Lets see now... 288/576 kbps rate...no download/upload limit....twisted pair work as well....the connection is permanently on, since it streams video and audio and has several conference connections as well.......it costs me per month....never had any trouble....with dial up or broadband...the "bloated software" isn't, and works quite well....and I don't get re-directs....
And as the helpline tells you, most problems are caused by the users pc....
Have you checked for spyware ?
Or adware ?
Or viruses ?
All those will cause you endless problems....and you may also have a nice little malware package that re-directs your dial-up via a premium rate line..
Or even a virus that spams the world to death via your connection...
I have no great desire to rehash the AOL arguments, they're all out there on the net, for and against, but isn't the 19-99 a month package in fact the 'mid-band' connection, not the 512 (576) broadband ?
Gotta agree with Jomu on this one . Weve have tried a few isp's and whilst they arent perfect theyre the best of a bad bunch . Their interface is simplest and their version of explorer works not only better than Mozilla , or netscape or Opera but even though its a pared down version of Explorer it works better ( who the fuck wants outlook express anyway) . They constantly update their software , they provide actual useful ISP content by far the best chat room interfaces anywhere and their pop up blockers are impregnable (they update automatically) . They filter out a very large amount of harmful spy and virus traffic , use their own language to run their software which makes them one of the hardest people to hack on the net and they actually have done something about spam filtering that doesnt involve installing your own software and sitting and clicking for hours o end a week .
For as long as we have used them they have been criticised , but there is an awful lot of "computer geek snobbery" about them . The people that used to run the internet (if you dont know who they are you'll find them on sites like " Unix Users Form") have never forgiven them for making the net easy for everyone to use - they are the same people who in the early days dissaproved of sending pictures , as pure text messages were "purer" . Its simple really , they are far and away the biggest there is and as a consequence they get far more people complaining - but for every posted complaint on the net ( and you'll find millions ) there are thousands who have just enjoyed using them for years like us .
Just an opinion , but before you change dont just take folks word for it , try and see if you can actually use a PC thats connected to someone elses " faultless ISP" and you'll see that its a bit like hairdressers , everyone thinks their is the best .
Sorry can't agree that NTL are bad at all. Mind you I have dial up only. Though I do have a friend who has NTL Broadband. Neither of us has had any problems getting connected or any other issues. And we both have unlimited use.
It's not quite broadband, but it will be far quicker than dial up. Also, if you wanted at a later date, you're set up for even higher speeds without the need for any more equipment.
Only having 1 mailbox could be an irritation if there is more than one user of the computer, unless you're happy with webmail ( , operamail etc.) (Edit - but then you'd mentioned that - must...have....caffeine....)
It's important to note that your pc must be on a decent extension or plugged into the primary socket for the best results.
I cant comment on that exact package , all I can tell you is that i have the solo 500 option and find it excellent. I have never had any downtime , ever. This is particulaly important as my 2 desktops and my laptop are connected on average for 16 hours per day , 7 days a week.
With regard to the customer support , I have only had cause to call them once (local rate number) , and once you get past the standard '' we are extremly busy , u may wish to check our website FAQ for help'' message they are very good.
The software that comes with it basically comprises of modem drivers only , with no 'bloatware' taking up disk space and ram resources ala AOL.
As Silk n G said , u will always find people saying good and bad things about every ISP , but the above is an honest account of my Pipex 'experience'.
With reference to AOL , I too found the software to be resource hungry , allthough i didnt have any downtime with them in fairness, but they were bloody dear!
And as for browsers , I dont think u can whack Mozilla Firefox.
Hope this helps
A note about filters...
If you get interference on your telephone after switching to Broadband change your filter 1stas that is, in about 95% of cases, the problem. Cheap filters tend to last for only a short period before you start getting interference.
There are cheap and there are good filters, there are very few, if any, cheap AND good filters.
If it looks like the one at the top of this page:
Run away, they're hopeless. However, I found the same Alcatel filters as Pipex supply (at £10) for in the local independent.
A note about ADSL splitters, also called filters or microfilters.
The following may help:
The ADSL service is carried as a high-frequency signal on your ordinary phone line. This high-frequency signal is incompatible with your ordinary telephone and so a filter is required to keep the phone and ADSL signal apart.
It is possible to fit just one filter at the point where the phone line comes into your building, to do this you will need to wire in the Face Plate Splitter. This may not be the best option for you if your computer is not near to the main phone point as all of your extensions will be filtered.
An alternative strategy is to use a filter at each point where a phone is connected. If you plan to use this method the all-in-one splitter is more elegant than the cumbersome dangly-wires products available elsewhere, though these types will work just as well.
For those that understand these things or are into HiFi kit, the filter is just a high bypass filter
If anyone wants to know where to get the wall sockets with the filters incorporated PM me and I'll give you a couple of Internet addresses to check out.
There is another thing which could make your phone crackle. Water/damp in the connections. Though water/damp can make very loud crackles and bangs!
If you find that it only crackles during or after rain then that may be the answer. If it is, you would need to contact your Cable provider.
i had no end of problems with AOL - had broadband from them and after having to reinstall the modem at least once a week I finally bombarded them with calls, they agreed eventually that the modem was faulty and that they would replace it (it came with their BB package)
2 weeks later and still very frustrated no new modem had arrived. I tried to get on the net one day and couldn't - by mistake one of their techies had cancelled the contract and put me back to dial up - This meant they had breached the contract and I immediately cancelled.
After looking around I went with virgin broadband - no contract, not the cheapest but I've never had a problem with them, thought I would have to buy a new modem but surprise surprise once away from AOL it's worked perfectly!
My dad is still with AOL and has loads of problems, I've told him to keep complaining but he can't be bothered
wouldn't reccommend anyone uses them.
Even after uninstalling their program I found over 220 files on the pc that were left over - the thin is like a virus and the left over files meant my new connection at first wouldn't work properly. Ended up having to reformat the hard drive in the end but it was worth it to be away from AOL
Ive counted quickly at least 12 different ISP's here reccomended as the best . So the hairdresser discription proves true . Long and short is , try em out and see which works best for you .
and this kinda bears it out as well
I feel like crying ... :cry:
You can hear the adsl carrier on a medium wave radio receiver...just tune around 800 khz (ish)...although there are many separate carriers....tune through the lot to about 1 megahertz...
The filters are bandstop filters, they "allow" the audio through on the POTS but block the radio frequency from returning to the phone...
As for AOL...like every other isp they have faults...but to be fair, the few problems I've had have been faults with the pc and not the service.
Dropped connections are invariably modem faults....and with dailup you can also have faults caused by malicious diallers downloaded, usually from porn sites, although some music sites seem to have major problems with them as well.
This pc is on 24/7, as I've said before...my BB costs me / month and gives me UNLIMITED downloads at a rate of 288/576.... megabytes downloads at peak times in 15 I just did it to see how fast it manages.
Bloatware, nice phrase. Must have been reading a pc mag...100 meg ain't massive...most windows software qualifies as bloated...written by people who can't code economically or accurately...which is why it crashes all the time...and is also where most problems arise anyway...give me linux....love those text geeks...I've also got a "private" data system which operates via radio, and also via piggyback on tcpip and inet..and is worldwide using text....I can connect to the usa in a second and "chat" without using the inet...no bloated html to confuse the issue (although some do use it...)
I only bothered with inet to get into this stuff....to see where all the tossers were getting their ideas from... !
(with any luck we'll be able to get a local bb running on 2.4 ghz soon....just in the village....the chinese sell the stuff at ridiculous prices...)
24/7 BB, no download limits, bb modem and 3 filters, video and audio downloads...all-de-time-running videoconference and no probs at all......for .....
Toss-cali ?
Ntl-hell ?
Pi(soff)pex ?
Somebody must be doing something right...
How many get rid of spyware every night ?
Check for viruses every night ?
Better still, clear the cookies out and also the temporary inet files ?
Blimey who cut your hair last time !!!
Seen J Seen !
My two pennies worth on the subject...........
DON'T TOUCH WANADOO AT ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Their Customer Service is shite, you pay through the nose on a premium number. The other half's mum wanted BB, so after much deliberation she chose them - from day 1 loads of probs - lasted about a month (paying for the service as well), before s nice shitty letter / email was sent to them telling them how crap they were and as the service was non-existent and they were in breach of contract they can shove their 12 months where the sun doesn't shine.
Went with Telewest (Blueyonder) and took the phone, TV and BB package - think its about £30-40 a month. Fantastic service, lots of help ( as mum in law is pcliterate).
Personally will go this route once my BTOpenworld package has run it's course. The other half is on with Telewest and has just had a free upgrade to 1mb - so cannot be that bad.
Failing that, move in with us and we'll ensure you're regularly uploaded / downloaded or how ever you want to be loaded ;)