Bewildered once again...

Im still quite new to the forum but its fucking chilly in here!
Quote by vampanya
Is it just my imagination here, or do almost all these threads turn sour?
Bewildered once again...
Im still quite new to the forum but its fucking chilly in here!
Quote by Kaznkev
Far more attractive than those who seem to think that their own choices are the only valid ones and that it is perfectly acceptable to judge and publicly condemn those who make different choices.
Quote by brucie
I understand why you may think that Vamp. I guess we have a choice of ignoring things we believe are wrong, or unnecessarily insulting or stated in a manner that rubs us up the wrong way, or we can challenge those things.
The main point about promiscuity was an interesting one, no question. But as you pointed out, one man's bottom dweller is another's best friend. That I think is the point at issue; is it acceptable to make digs at one person or group but not to accept having your opinion or wording challenged?
Quote by vampanya
Is it just my imagination here, or do almost all these threads turn sour?
Bewildered once again...
Im still quite new to the forum but its fucking chilly in here!
Quote by kentswingers777
This is about promiscuous people right?
For once I agree with Flower to the point that soon it will only be one section...them or us.
I try not to fall into any catagory as I am me, and bollox to the rest of ya.![]()
Seriously though hard debate is good, bickering is good, but even I fall into the trap of getting personnel.
That is me though and I cannot change what I am in the real world, just because I am banging away on a keyboard.
I have tried to take on board the various warnings issued to me, but it is human nature to bite back when deliberately goaded at times.I am trying though.
" Those members " have now gone, I did not agree with the reasons they did go, but hey this ain't my site.
I have been on this forum for a few years now and seen all sorts, and that is what makes a great forum...all sorts. If everyone agreed or backed down on every occasion, the forum would end up with no posters, and no subjects of any interest.
At least this debate I have not got involved in, so I cannot be held to blame.![]()
Cheer up's the weekend, the sun is going to shine and I can go out on me bike, break the speed limit by over double, and then come home and shag Mrs777..........what a life.
Quote by BIoke
Don't be to quick to judge, he has one hell of a suck!
Quote by brucie
its just if im in a club and a girl is getting fucked by what i call the bottom dwellers then she may look like j-lo but im still not attracted.
Quote by awayman
I am, by some people's definition, promiscuous. I am less promiscuous now than when I was younger, when I was, to be honest, a total slut.
Am I attractive? Fuck knows.
However, I have self respect, and a clear understanding of why I do, what I do. That'll do for me, and other people seem to be at ease with that.
Quote by couplefunuk
I am, by some people's definition, promiscuous. I am less promiscuous now than when I was younger, when I was, to be honest, a total slut.
Am I attractive? Fuck knows.
However, I have self respect, and a clear understanding of why I do, what I do. That'll do for me, and other people seem to be at ease with that.
Quote by Bluefish2009
I am, by some people's definition, promiscuous. I am less promiscuous now than when I was younger, when I was, to be honest, a total slut.
Am I attractive? Fuck knows.
However, I have self respect, and a clear understanding of why I do, what I do. That'll do for me, and other people seem to be at ease with that.
Quote by couplefunuk
I am, by some people's definition, promiscuous. I am less promiscuous now than when I was younger, when I was, to be honest, a total slut.
Am I attractive? Fuck knows.
However, I have self respect, and a clear understanding of why I do, what I do. That'll do for me, and other people seem to be at ease with that.
Quote by Bluefish2009
Yes, when I get old, I shall less promiscuous also :giggle:
Quote by couplefunuk
Hey! I said older not old
I'm not old, i'm 30!!!
Quote by Bluefish2009
Sorry, just could not resist, at my age it is often hard to restrain ones self![]()
Quote by couplefunuk
Yes, when I get old, I shall less promiscuous also :giggle:
Quote by couplefunuk
Hey! I said older not old
I'm not old, i'm 30!!!
Quote by Bluefish2009
Sorry, just could not resist, at my age it is often hard to restrain ones self![]()