I logged in for the first time to the forum as my normal login name (SlydeWHOOSH) & upon connection was promptly told to adjust it & remove the capitals as other may find it as though I was shouting.
I adjusted accordingly (SlydeWhoosh) & was told again capitals where considered shouting, I then asked Steve_Mids whether an _ between Slyde & Whoosh was acceptable as Ice_Pie had this already.
I apologised for my capitals & informed Steve_Mids that I had been on the BEER (as I always write it) all afternoon .... at which point I was banned from the forum.
Steve_Mids sir, I can understand that a mod's job is a thankless task & hard to boot, but to be banned in less than 5 mins for 3 words with caps in seems a little bit excessive & extreme to me.
Please find it in your heart for forgiveness for a drunken soul who only wanted to have fun in the wee hours of the morning with others who were online at the time.
The WHOOSH Manâ„¢