Hi folks
Recently we've had a few threads where some of us have posted pics on photobucket (or similar) in order to link them into posts.
Now photo bucket does not like any form of nudity (even partial) or suggestvity.
I was just wondering if anyone knew of a similar type of free hosting site that also allowed slighty naughty or revealing (nothing porno or too explicit) pics.
Alex x
What have you got on there, LC? I think we should be shown, just to see how good the site is, of course.
If you can't get on Image'shag' just send 'em to me at
Also try but get there quick as there is usually only a few free accounts up for grabs at the beginning each month.
LC..... Send me a couple of pics anyway?
Aaaah, g'wan. Pleeeeeeeeeeeease?
A really good site that allows loads of pics (but not penetration) is
Heh - I see at least one couple has posted pics! Nice body painting ...