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any of you people got sat nav ?

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hi there
im just wondering how many people have sat nav in there veichles ...
im using tom tom 3 ...what do you use and is it any good ?
i have a Hewlett Packard H2210 IPAQ with Tom Tom Bluetooth GPS & Cradle
And this is relevant to a swinging forum ???
Quote by Libra-Love
To navagate our way to munches dunno

That's why Timmy got his. Fed up with using maps and directions, plus he likes gadgets. lol His is a Tom Tom Go
Hi Calista
I know its not really relevant to swinging but i just thought id ask people
i find it makes finding places a whole lot easier (anything to make life easier)
& also if a sexy fem wants me to go visit her then i havent got the excuse of
i couldent find it get my drift
Im still looking for one that will gently tell me in the morning who I am and my age and what day/month it is , before it starts to confuse me so early with directions.
hi there
im just wondering how many people have sat nav in there veichles ...
im using tom tom 3 ...what do you use and is it any good ?
i have a Hewlett Packard H2210 IPAQ with Tom Tom Bluetooth GPS & Cradle

I was going to buy one but couldnt find my way to the shops redface
I desperately need Sat Nav. I get terribly jealous when some people keep showing off about theirs. (Timmy, Marms :P) However, they are far from cheap. (Not Timmy & Marms, they are cheap.)
If anyone thinks this would be a suitable wedding prezzie for me & 'im indoors, then please... feel free.
I use a Medion PDA with Sat-nav .
Used it to go from Liverpool to Marcuso's party last year = got me to within 5mtrs of his house.
I will be using it for the Valentines Munch as well :)
I have been using some form of Sat-nav for the past 4yrs (Garmin) .
Safe navigation peeps and may you get to the Munches quicker
I've got Tom Tom too and use it loads - got really fed up being lost in strange towns/places or countryside. Only problem is that the iPaq needs about 4 soft resets each time before I pulug it into the hardwired cradle. Apart from that it's really invaluable.
I could get lost in a paper bag!
I've got Tomtom Go and now wouldn't be without it.
Quote by Vix
I desperately need Sat Nav. I get terribly jealous when some people keep showing off about theirs. (Timmy, Marms :P) However, they are far from cheap. (Not Timmy & Marms, they are cheap.)
If anyone thinks this would be a suitable wedding prezzie for me & 'im indoors, then please... feel free.

/me drops to his knees crying pitiously
I believe Sat Nav is Satellite Navigation, you have a gizmo in your car and put in the address you're going to and it gives you directions, like 'take the next left turn'. I think.
Bit like the instructions given to you by a driving examiner (except I don't think they help you find your way to munches or swingers' parties) smile
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1
I use a Medion PDA with Sat-nav .
Used it to go from Liverpool to Marcuso's party last year = got me to within 5mtrs of his house.
I will be using it for the Valentines Munch as well :)
I have been using some form of Sat-nav for the past 4yrs (Garmin) .
Safe navigation peeps and may you get to the Munches quicker

I was wondering who had parked in the hedge at the front...
My navigation system is fully automated, although occasionally it is prone to system failure & user error. It consists of 1 1/2 brain cells, an up to date road atlas, an A-Z for Tyneside, & an extensive collection of Ordnance Survey Maps for various locations around the UK. :small-print: :jagsatwork: :thumbup:
Quote by kristof
/me drops to his knees crying pitiously

*tsk* some people need to do their background reading... here for example.
keep confusing mine, I take shortcut home from yard and after 18 months of going same way it still tells me to go via the town.
Sparky, why do you turn it on if you know which way to go anyway confused
i have recently changed my car to a vauxhall signum it comes with it built in before i had sat nav i thought it was just another gadget of little use
but i must admit its a great help at times
and the vauxhall one seams to work really well
:shock: lol :lol: :lol:
Scandal you are naughty :lol:
(sounds like me, actually and we always get lost)
Quote by freckledbird
Sparky, why do you turn it on if you know which way to go anyway confused

I only leave it on for the traffic news,etc but you have to tell it where you going, won't do traffic unless you do.
So that's why
Quote by sparky230
Sparky, why do you turn it on if you know which way to go anyway confused

I only leave it on for the traffic news,etc but you have to tell it where you going, won't do traffic unless you do.
So that's why
I get a kick out of NOT going where it tells me cos the woman gets more and more insistent and eventually tells you to 'turn around when possible'. I know it's not real but it breaks up a boring long motorway journey.
Actually, I try to find roads other than motorways and Tom Tom lets you avoid them - when you learn to work it properly that is. :shock:
Quote by Jags
Sparky, why do you turn it on if you know which way to go anyway confused

I only leave it on for the traffic news,etc but you have to tell it where you going, won't do traffic unless you do.
So that's why
I get a kick out of NOT going where it tells me cos the woman gets more and more insistent and eventually tells you to 'turn around when possible'. I know it's not real but it breaks up a boring long motorway journey.
Actually, I try to find roads other than motorways and Tom Tom lets you avoid them - when you learn to work it properly that is. :shock:
drove to my brothers last week, accidently pressed home key instead of preprog for brother, womens voice kept shouting at me all the way to ashford from maidstone,Could figure out how to cancel while moving, and wouldn't turn off as running prog, It get lounder and lounder and insists u turn round, but quite politly though
Just touch the screen and then touch on 'navigate' again and the nice woman will recalculate the route for you. OR turn off the sound! Touch the screen and then touch on 'sound off'.
Now this is a million miles from Techno-shite (TMJags2004) - it's just called 'reading the instructions' :shock:
Quote by HungryP
My navigation system is fully automated, although occasionally it is prone to system failure & user error. It consists of 1 1/2 brain cells, an up to date road atlas, an A-Z for Tyneside, & an extensive collection of Ordnance Survey Maps for various locations around the UK. :small-print: :jagsatwork: :thumbup:

Actually, I must admit it would have been really useful when I was in Spain a couple of years ago. Getting used to driving in a country where I've never driven before (wrong side of road, different traffic regulations & signs, having to navigate on strange roads etc) while on my own was a real challenge.
There were times when I began wondering about the logic of going on a holiday, but putting myself in a position where I could possibly run someone (a child !) over & maybe kill them :shock: . Apart from the poor sod who would be dead, what effect would that have on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But finally I got used to it, travelled around loads & had a great time. But satellite navigation would have made it so much easier. confused
I use the navman software and it's great, but there are no speed camera plugins free on the net sad
but the pda it's on starts at £250 with gps built in so not bad for the money
biggrin we ave a sat nav its a tom tom 3 same as urs to go wiv my pda, we love it only had it a week, ideal for munches and meetings as we travel hundreds of miles
alynjon xxxxxxxx