After several weeks of lurking, I have just realised how to register! Can't have been looking too hard...Anyway, my hubbie and I have been thinking about going to a swingers hotel in the near future. We unfortunately managed to watch 'some' of the Sex with Strangers thing, and you are right, it had very nearly put us off (well me anyway)- everyone looked like it was hard work and would just end in tears. Luckily I read all of your replies on it and feel a bit easier, but I am quite nervous. What if I don't fancy anyone? What if no-one fancies me? What do I wear etc etc, the list is endless!! Has anyone been to the establishment in question - in Torquay owned by a couple called Mark and ? oops I forget Ann?( possibly). Don't want to get the paperwork and lose my message. This is getting a bit long, anyway, hi to everyone swinging along x