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Anyone fancy a shag this week

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Only one of this little buggers has made a nest in my window box and it keeps bloody squalking at me :cry:
driving me nuts it is so free to a good home lol
Quote by warwick
Only one of this little buggers has made a nest in my window box and it keeps bloody squalking at me :cry:
driving me nuts it is so free to a good home lol

Anyone remember the Jasper Carrot sketch?
An Australian saying;
"I feel like a shag on a rock!" Meaning I'm very tired and need a rest like a cormerant on a rock.
sorry redface
obviously its not a shag ,in fact i have no idea what it is but its bloody noisy
and I think its started stalking me :cry:
Quote by warwick
Only one of this little buggers has made a nest in my window box and it keeps bloody squalking at me :cry:
driving me nuts it is so free to a good home lol

hhhmmmm! i'll swap that shag for a house martins nest right outside me beedroom window if you like. unfortunately i'm not allowed to actually move the nest, cos that would be cruel. so . . .
any wanna swap a house . . martin's a completely free extra on me! don't call me a tight yourkshireman yer know!
n x x x ;)
darn and i was just in the mood for one as well :twisted:
Quote by redstilletto
darn and i was just in the mood for one as well :twisted:

Sorry, duty calls rotflmao
We have jackdaws in the chimney. All well and good, but in the spring when they're nesting they throw twigs - nay... LOGS - down the chimney which hit the cast iron wood burner with a clang. In the winter, if we wanna use the aforementioned stove, we have to have a chimney sweep round, or we get a fire. Dunno how they manage to block the chimney when half of Somersets trees are in our fireplace and not in a dainty little nest at the top mad
And they say "KA, KA, KA" like (more) demented versions of Vic & Bob
Warwick smackbottom You got me all excited then redface
Your shag must be looking for somewhere warm for the winter - like my blue tits!
Good job it was NOT an albatross...bloody big wingspan they have mate! It would have been better if it had been a booby...?