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Apologies for me not posting sooner.

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Hello all,
Apologies for not posting sooner but life has been hectic with me, work has had me travelling all over this lovely planet but recently my best friend died of a heart of attack.
I have been a blubbering idiot since he passed away last tuesday, I know they say life goes on but I am struggling.
He was such a great bloke, no1 here has any bad word to say about him, so many good stories are coming to light.
We played golf, got drunk & had such a good time I will surely miss him.
R.I.P. 'Big' Pete Fairbrother
Whoosh Man sweetheart it is good to see you back and posting - am sorry that its under such sad circumstances & to hear things are not good for you right now :cry:
I could try to offer words of condolence but as most people know I am really crap at this stuff. Life does go on but while the loss of your Bud is still so raw that wont be any comfort. Grief is a process, but it does get easier to handle with time - especially when you have memories to treasure and uphold them with the greatest of respect - because being left with that gift as a result of your friendship goes a small way to patching the void.
If I can offer you one of these : :therethere: in a completely non-patronising gesture, please accept it.
Hang on in there big man. x
Good, you're back lol !
But as you already know, very sorry to hear about your friend. You know how to reach us if you need to.
Mal and Sarah
Good to see you back here Slydie, but I'm very sorry to hear about your friend.
My thoughtrs as you know are with you.
You will have the memories, the pain over time will heal.
My phone is on if you want to talk
Take care