same shit different day m8
I've had a normal day but I'm lucky that I had this day and I'm sane (?) and healthy enough to enjoy it. Beats the alternative.
Now, think positive and don't complain !
Sh*t days are horrible so I feel fo you :therethere:
I have had a normal day, although a lot more busy than normal - although I prefer that as the day goes much quicker.
I have had my fair share of crap days so now I try my best to make the most of them, even though it can be really hard. I try and persuade myself that my job isn't that bad really and others have worse - its true I guess!
Good day - shite evening!
I have resigned my job 2day after 2 years. Shite day
Yesterday was great coz I met mad Dammie and the lovely HLB :inlove:
Today, bit of a nothing day. Did a job this morning, spent too long on here as usual, couldn't sleep this afternoon and got work tonight. Roll on my week off ! :happy:
well i guess life can become tedious at times but then again life is one big routine
someone you have to vary it
I left it too late to arrange to be a steward at the Green Man fetstival, and so can't go to that.
My fb (for want of a better phrase - lover? I don't know) can't make it down this weekend, my other friend, playmate (?) is in France.
The last 3 out of 4 meets I arranged didn't even show up so I'm disinclined to arrange anything.
It being a prime week end in August all of my friends (of the vanilla persuaion) are busy.
I need a hug - and a suggestion of what to do with my week-end (serious or otherwise)