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are larger women sexier

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i think the most sexiest thing in women is confidence size is nothing im a 8/10 but it doesnt mean i get men dropping at my feet my mate was a size 16 but she oozed confidence men always were interested she has gone down to a size 6/8 and interest has stopped the same.
lou xxx
Quote by Ellie21
Comments like mine are not the reason big women feel bad about their size its the way men act towards them and the way the media potrays them so don't turn that on me. .

So us big women who are perfectly happy with how we look need to butt out of this conversation I guess!
Don’t want to confuse poor ellie do we!
Quote by Ellie21
I have fuller figured friends who i go out with to nightclubs and sometimes watch them constantly have men make jokes about them while they are dancing or at the bar,i've had men push past them to ge tot my other friends and myself who are smaller build and i've talked to them about the difficulties they go through trying to be treated seriously and not like some jolly person by men. .

How lucky they are to have you watch out for them!
Perhaps instead of assuming that the men go for you over your larger friends as you are more attractive, it may be that you look like an easier lay?
Oh, forgive me… how wrong of me to suggest that men would only be attracted to you out of desperation… that’s YOUR department isn’t it!
Quote by Ellie21
When i look on here and see so many men saying looks and size don't matter i wonder why the majority of bigger women i see don't seem to feel that they are valued by anyone.

Maybe because so called friends like you have drummed it into them that they only get offers due to desperation!
Quote by Ellie21
,okay some men are genuine but like i said why is it that when you look at the escort pages where big women are advertising do you see mainly the slim women with all the business. .

most of us here are not well versed in prostitution.. will have to leave that one to you.
Quote by Ellie21
I've also looked at another site where the men are constantly critisizing fat women saying they shouldn't be asking men to pay them for sex fat women should be paying them and saying if they want to meet fat women they can go to mcdonalds and the supermarket all those type of jokes .

so when you look at a site where men say fat women are mingers they are telling the truth, but when you look at one where they say they are attractive you decide they must be lying?
Jeez.. you are wasted trolling on a forum.. you could make a fortune putting your mind reading skills to better use!
Is it too difficult to accept that woman are NOT defined by their size??
That some big woman will be attractive and some will be ugly?
Just as some thin women will be attractive and some will be ugly?
Rather than assuming the men who say they find some bigger women nice are lying.. why not accept that perhaps they are just comfortable speaking the truth here, without “society” (aka ellie) telling them they are wrong?!
Quote by Ellie21
..there was so many i got fed up of looking at them for my report it just sickened and angered me especially as i gather a lot of these men will be various ages and sizes and no oil painting who have to pay for it. .

shock horror.. “various ages and sizes and no oil painting” you don’t mean like……………a broad range of people just like the whole of society?!!!!!!
How on earth did you cope?
Quote by Ellie21
There are so many messages being posted like that it baffles me why on here it is okay to be fat by sooo many men my OPINION is its okay to be fat if you are giving it away.

sorry, I am humbled.
Of course it is not ok to be fat, if it has offended you I apologise unreservedly.
If you can find it in yourself to forgive me I will enrol on a weight watchers course immediately.
I will also stop putting it about out of desperation and lock myself in my house, hidden by layers of clothing till I am suitably thin to be allowed out in public again.
Only problem is…
we going to assume that just because a higher proportion of escorts have dyed blonde hair rather than brunette that all brunettes only get offers out of desperation?
Am I destined to only being the last resort due to the fact that more blonde prostitutes are advertising in whatever trashy rag that ellie reads?
Oh shit, have also just realised I do not have the required height to be able to appeal to men, maybe I should just give myself up as a bad job and enrol in a nunnery and leave all the living to people who meet the required criteria.
ohhh but the question is well busy babe, are ya giving it away cause its ok to be fat if you are lmao
I reckon I'm pretty well qualified to answer this - my last girlfriend was a size 16, my current girlfriend is a 6.
As long as they're proportional and woman shaped - it makes no difference! Sensual and curvy is great, so is tight, firm and lithe :P
Can't say I'm into really large women (i.e. women that weight more than I do - 200lbs), but I'm sure plenty of people are!
Being self assured, capable and naughty-minded is what matters!
Quote by naughtynymphos1
ohhh but the question is well busy babe, are ya giving it away cause its ok to be fat if you are lmao

depends who is askin! wink :twisted: lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
well i'd say me well_busty_babe but not sure if the world could cope with 2 larger women in the same room :giggle:
Quote by duncanlondon
Its luck if you are born to be the popular size and shape. Larger women are very attractive. But this requires suitable clothing and a different code of behaviour.

lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
please enlighten us
Have just popped into the local camping shop to pick up some suitable clothing...a 3 man tent in a tasteful shade of puce ought to be flattering and unoffensive!
As for code of behaviour...I do try to only speak when spoken to and chew my 3 Big Macs with my mouth closed! Honestly....
T xx
lmao @ kevinandtracy
u don't do anything shocking like dancing in a public bar do u :giggle:
u have to humor such people, or u'd spend ur whole life suicidal
Quote by naughtynymphos1
lmao @ kevinandtracy
u don't do anything shocking like dancing in a public bar do u :giggle:

well we can't be doing with that.. it chafes the inner thighs you know and it'll cost a fortune in sudocrem to cover all that area..