Mars bless him had 'Man Flu'.......I've been vomiting and Eagerslut9 has a sore tummy.
Is this the start of a SH epidemic? :scared: :scared:
I thought most people at the party on sat were Sick in the head anyway! :twisted:
I am aching all over and Del has been throwing up.
Think the aches are a down side to going up and down all those bloody steep stairs, just bloody hope she gets a bungalow next time :twisted:
Gill x
Mars hasn`t been throwing up, it wasn`t him, honest! :shock:
Will raise a hand to any sore throats though :scared:
I think somethings going around. I wasn't even at Blues and I still caught something off you lot. grrrrrr. Come on, own up. Who's the poorly one?
I didn't even go to the bloody party but I got to know the inside of my toilet bowl extremely well on Monday morning. No more calls on the great white telephone today but just feel like I've gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson where my body aches from wretching :sparring:
HINT - A PM could make all the difference :notes:
Didn't make it to work today. Still poorly and can't venture far from the loo.
Hope to get time to pop a few pics up today and make all the ill peeps smile.
wow, not speaking too soon here but all I have done is sleep since the party! Still incredibly tired, I'm not as fit as I used to be! Still we all have to suffer for a good time or chances are you didn't have much fun :twisted: :twisted:
Virtual hugs to all the poorly peeps, from a great distance so I don't catch what you've got :P
I also have become very well aquainted with my bathroom on Monday afternoon and had to come home from work, never have I been so ill.
I blame too much vodka jelly
Now on tap water and nothing else, apparently I'll be better iin a total of 24 hours..............and about half a stone lighter!!
Kisses and hugs to everyone else who now knows their bathrooms very well.
Spidey - I'd love some TLC, just don't think you'd love me too much if I was ill mid hug....yuck.
Lasted an hour in work this morning, still on water and feel so achy.
ES has gone to work but didn't sound too good first thing this morning :therethere:
{{{{{Hugs to the sick peeps ;)}}}}}
Kitty xx
Right lock all the sick peeps in a room and don't let them out till they are better.
(mmmm sounds like the Dark side party all over again)
Oh listen to all you soft lot. No stamina, you just can't handle a good spanking :giggle:
I'm not ill :rude: