulations dammie my friend, if you can make a commitment like that we could hardly call ourselves mates if we couldn't commit to setting aside a full day to help you celebrate.......
Jeez, that was a secret I thought I was gonna have to keep quiet about fer ages and now it's out already!!
Congratulations, hugs and kisses all 'round. Great news - go for it you two.
Wow - what a party that'll be!!
Are you saying

or just the second one????????? :shock: :shock:
What ever it is congratulations to you both.
Count us in and do you want badges lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
We had a very unusual ceromony with a celebrant.....not legal (we did that in the morning in jeans and t-shirt) but we wrote all our own words, my 6 year old (then) was son (father) of the bride, my step son, who was then 10, the best man.
If you want to know more about this kind of ceromony give me a call, you can see the vid, read the vows we wrote - which went along the line "I know you can be a bitch but..." :lol: and I can put you in touch with someone who does this kind of thing.
Great news
kaz kiss
Well done xxx hugs and kisses xxx
Awww, the holy grail.
Congratulations both smile
Kitty xxx
Quote by kazswallows
Are you saying

:shock: Hell Nooooooooooooooooo
Yep that's the one
We had a very unusual ceromony with a celebrant.....
....If you want to know more about this kind of ceromony give me a call.

That's along the line that we're thinking. I'll give you a bell.
Cheers hun

wohoo :bounce: Fantastic news.
Gongratulations to you both. lol
Wow! Good luck you two. :bounce: :bounce:
Does this mean you're retiring your splitter Dammie? wink
smile :)
thats great news.
this site makes more matches than blind date ever did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
would love to be there to see it and be part of it.
i feel all soppy now
Congratulations to you both biggrin
ccr xxxx
Nice to have some good news on the site
Congratulations to you both
Congratulations to you both.
Quote by dambuster
I’m bringing up now because it is going to be very important to me, and I'd like as many of my friends from here to share it with me.
If the ceremony, I really will want some sort of “wording”, someone to officiate, a best man (yeah – right :drysmile a cake (just love cakey-bun) a stag night evil - oh – and to get a wobble on afterwards.

To: Officiate:- Mal
Photographer:- Marcuso
Bridesmaids type thingy:- Darkfire & Debbiewebs
Best man thingy:- me
Stag Night thingy:- Best man thingy to arrange :twisted: :twisted:
Hen Night thingy:- Darkfire & Debbiewebs to arrange :P :P
Wording:- you should write your own
Guests:- the rest of SH
I dont know either of you very well ... but
:thrilled: :thrilled: CONGRATULATIONS :thrilled: :thrilled:
Hope to get to know you guys and many more in the months to come smile
Congratulations!!.....its lovely to hear such happy news.
I wish you all the best and happiness in the world.