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Aphrodisiacs - What's new?

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Champagne and strawberries in a hot shared bath in Doncaster !!............. :giggle:
Works everytime :inlove:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I wish I could give you the real facts on a certain much hyped up pill, from my own experience, perscribed to me for entirely different reasons, but unfortunately this thread would be locked. What i will say is though is that any claim for aphrodisiacs is utter tosh. Its all in the mind . Mechanicaly yes, feelings associated no. . but If you think eating a cabbage for example, will give you sex feelings then it will,. but you must" believe" that it will ! So I think the best aphrodicac is good old dirty thinking !
Can't beat soft kisses all over as the best aphrodisiac for me wink Gets me going every time :twisted:
A smile from the right woman!
Sidetracking ever so slightly......but Sex!
Silly as it sounds, sex is such an aprodisiac for me- the more I have, the more I want to the point where im insatiable!
Good company and a nice atmosphere.... works for us.
Not sure if there is any magic cure as were all different.. different things work for different folk.. but fun finding which work though!
Humour, personality, being cheeky in a nice way, conversation, flirting,that look, failing that reading a mucky story works for me :lol2:
Quote by winchwench
Sidetracking ever so slightly......but Sex!
Silly as it sounds, sex is such an aprodisiac for me- the more I have, the more I want to the point where im insatiable!

totally agree... wink
I also agree that a smile will get me every time.. if the woman has the hottest body/personality and a lousy smile then I can't get into the mood. biggrin :D
I love confidence as well... a woman that is comfortable in her own body.. doesn't worry about the wobbly bits.. and is happy with herself. Wears clothes that she is comfortable in and is sure of herself and her worth. (all women are tremendous some just don't realise it) sillyhwoar:
ummmm I also love a good dancer... not always a sexy dancer.. but someone who can keep the beat. In fact i have even been known to get turned on by a man who can strut their stuff.... (it didn't come to anything ,willies- yuck :shock: , but it was a interesting at the time) evil :wink:
well i dont know much about aphrodisiac's but in one of the red topped papers today it says tree bark from the african yohimbe tree is a good one & its also said to help men lose weight!!
i suppose if you are always on the job you are sure to lose weight lol
I don't think I've ever tried anything deliberatly for aphrodisiac effect.
We've played with strawberries and stuff but its not the food that turns me on its what we do with it :twisted:
I think I'm with peenut on this - it's the dirty thoughts biggrin
Quote by winchwench
Sidetracking ever so slightly......but Sex!
Silly as it sounds, sex is such an aprodisiac for me- the more I have, the more I want to the point where im insatiable!

No not silly. It's true for me to. The reverse is also true, I spent sometime in the back of beyond without sex. I stopped thinking about it.
Quote by blonde
Champagne and strawberries in a hot shared bath in Doncaster !!............. :giggle:
Works everytime :inlove:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Doncaster.... whats so special about Doncaster
is it the new Venice ????????????????????
Quote by winchwench
Sidetracking ever so slightly......but Sex!
Silly as it sounds, sex is such an aprodisiac for me- the more I have, the more I want to the point where im insatiable!

yep that works for me too.....which means its a rollercoaster sex life as im single and havent always got it on tap! lol
also, im taking korean ginseng at the moment as ive been a bit run down and it helps with maintianing a healthy immune system, energy and also happens to have aphrodisiac qualities......i will let you know if i feel any effects!
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Can't beat soft kisses all over as the best aphrodisiac for me wink Gets me going every time :twisted:

lol Music makes one feel so romantic - at least it always gets on one's nerves - which is the same thing nowadays.
Quote by mike48
Apparently if you eat a small amount of tree bark that does the trick
Ive ordered my supply
Its called
Sherwood forest

well the americans do call it getting wood when arroused lol :lol:
Quote by DeeCee
Champagne and strawberries in a hot shared bath in Doncaster !!............. :giggle:
Works everytime :inlove:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Doncaster.... whats so special about Doncaster
is it the new Venice ????????????????????
Doncaster is the new Paris !!! :giggle:
OK it doesnt matter where ........... it matters who !
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by blonde
Champagne and strawberries in a hot shared bath in Doncaster !!............. :giggle:
Works everytime :inlove:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Doncaster.... whats so special about Doncaster
is it the new Venice ????????????????????
Doncaster is the new Paris !!! :giggle:
OK it doesnt matter where ........... it matters who !
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ok cornflake..... i get the message..............
ive been to Tescos, Oddbins and have put the immersion heaters on....
Manchester is the new Milan by the way................ any takers?
Quote by DeeCee
Champagne and strawberries in a hot shared bath in Doncaster !!............. :giggle:
Works everytime :inlove:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Doncaster.... whats so special about Doncaster
is it the new Venice ????????????????????
I was born in Doncaster!!!! :smug:
But not in a bath of Champagne and strawberries :shock: