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Anyone know any good hangover cures???

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Please don't say "hair of the dog!" I don't think I could face it today.....and having anything greasy is a big no no at the mo.......
okay... I am a 's day survivor....I got into O'Neills at 10 am and staggered out at am this morning, and now not surprisingly I have the mother of bad heads, whilst trying to recall everything that happened......
so if anyone knows anything that will perk me up and make feel almost human again, please let me know....
"Hungover of tyneside"
please dont take this the wrong way but always worth doing a search first this was only done 8 days ago
Dear Hungover of Tyneside..
2 paracetamol, 2 slices of toast, plenty of water and just sleep it off - you can faff with fresh fruit smoothie things, raw eggs and vitamin capsules all ya like, there's no better cure than water and sleep wink
Yours, Copious Amounts of JD Drinker
A good blowjob :thumbup:
Quote by dambuster
A good blowjob :thumbup:

followed by a large glass bottle of irn bru, and 2 ibuprofen...
m xx
best way to avoid a hangover is to not stop drinking
Quote by Freckledbird
Don't drink? dunno

is that a cure?? surely thats a prevention
fabio.......a little late for you now but...heres another prevention that works for me and you can still drink cool
i used to suffer badly with hangovers until i started drinking a pint of water and takin two paracetamols before i went to bed
now when i wake up in the morning,no hangover 8-)
anyone else tried this?
edit to say, i've just noticed that Darkfire has tried it too lol
Quote by lilnfil
Don't drink? dunno

is that a cure?? surely thats a prevention

You're right, it would be.
I don't suffer with hangovers, lucky me smile
Quote by Freckledbird
Don't drink? dunno

is that a cure?? surely thats a prevention

You're right, it would be.
I don't suffer with hangovers, lucky me smile
mmm, there is nothing worse than when you have got a hangover than the smugness of others who dont.
Alex biggrin
I can do smug!! lol
but only at the cost of some of the most horrendous hangovers at the end of my drinking career...
however, for years... the very last thing to do of a night... or morning.... as you colapse onto whatever may be your resting place... it's the water-thing... as mentioned previously
as much of it as you can down-without-the-drown!!!
worked for me for years....
mind you dont wet the bed... for all the wrong reasons of course! :shock:
As has been mentioned a couple of times, plenty of water before going to sleep is a good cure.
Alcohol dehydrates you, and it is the dehydration that causes the headache.
Therefore, plenty of water should prevent this.
The paracetemol could help as well - we've always managed without lol
I can only echo the above - BEFORE you go to bed (it's too late in the morning) drink a pint of water into which stir a teaspoon of sugar and a good pinch of salt (sounds gross but you'll be p*ssed so won't notice lol )and take two Nurofen/similar and ta-dah no hangovers cool
When I was a student I used to mix the afore mentioned cocktail and lay it on my bedside table with the Nurofens before I went out redface psychic or what :lol:
maz xxx
cant beat the hair of the dog m8teysmile
hard to find these days though....couple of pubs round here still keep em in the cartridge belt behind the bar...
it tastes like shit but hey it works:)
so even though this message is a bit late to help this time remember it for next time :) and if your lucky enough to get the last 1 you get the belt too..but thats only handy if you have a shotgun or you like dressing up as a mexican bandit :)
be good fabio