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anyone for pictionary

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Is it your turn to be GrandadCam tonight, in our new chatroom :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Off to do one .............. brb
Quote by davej
I can't see the last picture but I'm pretty sure I know what the answer is. Only problem is that I don't know how to post pictures on here sad
Does it have Guy Pearce in ? Wife is a big fan of this film. rolleyes

dont you worry about that triptix you can give your go to someone else..someone who is fair minded, compassionate, caring, helpfull and freindly, intelligent with a quick wit and a warm heart.......taint gonna be easy, but..........
I can't think of anyone who fits the bill either .................... oh what about you Dave :grin:
never entered my head MandH, but now you mention it I kinda fit some of those words dont I.
yep smile

Its a film
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by blonde
Is it your turn to be GrandadCam tonight :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Listen blonde I know what the punters want ...if they want a more mature gent to wear some skate boarders helmet, knee and elbow pads, slap his chap whilst sticking wholemeal breadsticks up his chuff, then who am I to refuse them, the place is class pure class, you'd be up the front watching me with a bag of popcorn and a carton of kiaora boink
Quote by blonde
Is it your turn to be GrandadCam tonight :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Off to do one .............. brb

Now was she talking about me or you Dave :shock:
Quote by MandH
Is it your turn to be GrandadCam tonight :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Off to do one .............. brb

Now was she talking about me or you Dave :shock:
think it was me M couldn't be you cos when I clicked on your cam it wasn't working
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
The Italian Job

Yep yep yep your turn kiss
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by davej
Is it your turn to be GrandadCam tonight :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Off to do one .............. brb

Now was she talking about me or you Dave :shock:
think it was me M couldn't be you cos when I clicked on your cam it wasn't working
oh sodit has it crashed again rolleyes wink
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
It's a book

wuthering heights
Dadaaa!!...can someone else have a go I've got a broken breadstick to attend to redface
You've had 3 weeks ffs!!!!
If you've not fixed the breadstick by now I think it's a lost cause :giggle:
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
You've had 3 weeks ffs!!!!
If you've not fixed the breadstick by now I think it's a lost cause :giggle:

Excuse me :shock: have you ever tried repairing a breadstick!....not easy you know, breadsticks are a foodstuff so you cant glue them, that would contaminate them.....oh no...the only way to repair a breadstick is to splint it and let it mend itself a bit like bone. It seemed pretty obvious to me that the best splints would be something staight and that wont cross contaminate, in short, another breadstick, but each time I try and splint a good breadstick to a broken breadstick with elastic bands, I end up with another broken breadstick, they are delicate ya knows!
Ive got a small field hospital laid out on a tray at the moment with more broken breadstick than good and dont know which way to turn.....I havn't got time to play games, not with a tray full of broken breadsticks :shock:
Quote by davej
You've had 3 weeks ffs!!!!
If you've not fixed the breadstick by now I think it's a lost cause :giggle:

Excuse me :shock: have you ever tried repairing a breadstick!....not easy you know, breadsticks are a foodstuff so you cant glue them, that would contaminate them.....oh no...the only way to repair a breadstick is to splint it and let it mend itself a bit like bone. It seemed pretty obvious to me that the best splints would be something staight and that wont cross contaminate, in short, another breadstick, but each time I try and splint a good breadstick to a broken breadstick with elastic bands, I end up with another broken breadstick, they are delicate ya knows!
Ive got a small field hospital laid out on a tray at the moment with more broken breadstick than good and dont know which way to turn.....I havn't got time to play games, not with a tray full of broken breadsticks :shock:
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Dave ........... you just brightened up my whole day!! biggrin

Seriously though Dave
I know this may come as a shock, but somebody has to say it. There's no easy way to tell you so I'm going just blurt it out.
Breadsticks go stale!!!!!!
Now I know that's harsh but face it - you've lost them. They've gone to a far far better place.
If you need a shoulder to cry on you know I'm here for you

Davejs' Breadstick ambulance...
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
Seriously though Dave
I know this may come as a shock, but somebody has to say it. There's no easy way to tell you so I'm going just blurt it out.

Now I know that's harsh but face it - you've lost them. They've gone to a far far better place.
If you need a shoulder to cry on you know I'm here for you

You mean they've gone to be.............croutons :shock:
bastards!!!!.......I guess they are no better than people after all, you can try and help them, but in the end if the grass is greener, or in the case of a breadstick that wants to be a crouton, the tomato soup is thicker, then move on they will dunno
So Davej .................... u thread killer ................. its your turn !!!
Throw the bread sticks away and ....................Get with the programme kiss
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Horse gaurds parade? smile
Quote by MrFC

Davej ............. (stamping feet)
We are waiting !!!! smackbottom
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Blonde I would love to play, but right now since reading Polo's alien post I'm struggling with flashbacks to a frightening incident in November 1983 when I was transported from my bed to a small 15 cover transport cafe on the outskirts of Chingford, where 'other beings' took various tissue and fluid samples from me, collected a selection of squeezy sauce bottles, cutlery and back issues of 'Scania Today' before climbing into what I took to be a tea urn and leaving through the back door at 03:47 hrs in . I'm considering posting the full and frightening story in her post, but fear folk won't believe me
Quote by davej
Blonde I would love to play, but right now since reading Polo's alien post I'm struggling with flashbacks to a frightening incident in November 1983 when I was transported from my bed to a small 15 cover transport cafe on the outskirts of Chingford, where 'other beings' took various tissue and fluid samples from me, collected a selection of squeezy sauce bottles, cutlery and back issues of 'Scania Today' before climbing into what I took to be a tea urn and leaving through the back door at 03:47 hrs in . I'm considering posting the full and frightening story in her post, but fear folk won't believe me

OMG !!!!! Not CHINGFORD??????????????? :scared: bolt
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Coronation Street :doh:

Is that still on.
j n B
Quote by davej
Blonde I would love to play, but right now since reading Polo's alien post I'm struggling with flashbacks to a frightening incident in November 1983 when I was transported from my bed to a small 15 cover transport cafe on the outskirts of Chingford, where 'other beings' took various tissue and fluid samples from me, collected a selection of squeezy sauce bottles, cutlery and back issues of 'Scania Today' before climbing into what I took to be a tea urn and leaving through the back door at 03:47 hrs in . I'm considering posting the full and frightening story in her post, but fear folk won't believe me

You really do need therapy.
Anyway how are the breadsticks? Are they enjoying their new lives as croutons?
Quote by heystev
Horse gaurds parade? smile

Horse Guards Parade ? dunno thick as mince here rolleyes
Edit: oh no its ok, I see it now, :doh: :grin:
Being as Davej still has issues with alien abduction and the tragic loss of his breadsticks I'm nicking his go.
For anyone new to pictionary I'll tell you now to save you asking later...
The word "The" is represented by the man on the moon and "of" is represented by the barbie on wheels (don't ask it's a blonde thing) :giggle:
So here you go. It's a film
Timmy got this one :thumbup:
The De Vinci Code
Dave inch hay code. lol :lol: :lol:
oh - please ! !
The Dave Inch Hay Code
Although we live together - we use different machines and don't check each others posts, or set one and other up with posts and stuff