Ive had to strip mine down before, because of a hidden blockage but was fairly easy to do with a screwdriver. Have you checked all the places that there could be a blockage, be warned thou, u cant always see if there is one.....
Mine's the original model and it rocks.
No worries. Ever.
Sorry - not much help that, was it?
On mine what happens if there is a flap of rubber at the base of the "coil" attatchment - that some times comes away and doesn't form a tight fit - just taped it up and no problems - happens quite a bit after you've been poking a screw driver in it as well.
Also have you changed to filters - and emptied the bloody thing ? ;)
I can only say that it does sound like a blockage, and I know you said you've checked everything. My dyson (an older model) lost suction, I unblocked it once and it improved. Then it got bad again and I found another bit I hadn't checked and that was also blocked. Cleared that and now it's fine.
The overheating could be explained by a blockage too.
The other thing is the filter. You have to wash it as per instructions, but only once every six months if it's the same as the one I use. So that shouldn't be your problem.
Check again ? After that then I'd get the shop to do likewise and yes if they can't help, I think you'd be entitled to either money back or try a replacement if you're prepared to do that.
right i'll off to strip it down and re build it see if owts blocked up there lol
Had a dyson for a good few years and this sounds like a blockage somewhere... however if you stripped it all down and shoved things through all the pipes and it isn't then the shop should fix it.
It is I understand, their responsibility that goods are fit for purpose, and a failure 4 times in one room is not fit... It may be the safety device, but it is still not working.
I'm with TallnHairy on this..... if it's not doing what it says it'll do.... then you have a right to re-imbursement, repair or replacement from the trader as they have sold you shoddy goods.
I'll pm you a link to look at... which is quite helpful.
I would put the link here, but I am not sure if it's allowed.... if it is, I'll edit it in later. (it's a BBC consumer rights link)
i now have a dyson after having a massive fall out with hoover and "the one" the one to avoid in my case.
bought "theone" after 2 weeks the dam thing wouldnt suck, the clip that held the attachments snapped off, etc etc, went back to commet and they said there was nothing for them to do it was with hoover i had the issue, i thought that if you bought a product from a shop and it was faulty, not doing the job you bought it for then it was with the shop you had the contract with as such, well apparently not,
argued for 3 months, was told pack of lies by commet and hoover and eventually went to a solicitor and funny enough they gave me a refund, trading standards were bloody useless.
moral of this lesson, always make sure you get it in writing if something promices to suck then wont you want a full on the spot refund. lol. or a divorce
xxx fem xxxx
Tip it upside down and saturate the aperture with lighter fuel, then switch on the hoover. If there isn't a blockage it should suck up the fuel vapours into the clear plastic 'dustbin' Now with it still switched on, put a match to it. If the flames shoot up into the 'dustbin' causing it to rapidly expand and shatter then it's probably not a blockage. If it doesn't and only the bottom of the hoover burns then it's definately a blockage. In either case you should take it back, cos now it's definately buggered.
I too have a Dyson animal and it has been great. Any small probs I have had with it have been sorted out by calling Dyson. I would just say call them and tell them the troubles you are having and you want it sorted out. Did you take out an extended warrenty out with it? As you have only had it for three months Dyson has a garentee for a year. If you do not have their phone number pm me and I will send it to you. Good luck.
i dont know ( shakes head) what ever happened to the good old henry, you know the one with the smiley face.
had one of those for over 3 years without a bag in it and it was used to suck up all manner of buliders waste and a house full of carpet fluff 6 days a week. was sorry to see the little bugger go when he died and went to henry heaven. :cry:
x rache x
If you;re still having problems with your Dyson then telephone their helpline... the telephone number can be found on the handle of your dyson .... you do realise that Dyson give a 2year guarantee on their appliances.
I guess from the prevous posts you've checked for blockages ..... have you cleaned the filters ? ......... check the instructions on how to locate and clean the filters lol
henry is still alive, i saw him in homebase the other day. bless he still blushes everytime i see him , that cheeky little red face of his.
xxxxxxxx fem xxxxxxxxxxx
by george i think i've found the problem lol the web site has been a great help
awww u have all been so nice its like one big happy family in here innit? lol
can ya feel the luuuurve :grin: