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are promiscious people attractive?

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Is it just my imagination here, or do almost all these threads turn sour?
Bewildered once again... dunno
Im still quite new to the forum but its fucking chilly in here!
Quote by vampanya
Is it just my imagination here, or do almost all these threads turn sour?
Bewildered once again... dunno
Im still quite new to the forum but its fucking chilly in here!

I understand why you may think that Vamp. I guess we have a choice of ignoring things we believe are wrong, or unnecessarily insulting or stated in a manner that rubs us up the wrong way, or we can challenge those things.
The main point about promiscuity was an interesting one, no question. But as you pointed out, one man's bottom dweller is another's best friend. That I think is the point at issue; is it acceptable to make digs at one person or group but not to accept having your opinion or wording challenged?
Some would say just being here is evidence of would say it is a matter of numbers, some of attitude. Myself, I do not care if someone is or is not promiscuous. I have fucked sweet ladies and those who have thrown there legs open, but never without something, some other connection. Perhaps on a fleeting bases, but some connection. Why must it be there? I don't know, but it must.
What all that means I do not know. Am I promiscuous? I know some would say I am. I know some that are reading this would say I am not.
What I think is we all define promiscuous according to are own standards, and the standards here are somewhat different to those in the vanilla world.
Perhaps promiscuous is a vanilla word and should not be used here.
I think it all boils down to each to their own.
Stones and glass houses and all that.
Getting back to the op.
Are they attractive? whether they be sussed gorgeous swingers or dangerous dabblers.
I think people will allow a lot for the beautiful people, people with great character, people with extraordinary skills, up to a point.
For example sportspeople. talented, likely to do well financially, they attract gold diggers, liggers, people in partyland who all feed in the media circus. the sportspeople find that they get a lot of sex. but this is because of the party people who provide them with it.
So they become promiscuous, the secret goes on for a while then it gets blown up in an almighty media exposure. Suddenly they stop being promiscuous, suddenly they are not attractive any more. Or perhaps only to the clean up squad.
So it takes something catastrophic to bring all that 'attractiveness' to an end. Is it just that its time to make a replacement?
And is it that attractiveness, in all its ways, is the point of the thread; not its association with sexuality.
Quote by Kaznkev
Far more attractive than those who seem to think that their own choices are the only valid ones and that it is perfectly acceptable to judge and publicly condemn those who make different choices.

As always beautifully put,
Beautifully put, but stops short of actually giving an answer to the original question. It's a bit like saying I like Marmite more than Piccalilli. It doesn't actually say whether I like Marmite.
Quote by brucie

I understand why you may think that Vamp. I guess we have a choice of ignoring things we believe are wrong, or unnecessarily insulting or stated in a manner that rubs us up the wrong way, or we can challenge those things.
The main point about promiscuity was an interesting one, no question. But as you pointed out, one man's bottom dweller is another's best friend. That I think is the point at issue; is it acceptable to make digs at one person or group but not to accept having your opinion or wording challenged?

this is pathetic my friend. you cannot go on a crusade to defend bottom dwellers. its not an insult to a specific group of people based on race or religion or anything else discernable. its a comment on the dregs of society. trying to stand up for the dregs is taking bleeding heart one step too far.
the threads turn sour because some people cannot maintain focus on teh subject matter and have to talk about themsleves.
The dregs of society in your opinion. Your opinion is neither more nor less valid than anyone else's, so I can go on whatever crusade I wish to without considering whether I have your permission.
You may find it offensive if I said that from your profile you seem to be so far up yourself to be in danger of becoming a human donut. That is just my opinion, others mileage may well vary as you are allegedly "now increasingly popular in the forum". My point is that unnecessarily inflammatory language detracts from any discussion, and those who state opinion as if it was fact are usually the one's who turn threads sour.
I apologise jewel for failing to respond to the original post.
No Brucie you are not the only one.
I think that answers the OP.
I'm not gonna get into the personal abuse, if I had my way Id have such bollox moderated out of the forum forever.
Quote by vampanya
Is it just my imagination here, or do almost all these threads turn sour?
Bewildered once again... dunno
Im still quite new to the forum but its fucking chilly in here!

Yes vampanya - it's the 'them and us' syndrome and some members people still can't get over the fact that their 'mates' were banned recently for good reason and are holding others responsible rather than moving on. They also don't like the truth and as long as their little possy feeds them crap, they will continue to believe their way is the right way.
They choose to disguise their own grievances with and judgements of others with overwhleming nicety and follow one another around licking one another's arses with their comments and replies in what can only be described as a 'sickly sweet' manner.
When anyone tries to address it or get them to justify what they say, out of the woodwork they all come like some kind of viral gremlin and defend by attack - damning others for being hypocritical and judgemental when they should check themselves first. At least brucie, kents, rob and other members have the balls to be honest and say things to people's 'faces'. The two-faced attitude of others is dreadful.
To be honest, I love this place and what it's brought me but the forums are boring the f**king pants off me right now because of all the nonsense but I don't care. I'm fucking unpromiscous, sexy people that have done something with themselves, arranging sex parties with said people and having a f**king ball.
And before anyone accuses me of breaking the AUP, I haven't. If you think I have please show us how.
Quote by brucie
hes a witch, BURN HIM!

A white witch, a black witch or a pink witch?
I can think of several members who'd love to light the match!
Right then, well I'll leave you to it. Im not out to upset of offend anyone so I'll slide away quietly before I do.
Adios amigos
Quote by flower411
The only person that keeps bringing the subject up is you !!!
Bollox flower - find the threads where I've brought it up please and show us or shut up and stop talking shit.
This is about promiscuous people right?
For once I agree with Flower to the point that soon it will only be one section...them or us.
I try not to fall into any catagory as I am me, and bollox to the rest of ya. wink
Seriously though hard debate is good, bickering is good, but even I fall into the trap of getting personnel.
That is me though and I cannot change what I am in the real world, just because I am banging away on a keyboard.
I have tried to take on board the various warnings issued to me, but it is human nature to bite back when deliberately goaded at times.I am trying though.
" Those members " have now gone, I did not agree with the reasons they did go, but hey this ain't my site.
I have been on this forum for a few years now and seen all sorts, and that is what makes a great forum...all sorts. If everyone agreed or backed down on every occasion, the forum would end up with no posters, and no subjects of any interest.
At least this debate I have not got involved in, so I cannot be held to blame. lol
Cheer up's the weekend, the sun is going to shine and I can go out on me bike, break the speed limit by over double lol, and then come home and shag Mrs777..........what a life. lol
Scuse me for butting in between your "my dads bigger than your dad" squabbles but I don`t like the things Brucie says either, the way he refers to people, you can`t call people "bottom dwellers" just because you have formed an off the cuff opinion of someone by their looks etc, you can`t judge swingers for having lots of sex, that is just ridiculous
I`m sorry but these forums are not just for you and your often insulting threads, I like coming in here too, I like to read the banter and sometimes it is just ruined by one thoughtless comment that gets all out of control and then the squabbles start, like they have now
For goodness sake get a fucking grip (now you`ve made me swear,
And just for the record, I`m not in anyones camp but my own.
Im new here so no jumping to wrong conclusions please??
I have a real life mate who will sleep with any bloke who buys her a drink in a pub. To me (because I know her and have had chat after chat about condoms and how infections are passed from one to another) she is a any holes a goal type person, with little or no self respect - no condoms, going from bloke to bloke, no check ups until she thinks she has caught something, pregnancy scare after pregnancy scare - Im sure we all know the type of person I mean.
I would NEVER EVER EVER go there, with her or any of the guys she has slept with. All because SHE cant look after her own sexual health not even for the sake of her young child.
I know Im a hypocrite of the highest order cos I meet random men, but I wont drop my pants for any person who messages me I like to have an attraction, unlike my mate.
I know I am here for sexual pleasure not a life partner I already have a wonderful husband who I love but we like the variety and difference of inviting other people into our bedroom. We (I would go as far as to say nearly all swingers) know we are sexually promiscous - I say SO WHAT Im enjoying myself.
And whoever said it is correct - one persons meat is anothers poison. What I find sexy others may not, thats what makes us all human.
Horny wife
x x x
Quote by kentswingers777
This is about promiscuous people right?
For once I agree with Flower to the point that soon it will only be one section...them or us.
I try not to fall into any catagory as I am me, and bollox to the rest of ya. wink
Seriously though hard debate is good, bickering is good, but even I fall into the trap of getting personnel.
That is me though and I cannot change what I am in the real world, just because I am banging away on a keyboard.
I have tried to take on board the various warnings issued to me, but it is human nature to bite back when deliberately goaded at times.I am trying though.
" Those members " have now gone, I did not agree with the reasons they did go, but hey this ain't my site.
I have been on this forum for a few years now and seen all sorts, and that is what makes a great forum...all sorts. If everyone agreed or backed down on every occasion, the forum would end up with no posters, and no subjects of any interest.
At least this debate I have not got involved in, so I cannot be held to blame. lol
Cheer up's the weekend, the sun is going to shine and I can go out on me bike, break the speed limit by over double lol, and then come home and shag Mrs777..........what a life. lol

I agree... aside from the bit about shagging Mrs777 ;)
Quote by Bluefish2009

Would you date this?

God no!
Not unless it had a good looking hung husband or boyfriend with it! :rascal:
Quote by BIoke

Would you date this?

God no!
Not unless it had a good looking hung husband or boyfriend with it! :rascal:
Don't be to quick to judge, he has one hell of a suck!
Quote by Bluefish2009
Don't be to quick to judge, he has one hell of a suck!

Oh, it's a boy one... I thought it was a girl one! Hmmmmm, a good sucker you say - and you have personal knowledge of this? ;-)
Quote by BIoke
Don't be to quick to judge, he has one hell of a suck!

Oh, it's a boy one... I thought it was a girl one! Hmmmmm, a good sucker you say - and you have personal knowledge of this? ;-)
Well actually no, but I have it on good authority, it comes with the territory of feeding off the bottom
On the OP, not sure I know any but the fantasy land/play can be great fun!
Quote by brucie
its just if im in a club and a girl is getting fucked by what i call the bottom dwellers then she may look like j-lo but im still not attracted.

I'm amazed that you constantly go to a club where you seem to find so many unattractive people. Have some respect for yourself and try somewhere else.
well brucie some people would use adroit technique`s for their own betterment felling elevated above other posters
do as i do mate contempt is a wonderful tool :thumbup:
Quote by awayman
I am, by some people's definition, promiscuous. I am less promiscuous now than when I was younger, when I was, to be honest, a total slut.
Am I attractive? Fuck knows.
However, I have self respect, and a clear understanding of why I do, what I do. That'll do for me, and other people seem to be at ease with that.

I think this describes me perfectly.
When I was younger, I was to quote awayman - a total slut. I wouldn't say I had all that much self respect to be honest, I think I was looking for validation. Now i'm older, I guess I would still consider myself promiscuous. Why else would I be on a swingers website when I am happily married? I do have self respect now, and although would say I am promiscuous (for the reason above) I am still quite choosy. Confused yet? lol.
To answer the question, I don't find overly promiscuous people attractive myself. As others have said above, it's quite nice to feel a bit special, knowing the people who have approached you are quite choosy themselves.
Quote by couplefunuk

I am, by some people's definition, promiscuous. I am less promiscuous now than when I was younger, when I was, to be honest, a total slut.
Am I attractive? Fuck knows.
However, I have self respect, and a clear understanding of why I do, what I do. That'll do for me, and other people seem to be at ease with that.

I think this describes me perfectly.
When I was younger, I was to quote awayman - a total slut. I wouldn't say I had all that much self respect to be honest, I think I was looking for validation. Now i'm older, I guess I would still consider myself promiscuous. Why else would I be on a swingers website when I am happily married? I do have self respect now, and although would say I am promiscuous (for the reason above) I am still quite choosy. Confused yet? lol.
To answer the question, I don't find overly promiscuous people attractive myself. As others have said above, it's quite nice to feel a bit special, knowing the people who have approached you are quite choosy themselves.
Yes, when I get old, I shall less promiscuous also :giggle:
Quote by Bluefish2009

I am, by some people's definition, promiscuous. I am less promiscuous now than when I was younger, when I was, to be honest, a total slut.
Am I attractive? Fuck knows.
However, I have self respect, and a clear understanding of why I do, what I do. That'll do for me, and other people seem to be at ease with that.

I think this describes me perfectly.
When I was younger, I was to quote awayman - a total slut. I wouldn't say I had all that much self respect to be honest, I think I was looking for validation. Now i'm older, I guess I would still consider myself promiscuous. Why else would I be on a swingers website when I am happily married? I do have self respect now, and although would say I am promiscuous (for the reason above) I am still quite choosy. Confused yet? lol.
To answer the question, I don't find overly promiscuous people attractive myself. As others have said above, it's quite nice to feel a bit special, knowing the people who have approached you are quite choosy themselves.
Yes, when I get old, I shall less promiscuous also :giggle:
Hey! I said older not old
I'm not old, i'm 30!!!
Quote by couplefunuk

I am, by some people's definition, promiscuous. I am less promiscuous now than when I was younger, when I was, to be honest, a total slut.
Am I attractive? Fuck knows.
However, I have self respect, and a clear understanding of why I do, what I do. That'll do for me, and other people seem to be at ease with that.

I think this describes me perfectly.
When I was younger, I was to quote awayman - a total slut. I wouldn't say I had all that much self respect to be honest, I think I was looking for validation. Now i'm older, I guess I would still consider myself promiscuous. Why else would I be on a swingers website when I am happily married? I do have self respect now, and although would say I am promiscuous (for the reason above) I am still quite choosy. Confused yet? lol.
To answer the question, I don't find overly promiscuous people attractive myself. As others have said above, it's quite nice to feel a bit special, knowing the people who have approached you are quite choosy themselves.
Yes, when I get old, I shall less promiscuous also :giggle:
Hey! I said older not old
I'm not old, i'm 30!!!
Sorry, just could not resist, at my age it is often hard to restrain ones self lol lol lol (Mr)
Quote by Bluefish2009
Yes, when I get old, I shall less promiscuous also :giggle:

Quote by couplefunuk
Hey! I said older not old
I'm not old, i'm 30!!!

Quote by Bluefish2009
Sorry, just could not resist, at my age it is often hard to restrain ones self lol lol lol (Mr)

Well Mr, at your age, i'd start running now - gwan, i'll restrain myself and give you a head start wink :P
Quote by couplefunuk

Yes, when I get old, I shall less promiscuous also :giggle:

Quote by couplefunuk
Hey! I said older not old
I'm not old, i'm 30!!!

Quote by Bluefish2009
Sorry, just could not resist, at my age it is often hard to restrain ones self lol lol lol (Mr)

Well Mr, at your age, i'd start running now - gwan, i'll restrain myself and give you a head start wink :P
Just maybe I like to be caught :twisted: wink