you look at a profile, you like what you read and see.
so you send a polite email, message complimenting them on their profile and photos and even request a poss meet.
then what, nothing, diddly squat. not even a polite answer just to say thanks for taking the time to write.
are people really that ignorant?
is it just bad manners?
are they the same in the real world?
we always answer mails even if to thank them for taking the time to write.
even to single men who we request not to contact us we answer with the jane n john book reading club then they are added to the ignore list.
rant over.
Yes Karrob,
You have hit the nail on the head. Many couples ARE ignorant and have little in the way of manners when it comes to responding to an approach. Seems you, like us and countless others have taken time to approach someone and as you say probably compliment them on their ad, profile or pics. Many are too 'blind' to see that they are being paid a complement. Same with replies from single guys. We are not playing at the moment but to circumstances but do receive responses from single guys who we have not asked to reply. We are flattered that someone has responded and ALWAYS reply. Many just ask how is Maddy progressing and that's nice. A little bit of ettiquette goes a long way in daily life and goes a damn sight further in our swinging community. OK off my soapbox now!
As a further thought it will be interesting to see how many people think this is important and bother to add to this thread.
Smooth2 again.
There are probably as many answers to this as there are members.
Generally, we will always reply to a mail that fits what we’ve detailed in our profile. However, we will ignore those who send ‘winks’ or the classic one liner’s with “gr8 profile – lets fook (or similar).
Those that have taken the time to read the profile, complied a reasonable mail will get a respectful reply either in the affirmative or negative.
When we approach other members either via mail or in the chatrooms, we’ve done our ‘homework’ read their profile, addressed the salient points and are generally successful in our approach.
We do agree that it’s annoying to have sent mail only for a silence to arrive as a response. These day’s we now look at it as positive and that he/she/they are not quite the person/people we were hoping to meet.
Here's one I prepared earlier! :giggle:
I always reply to mails....not sure if Si does though as he usually gets me to answer mails he gets lol..but he's a lazy man. Saying that most the mails I get are from single guys who haven't read the profile first, saying that I do prefer a mail saying something polite rather than one just saying 'Hi'.
It's just basic manners to reply to mails as you would if someone spoke to you in person I think.
If we send a nice message to anyone we would HOPE to get a reply back, and being honest, we would only contact people who have an active ad running looking to meet, however if we got no response it would be assumed we are not what they were looking for and leave it at that, we certainly wouldn’t see it as bad manners, although it might be bad manners on our part if we EXPECT a reply from anyone.
We use to reply back to people,then we found that most took offence,that they weren't our type,so we thought fuck shouldn't go above your station in the first place!
The OPs have been on this site for more than 2 years. This subject has come up many times in that period. So, this isn't really a request for information - it's a rant. Fair enough - I like a good rant myself. But the question has been answered, hundreds of times and dozens of ways.
I dont reply to every email and I make no apology. I try to reply but some days you just get sick of those who cant read my ad/profile .... if I replied would they be able to read that ??
To those I reply the majority accept with no more contact and some say thanks for reply but I do get some that turn nasty and that also makes me not want to reply to the next email.
If you think I am ignorant then you probably wouldn't want to meet me anyway so saves a lot of hassle lol
we got round to it in the end........
TBH, when you consider how many messages couples/single fems must get, I don't blame them for not replying to them all....