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Any resident Mobile phone techies in ?

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Hey Folks ...
Heres my problem ...
I live on a mountain (well in a house on a mountain actually , but get my drift) and my mobile phone signal is almost zero. To talk at all i have to adopt a one legged pose with my head hanging out of the upstairs windows.
What i want to know is this , is there some kind of mast / aerial that i can install and hook upto my moby ? ... i know i can divert the phone to the landline but that isnt what i wanna do. I also purchased a little device that goes inside your fone to supposedly give u the equivalent reception of having a four foot aerial . My arse!! (copyright Jim Royle).
I cant believe i can be the first/only person with this problem , and i am hoping someone has a solution .
One of the best things about living where I do is - no phone signal at all. Its Bliss.
Its also highly entertaining to watch visitors stuggling with their phones and leaning this way and that to see if they can get a signal.
I'm no mobile phone fan myself , but its essential for me to earn money to keep the kids in shoes and me in Vodka.
Not very helpful I know but, after finding myself with 11 other people and a total of 9 phones on the O2 network without a signal I invested in second cheap phone and second sim with another network - Orange. Now, when O2 is not available then usually Orange is, not always but enough for peace of mind when out in the wild woollies of the country.
Just means that people need to have both numbers.
Maybe there's an easier way???
It is possible to buy multi signal sim cards that automatically switch to the strongest reception around you. All sim cards have this technology for when you dial 999 you will always have full signal. Not many people know that.
I'm not sure how much they are but am positive that they are available.
Maybe i should have mentioned the only network that can get any kind of signal is Orange (which i already have) . Guess i'll just have to build an extra storey on my house sad
Then maybe digital mobile phone may be a bit better for you as these generally have a stronger signal. 98.5% of the entire British Isles are covered with some mobile phone signal, deciphering which signal it is though is the harder part. Just because Orange (or any of the main leaders) don't have signal in your area then another company will.
You could always contact Orange and get them to build an attractive 'tree' somewhere close to your town and then you will get the signal. Chances of that happening though are quite slim, but there is a chance.
thanks for your replies Matt ,
The bloody frustrating part is that is I go 30 yards up or down my road i get full signal confused
so WTF is all that about , i really dunno ... I have a digital mobile phone , well i think i do blink