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Appn for leave - Somerset nearly escapes due to car probs

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Name: Harry Jones
Total Amount of Posts: This will be number 987
Posts per Day: .
Reason for Leave: Seventies Weekender wooohoo so far this year I have only had one night away from home as my longest stay anywhere and this is for three nights :!: and my parents coming over to help me decorate my bedroom
Location of Leave: Pontin's at Brean Sands and my place
From (Last Posting Day) 11 11 05 in the morning
Until (First Day Returning to Posting Duties) I don't know when my parents leave yet, but probably will be 19 11 05
I realise it is an offence under the Official Swinging Act (1969) to falsely declare I am going on leave with the intention of not returning. I swear I will be back to my posting duties on the date given and will give a full account of my activites for the duration of my leave. disclaimer - but not the decorating with my parents, that would be like watching paint dry
Signature Harry Jones
Omg............ Full Somerset Battle Stations.......... Alert......Alert.....Alert....... lol
Can Somerset cope........????????
All emergency services are now on
equi-pincess xxx
Ohh thats two females I can think of who live in Somerset now, I will have to stroll about with my pin on wink Can I entice you to lunch with a cheese and marmite sandwich and a glass of diet coke with lime confused:
Update on holiday, my large collared shirt arrived from E-bay today biggrin (collar wing 3 and 7/8 inches), my flares arrived last Saturday and I'm just hoping that the lurid tank top will arrive before Friday morning, sat here listening to Slade (Coz I Luv You) and really getting into the mood :D
Harry Jones
Quote by HarryJones
Name: Harry Jones
Total Amount of Posts: This will be number 987
Posts per Day: .
Reason for Leave: Seventies Weekender wooohoo so far this year I have only had one night away from home as my longest stay anywhere and this is for three nights :!: and my parents coming over to help me decorate my bedroom
Location of Leave: Pontin's at Brean Sands and my place
From (Last Posting Day) 11 11 05 in the morning
Until (First Day Returning to Posting Duties) I don't know when my parents leave yet, but probably will be 19 11 05
I realise it is an offence under the Official Swinging Act (1969) to falsely declare I am going on leave with the intention of not returning. I swear I will be back to my posting duties on the date given and will give a full account of my activites for the duration of my leave. disclaimer - but not the decorating with my parents, that would be like watching paint dry
Signature Harry Jones

Erm .. forgive me for being fik but .... - ... is this a northern weekend cause 8 days is a week down south mate dunno :dunno: :dunno:
Quote by devondelight
cause 8 days is a week down south mate dunno :dunno: :dunno:

Mmmmm, 8 days is a week and one day where I live. Don't you love these regional variations?? confused :? :? :?
Oh - Harry!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Will Somerset survive this?? confused :? :? :? :? lol :lol:
Quote by Sgt Bilko
cause 8 days is a week down south mate dunno :dunno: :dunno:

Mmmmm, 8 days is a week and one day where I live. Don't you love these regional variations?? confused :? :? :?
Oh picky picky Mr Bilko .. he is talking a Saturday to Saturday .. thats a week in my books
DD rolleyes
p.s. Harry I am only in the next county wink
Quote by devondelight
Erm .. forgive me for being fik but .... - ... is this a northern weekend cause 8 days is a week down south mate dunno :dunno: :dunno:

The long weekend (70's) is from Friday 11th to Monday 14th, but my parents will already be here when I get back and they sleep on the sofa bed which is eighteen inches away from my pc in my lounge, so I will be away from posting till when they leave which might not be until the 19th.
I'm waiting to hear from a certain lady (not from this site) but I might find myself belting south out of Somerset down the M5 and A38 either Saturday or Sunday morning for a hug, can anyone advise me on the roadworks / dual carriageway/ estimated time driving at a steady 70mph from Brean Sands to Plymouth, and is Plymouth like Cambridge to drive around (ie give up and cycle/walk, its quicker)?
Thanks everyone.
Harry Jones
In that case perhaps we should organise a group hug for Harry in Devon biggrin

Quote by HarryJones

Erm .. forgive me for being fik but .... - ... is this a northern weekend cause 8 days is a week down south mate dunno :dunno: :dunno:

The long weekend (70's) is from Friday 11th to Monday 14th, but my parents will already be here when I get back and they sleep on the sofa bed which is eighteen inches away from my pc in my lounge, so I will be away from posting till when they leave which might not be until the 19th.
I'm waiting to hear from a certain lady (not from this site) but I might find myself belting south out of Somerset down the M5 and A38 either Saturday or Sunday morning for a hug, can anyone advise me on the roadworks / dual carriageway/ estimated time driving at a steady 70mph from Brean Sands to Plymouth, and is Plymouth like Cambridge to drive around (ie give up and cycle/walk, its quicker)?
Thanks everyone.
Harry Jones
M5 going South at the weekend? You have got to be joking lol
Seriously though, it took me just over two hours from Bristol to Exeter last weekend. Roadworks are not too bad at the moment but the traffic is still fairly heavy. Stick to the speed limit around Weston though or something will arrive on your doormat mad
Have a good time!
It's winter FFS I expected it to be hell in summer but where does everyone go in winter confused:
Thanks for that info, so going to be a long journey but seems a shame to get that far to those living down there and not going to see them.
I could always take the train of course from Burnham and Highbridge at a mere 2 hours 11 minutes journey time, but with a change needed on the way back it would entail travelling with three railway companies and wont tell me how much a return is, I have a feeling it could get nasty sad
Car it must be then. Here's hoping a) said woman actually wants me to meet her and b) traffic is light and of course most importantly c) I wake up in time, having probably consumed several pints of guinness and not getting to bed till 2am or 4am at earliest. :shock:
Though I do fancy a group hug (especially if DD is leading it wink passionkiss )
Harry Jones
Erm hate to say this but there are road works between Newton Abbot and Ashburton too with a shicane and 2 speed cameras so watch out for them too .. 40 mph speed limit
Shall we set refreshment stands out every 100 miles for you HJ so you can grab a drink and a sarnie on the way down .. looks like its going to be a long old journey :eeek:
Quote by devondelight
Erm hate to say this but there are road works between Newton Abbot and Ashburton too with a shicane and 2 speed cameras so watch out for them too .. 40 mph speed limit
Shall we set refreshment stands out every 100 miles for you HJ so you can grab a drink and a sarnie on the way down .. looks like its going to be a long old journey :eeek:

mad Dmanit, I really am trying to pull off the impossible here (anyone who has seen the timetable for these events or been to one will know where I am coming from, last year I only ventured as far as WSM and still missed a great act!) and it just gets harder by the second. Shame as I was hoping to find a decent woman with a camera to take some pictures of me for the signpost challenge in somewhere like say Dartmoor Forest and then after the pictures I would be all turned on ready for some hugging and kissing and sexual fun (taking into account my limits, see my ad if you haven't sussed this in my other posts) :cry:
And that avatar just drags me towards your fine county wink Refreshment stands wont be necessary as the main journey from here to Somerset will be done on the Friday night, leaving just the 100 miles to Devon if I attempt it on Saturday or Sunday morning.
Note - if there are any somerset ladies who would like to photograph me for the signpost challenge, I can be relied upon to just say hello, have my photo taken and depart with nothing happening or expected, and if you don't believe me I can pm you with references directly lifted from this site smile
Harry Jones
Well have a good one mate ans we'll catch up with you on your return
M & H
Got my car serviced today.
Mechanic says I didn't like driving it to the Roundabout (half a mile away) let alone Somerset, you can chance it if you like but I can't guarantee it will get you there :shock: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Had I been going on my own I would have been screwed but rang up my female acquaintance whom I am going with and we are going in her car biggrin :D :D
This does mean I can only get to Devon to meet my Devon fan club if I get the train though sad :(
You just know it's going to be a rough ride when he says go on holiday and worry about the car when you get back :!: :!:
Harry Jones
Ignoring the six mile walk to the nearest train station, its £26 return from Highbridge and Burnham to Plymouth return or I can get some fangled ticket in advance booking single journeys each way and stick to the timed trains for each way, so it looks like Devon is going to miss out this year.
Dman and blast my car :cry:
Harry Jones
Not making it to Devon?
Stick to Somerset, we're all just wonderful, friendly and fabulous. To a wo/man. The lot of us.
Honest we are.
That pentagram on the pub wall is a sign of our openness and honesty.
Quote by Vix
Not making it to Devon?
Stick to Somerset, we're all just wonderful, friendly and fabulous. To a wo/man. The lot of us.
Honest we are.
That pentagram on the pub wall is a sign of our openness and honesty.

Ooh is that an invite to go and play scrabble with the sexy vix and her fine man? Rushes off to bus timetables online, stares in disbelief and swears at his car.
I'll be checking my pm's till 11am ish if you or any other females/couples want to meet me for a drink Saturday or Sunday lunchtime within walking distance of Brean.
Harry Jones
Now, ordinarily i"d have said we'd come for a bevvy over the weekend, but we're off to Marcuso's on Saturday :bounce:
Quote by Vix
Now, ordinarily i"d have said we'd come for a bevvy over the weekend, but we're off to Marcuso's on Saturday :bounce:

In that case I don't need to say have a good time there as his reputation for parties is known, and the number of views for said post is staggering :!: oh and I've just seen the guest list :shock:
No wonder noone wants to meet me they are all at Marcusos lol
Harry Jones
I forgot how wild and late these weekends were, didnt wake up till 2pm Sunday and not much earlier on Saturday so good job I didn't arrange to meet any of you after all redface
Harry Jones
Hope you weekend went well though Harry, I was thinking of you at Asda in Bristol last Friday..when I was still in work a few miles away wink
Quote by HarryJones
I forgot how wild and late these weekends were, didnt wake up till 2pm Sunday and not much earlier on Saturday so good job I didn't arrange to meet any of you after all redface
Harry Jones

We hope you have enjoyed your stay to Somerset...... please take all your rubbish home with you, and lock the m5 on your departure........
equi-princess xxx
Quote by amalthea
Hope you weekend went well though Harry, I was thinking of you at Asda in Bristol last Friday..when I was still in work a few miles away wink

We (female driver and I) were running soo late at that point we never made it to Asda, but I was definately thinking of you, both times we went past Bristol, the sprawling lit up metropolis it is.
I did put all my rubbish in a skip on the site equi but forgot to lock the M5 on departure, I was too busy nodding off, you will both have to punish me for that next year, as I have already put my deposit down for next years weekend at the same sort of time.
Harry Jones