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anyone else have a sh*t day??!

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wont go into the ins ands outs of it but lets just say that my position within the company i work for is becoming more than a tad tedious! mad
On the upside ive made a decision. Im going to move. Abroad. To Dubai to be precise! biggrin
Not a spur of the moment decision by any means, its something thats been brewing for a little while now, but have made a firm decision today and going to start applying for jobs there now. smile
wonder what the swinging lifestyle (if any) is like out there?? lol
anyway- how was everyone elses day? :)
most jobs should last as long as they are expected to provide an employable position.
maybe time's up............ confused
I've had a normal day but I'm lucky that I had this day and I'm sane (?) and healthy enough to enjoy it. Beats the alternative.
Now, think positive and don't complain !
Yes Miss
Just had £500 of dental root work, still cant feel my lips but still smiling smile
Hope you like Dubai, guys from work who just got back said it was not bad place to be :)
TnH ! Hello biggrin Where have you been hiding?
Nice to see you back honey.
Quote by tallnhairy
Just had £500 of dental root work, still cant feel my lips but still smiling smile
Hope you like Dubai, guys from work who just got back said it was not bad place to be :)

:therethere: for your tooth
smackbottom for where the bluddy ell have you been
passionkiss sillyassionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: for a big helloooooo, bluddy good to see you kiss
Sh*t days are horrible so I feel fo you :therethere:
well there's good and bad news?
on the plus side, as far as swinging goes, dubai doesn't have sharia law, so no worries about that whole adultery = 100 lashes and / or stoning thing . . . .
on the minus side, david and victoria are apparently signed up for that palm tree island thingie. lol
yer pays yer money and takes yer choice? ;)
wish i could do what you're planning. best of luck on it. i suspect the lifestyle is bluddy brilliant! smile
back on topic . . . my day was rather tedious, but on the plus side, i got paid a fair whack for making a few phone calls, which means i can do all sorts this weekend. swings and roundabouts . . . can't complain! biggrin
neil x x x ;)
I have had a normal day, although a lot more busy than normal - although I prefer that as the day goes much quicker.
I have had my fair share of crap days so now I try my best to make the most of them, even though it can be really hard. I try and persuade myself that my job isn't that bad really and others have worse - its true I guess!
My boss has been a t**t, I am stressed to hell and my head is pounding...........yeah, I'd say I've had a bad day sad
Quote by lavabubble
My boss has been a t**t, I am stressed to hell and my head is pounding...........yeah, I'd say I've had a bad day sad

Don't you just hate days like that!
kiss and I hope you feel better soon!
Shit day...... yep. Been ill for a couple of years and work told me today I've reached the end of the road with them.
Still I'll have even more time to spend on SH smile
Quote by Kiss_Me
My boss has been a t**t, I am stressed to hell and my head is pounding...........yeah, I'd say I've had a bad day sad

Don't you just hate days like that!
kiss and I hope you feel better soon!
Aww thanks hun, got all next week off so will have a chance to chill ou then. Haven't even got the motivation for my favourite kind of stress release today :twisted: .
(cardmaking of course you mucky beggars :P )
come to think of it reading some of the replies in here i have it easy!
*hangs head in shame* redface
ahh well, on with the job hunting! smile
Quote by body_mekanik
come to think of it reading some of the replies in here i have it easy!
*hangs head in shame* redface
ahh well, on with the job hunting! smile

Do you deserve a spanking?
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
(the answer was yes, by the way lol )
Quote by Freckledbird
come to think of it reading some of the replies in here i have it easy!
*hangs head in shame* redface
ahh well, on with the job hunting! smile

Do you deserve a spanking?
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
(the answer was yes, by the way lol )
promises promises surprisedops:
bring it on! *whips down boxers and prepares for red cheeks...* :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :twisted: :twisted: :lol:
Sorry to all those who have had a bad day, but I've had an excellent day today biggrin
My day started off shit but got a lot better, hence my late appearance tonight. I've been ermmmm........busy innocent
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
had a good day but sh*t night half my old ladies had the runs
hey ho these things are sent to try us

Have a drinkies and I hope you have a better day than you had night!
Good day here but got caught in a thunder storm in London.
Good day - shite evening!
I have resigned my job 2day after 2 years. Shite day
Yesterday was great coz I met mad Dammie and the lovely HLB :inlove:
Today, bit of a nothing day. Did a job this morning, spent too long on here as usual, couldn't sleep this afternoon and got work tonight. Roll on my week off ! :happy:
well i guess life can become tedious at times but then again life is one big routine
someone you have to vary it
just wanted to share with all that yesterday was a day when good things and good news kept coming come on chin up, sometimes, just sometimes life can be a blast lol
I left it too late to arrange to be a steward at the Green Man fetstival, and so can't go to that.
My fb (for want of a better phrase - lover? I don't know) can't make it down this weekend, my other friend, playmate (?) is in France.
The last 3 out of 4 meets I arranged didn't even show up so I'm disinclined to arrange anything.
It being a prime week end in August all of my friends (of the vanilla persuaion) are busy.
I need a hug - and a suggestion of what to do with my week-end (serious or otherwise)
Quote by H-x
I left it too late to arrange to be a steward at the Green Man fetstival, and so can't go to that.
My fb (for want of a better phrase - lover? I don't know) can't make it down this weekend, my other friend, playmate (?) is in France.
The last 3 out of 4 meets I arranged didn't even show up so I'm disinclined to arrange anything.
It being a prime week end in August all of my friends (of the vanilla persuaion) are busy.
I need a hug - and a suggestion of what to do with my week-end (serious or otherwise)

I'm unable to offer any sensible suggestions (are you surprised? wink) but will gladly offer a glass of wine and a hug. drinkies :therethere:
I'm actually having a bit of a shit life at the moment with temporary moments of enjoyment thrown in every now and then. confused